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March 2021 Horoscopes: Piscean Tenderness and Aries Initiative Bring Loving Actions

March 2021 Horoscopes: Piscean Tenderness and Aries Initiative Bring Loving Actions

Welcome Best Beloveds, 

We start the month with that special rainy day creativity that comes with water and air placements dominating the stars before moving into a more action oriented period of socialization and confident and competitive fun times brought on by fire and air signs dominating the skies.

We kick off March with Pisces Season in full swing. Pisces season usually feels a little bit like an 80’s love ballad. And this year is only slightly different. We’re seeing a different side of Pisces thanks to the Aquarian influences. The dreamer of the zodiac is showing us how they like to get weird. Behavior that others may interpret as hibernation, Pisces experiences as a spiritual psychedelic dreamworld. The first half of the month is a good time to take an artistic approach to life and love. Practice lucid dreaming, painting, poetry, music, dance, and other creative pursuits that delve into the subconscious realm of our psyche. 

Venus and the new moon in Pisces invite us to release our expectations about what is “required” for love to be true and simply embrace that love is a flow of emotion, not a set of duties that must be fulfilled, or words that must be said in order for love to be “real.” 

Mercury, the moody (but currently behaving) gay grape vine veteran of the zodiac, enters Pisces on the 15th, reminding us that sometimes there isn’t a logical explanation to emotions that come up during difficult conversations and we’d be better off following our intuition and exercising empathy to deepen our understanding and devotions.

Mars, the roller derby and board game loving butch of the planets who always calls you ‘hun’, enters Gemini this month, making us a little blunt, a little restless when we’re asked to shut up and listen. And adding some good humor, sharp wit, and powerful confidence to our words. When the sun and Venus, enter Aries this month you might feel ready for a fun challenge,  try playing a new board or card game, a new sport, a new sex position. Be sure to fuel your need for action and independence to keep things fresh in your romantic relationships. Look for closure in your life around the full moon in Libra. 

The month ends with a rather difficult pause as our hard hitting roller derby loving Mars and controlling leather daddy Saturn conjunct in Aquarius, causing obstacles to arise. Instead of getting caught up in the little things, try to take a broad perspective and lean into the artistic, intuitive, empathetic wisdom of what you learned during Pisces season to guide you through this potentially difficult transit. 

I invite you to remember that astrology is a tool for reflection and self-awareness. It is a tool we use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. Horoscopes allow us to reflect on ourselves and our world. It helps us pay attention to our moods and relationships and opens us up to finding new ways to navigate our thoughts and actions. It’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as such a tool and not as a prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life. The astro literate are encouraged to read their Moon and Venus signs first.

Astrological Themes of 2021 that are coming up this month: 

Jupiter in Aquarius

A breath of fresh air, changes in thinking, truths come to light, equity and social 

Saturn in Aquarius

Hierarchies are challenged and get taught a lesson in equity by the rebel child of the zodiac.

Mars Direct All Year Long

Increased confidence and personal drive.

Uranus in Taurus

Tense transitions abound, economic struggles and change.

Chiron in Aries

We are dared to heal with haste.

This Month’s Major Transits

Mar  3 Mars enters Gemini, time seems to speed up, a good time to have conversations you’ve been putting off. 

Mar  7 Pallas enters Pisces, empathy and devotion deepen.

Mar 13 New Moon in Pisces, introspective artistic musical and poetic inspirations and inclinations emerge.

Mar 15 Mercury enters Pisces, letting go of logic to deepen understanding through intuition.

Mar 20 Sun enters Aries (Aries Season Begins) it gets easier to voice what you want

Mar 21 Venus enters Aries, get vocal about your needs in your relationships

Mar 21 Mars in Gemini goes OUT OF BOUNDS from March 21st to May 24th letting go of others expectations, increased self acceptance and individual sense of purpose, being consumed in your own world. Keywords: Sex, Action, Desire, Competition, Courage, Passion

Mar 23 Pluto in Capricorn quintile Chiron in Aries, transforming the way we think about old wounds and healing

Mar 28 Full Moon in Libra, brings dreams into view, karma, and closure

Mar 31 Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius, a pause as obstacles arise, see the big picture.

Your Sign’s March 2021 Horoscope

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


Your ruler, Mars, starts the month off in quick witted Gemini, making you slightly more socially mercurial than usual. Your ability to experience uncertainty and change is a normal human experience. If you’re going to tell it like it is just remember what’s fun to say in the moment can have lasting consequences. It’s a good month for love and family for you dear Aries, bask in the glow! You’ll be feeling especially tender and gentle towards your loved ones at the start of the month and when Venus moves into your sign you’ll be ready to express yourself passionately. When the sun moves into your sign start channeling restless independent energy into a new challenge of some kind. You might have trouble focusing on traditionally intellectual pursuits this month. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t meet your study goals this month. Having high standards shouldn’t get in the way of having fun.

This Year: Your ruling planet, Mars is direct all year, boosting your confidence and leveling out your energy levels. Chiron dares you to face your healing head on. Envision new possibilities. New rites of passage.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This month: Self-love and acceptance is racing forwards to meet you this month. Pisces season awakens your artistic eye and may have you cleaning the house, making a new art piece for your wall, or learning a new recipe. You have a thirst for knowledge, and learning comes easily. You’ll also be busy with social engagements. Your ruling planet Venus, goddess of love, starts the month in Pisces and ends the month in Aries, taking you on a journey of tenderness and loving action towards yourself, your loved ones, and even strangers you meet in the grocery store. You’ll find yourself glowing with health as you treat yourself with healthy foods and habits. Your body will tell you what it needs to feel good. You’ll be feeling a bit bored and work will be a bit mundane and monotonous this month but overall you know whether you’re on track to meet your financial goals or not. You’ll be keen to escape into fantasies about travel and shoes you’d like to buy. Taureans in business will crush the competition this month by leaning into their empathy and leadership abilities to motivate their teams to success this month.

This year: You’re learning to be more comfortable with change. Lean into love, and acceptance. Embrace your awakened self. Learn to ‘treat yourself’ on a budget. Your identity and its relationship to your inner world is a key focus. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

This month: Mars enters your sign this month to shine a light on what it is you really want and the path you’ll have to take to get it. Things will get a little weird for your goals when Mars goes out of bounds in your sign and you’ll hit some road blocks at the end of the month in your career and finance sectors that will have you stamping your feet and pulling your hair. But you’re a Gemini right? You should know better than anyone else that there’s two sides to every coin. Every day is a coin toss. It’s up to you to make the best of however things land. Luckily the stars have some pretty good compensation for you: your social and love life will be very active and exciting this month. Family and sibling drama may arise, and it will be left to you to restore the harmony. Remember the power of your words. Pisces in Venus will have you feeling affectionate and help you intuitively answer the question: what does an ideal romance look like to me? Mars will give Gemini’s some extra vitality and give the singles the extra boldness you need to slide into the DM’s in just the right way.

This year: You’re focused on the big picture. You are prone to strokes of genius. You're more in tune with yourself than ever. Your mind is expanding to embrace new ideas.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

This month: Your ruling planet the moon, the great bringer of the tide and mirror on the water, takes you on a journey through tender, free-spirited Pisces which will have you daydreaming, feeling creative, artistic and enjoying a bit of solitude. Sure you’ve got a hard shell, but beneath that you’re a squishy squish lil squish kebab and with Pisces in Venus at the start of the month you’ll have an opportunity to share tenderness in your relationships during this time to deepen your understanding of one another. In your dream world you’d be traveling this month to somewhere beautiful and expensive. You’d benefit from getting out of the house a bit and can still travel to somewhere new even if it is closer to home. The moon then moves into driven, action oriented, Aries this month which may have you feeling a bit more social, more passionate in your relationships and push you further in your career goals. Spend time sharing common interests with the people you’re loyal to. Try a new way of making love. Communication with your family and your partner (or partners) may be complicated this month. Fortunately you are the ‘mom friend’ in the group and are a practical and skilled diplomat.

This year: Building a relationship with the big picture, with gravity, with your place in the world. Things are shifting for you that you thought never would. You have an opportunity to release your karma. Reclaim your authority over your body and mind, free yourself from old narratives about your identity.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

This month: Your ruling planet the sun is transitioning through Pisces and into Aries this month. Enjoy the last bit of Pisces season by escaping your monkey mind for a little bit by leaning into relaxation. Watch a dramedy with friends, get outside and enjoy the spring sunshine. Do things that replenish your health. Avoid overspending though or you’ll end up feeling a bit unfulfilled later down the road. Family and friends are in your fabulous good graces this month. The hustling you’ve been doing is paying off this month. You’re feeling creative, a bit emotional, and sharp of mind. When the sun moves into Aries you’ll be ready to speak about something important to you. Add some social activities to your calendar to look forward to. This is a good month for single Leo’s to find love through shared activities and narratives, spend some time with the ones you love.

This year: Keep moving forward, rethink what success looks like for you on a grand scale. Learn what is inhibiting your self-growth, persevere. Celebrate love. Career success.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

This month: Your ruling sign, Mercury, has journeyed through the fixed sign Aquarius and into your fellow mutable sign, Pisces this month, bringing transformative tenderness to your relationships, a potentially romantic situation in the workplace, flux, flexibility, and a strong connection with the applications of subconscious knowledge. Healthy, healing relationships are at the forefront of your quest. Intimacy is found through deep conversations about dreams, desires, and values. Let go of a need to do things a ‘certain way’, be open to alternate ways of being. A good time for studying communications or a new language. You will have a burst of energy you’ll want to spend on intellectual or professional development.

This year: Being extra tender with yourself and your partnerships as you continue your focus on building good health, consistent work, routines, healthy habits, deepening understanding, and widening your perspective.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

This month: Your ruling planet Venus, starts the month off in Pisces, bringing increased harmony, gentleness and dreaminess, to your relationships. (What wisdom can your subconscious bring you?) Then Venus will move into your fellow cardinal sign Aries, to bring initiative, humor, passion and childlike wonder back into your work and your home. Mars, top butch b*tch of the zodiac in Gemini will bring dynamism into your life this month as it ignites your independence and drive to go your own way and follow your own ideas to their completion. Your mind is like a sharpened knife this month, piercing through old problems and clearing a path for increased beauty, peace of a mind, and a new way forward. Your increased energy will lend well to your passions. You have a competitive edge this month, be sure you have follow through as well. Passion is a gift, this month use your passion to inspire yourself and your partnerships to success.

This year: Committed relationships. Creativity and finding new ways to express yourself. Changes in thinking, investing in technology and creativity. Struggles with friends and family. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

This month: Your sign is the one associated with the ages 49-56. Which means Scorpios tend to be family builders- they create the circle around them. With Venus in Pisces this month you may find yourself being a gluing agent for your family and friends this month. Intimacy is cultivated by showing your sensitive side, embracing that desires can be flexible, fleeting, they are aspects of your being but your desires do not define who you are. Scorpio is also the sign associated with the midlife crisis, the grappling with feelings of things being half done, half achieved, half completed. Overcome anxieties about time by finding more ways to enjoy every moment. Mars in Gemini will bring forth a communicative side of you, emotional fogs may be lifted, feelings demand to be felt before they pass. You’re being called to pursue creative ways to implement your independence and logical mind. Your ruling planet Pluto is in Capricorn quintiles’ Chiron in Aries this month putting your focus on healing old angers and releasing grudges (if you can). Love is found and deepened this month.

This year: Cultivate new ways of thinking. Communicate creatively. Growing your self-expression. Desire for privacy. Step back from toxic relationships. Put your energy into projects that stimulate you mentally.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

This month: Venus in Pisces might make you might be a bit awkward at the start of the month as you grapple with some of your uninhibited romantic desires. It might take you a while to relax into your sensuality. Seek connection through sharing dreams, aspirations, goals. You’re needing a little more support than usual but instead of self destructing over it show compassion for your humanity and be willing to change the way you communicate. Your revenue streams are shifting this month, be ready to shift direction if a competitive edge appears. This month pay careful attention to your health. Sagittarius lives are often characterized by their adaptability. Take initiative. Move away from social norms, conformity and find your own path. Give of yourself to a universal concept. Be clear in your intentions. Avoid too many distractions.

This year: Your ruling planet is in Aquarius, shaping the future of intellectual thought for you and the world. Engage in learning. Personal evolution. Finding purpose. Focus not on where you’ve been, but on where you want to go. New opportunities. Local impact. Get excited about creating healthy routines. Innovate.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

This month: You are the sign that embodies the initiating qualities of the Earth element and Capricorn’s lives are often characterized by ambition and drive. You tackle problems head on, manage crises well, and initiate change where you want to see it. This month you are applying those skills towards your generating health, wealth, and harmony in your life and relationships. There will be some difficult changes happening for you at work this month, your patience will be tested but overall Venus’s Piscean influence of empathy will keep you from losing your cool. Be adaptable this month. You may be feeling a bit volatile- have you been holding something back? Ignoring your subconscious needs will result in disaster. Connect with your partner through gentleness, shared intellectual interests, dreams, and goals.

This year: Your ruling planet, Saturn is in Aquarius. A time of personal development, education and mental stimulation. Accomplishments for the greater good. Reimagine, deconstruct and rebuild. Take a compassionate light handed approach to discipline. 

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

This month: Your focus is on building relationships everywhere you go this month. Saturn and Mercury are giving you an energy boost. Make room for some spontaneous fun this month. Your committed relationships will be romantic and sensual this month due to Venus in Pisces. Look for increased humor and curiosity to enter your life when Venus enters Aries later in the month. Singles will get lucky in love. Mars in Gemini is giving you an independent streak that has you opening up to pursuing your deepest desires and the Aries energy in the later half of the month will have you initiating changes. Beware that you don’t get so caught up in your own activities that you create a stressful environment at home. Exercise discipline to keep sight of what it is you're working for. Embrace new intellectual pursuits and challenges that will push your performance to new heights at work.

This year: You’re coming into your power, exploring your needs and pursuing your dreams. New possibilities and ways of moving through the world. Pushing for change. Taking ‘me’ time. Reinvention.

Artist: Denae Manion

Artist: Denae Manion

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

This month: Planetary influences are favorable for you this month Pisces. Your identity is waxing, manifesting, and flowing this month. Your love life is full of wonder and gratitude. You have love to spare- fall in love with everyone and everything you can. Pisces tend to love the things they love very deeply, whether it’s afternoon walks, the purr of a well oiled engine, their hobbies, or their best friend. However they don’t take that love so seriously they can’t have other things in their life too. Be open to starting something new you’ve always wanted to do this month. The easygoing parts of yourself allow you to maintain a consistent level of self discipline that sometimes seems almost spiritual or mysterious to others. But it’s okay to take a break from long term goals to enjoy a moment spent as a beginner once in a while. Share your outlook with others this month and see how your own self reflection can create space for others to talk about their desires as well. Walk the compassionate path to true soul connection. Business may be rough this month, not to worry, a practical solution will present itself. Your health is glowing.

This year: You’ll continue learning how to navigate the world without compromising your compassion or kindness. Your inner strength is shining through. Let go of old behaviors and attitudes that keep you from growing. 

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