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Your Zodiac Sign's April 2021 Astrological Forcast

Your Zodiac Sign's April 2021 Astrological Forcast

Welcome dear readers, 

April is here! And this month it’s all about that dynamic balance between Aries influences pushing us to find our fire as fast as possible and Taurus influences slowing us down and bringing us an increased awareness of our earthly bodies. 

At the beginning of this month, Aries energy has us drinking from a firehose. 

There is an increased focus on getting what we want when we want it, and the constant barrage of information and communications seems to be never ending. 

There is also an increased focus and discipline at work. But the work seems to never end and we may be forced to set it aside for a time on the 6th to deal with some personal healing. So although there is a wild joy in the GO GO GO of it all-there is also the potential to burn out and give into laziness and hedonism when Taurus season rolls in on the 19th. 

This month everything seems to be waking up in our bodies. 

For the first time in months there are green things popping out of the ground! There is color again! Taurus season is upon us. Taurus, the plant daddy of the zodiac, loves the way natural beauty shifts season to season- but Spring is their favorite. It is a season of courtship, of babies being born, flowers blooming, new shoots and roots and fields turning green. 

It is a time of increased optimism and industry. 

There is a sense of relief. Finally we can dig the dirt again and plant the seeds of things we wish to grow in their lives! Finally! For a time it felt as if winter would never end. But now-we can already imagine how the seeds we plant will grow into summer watermelons. And on an unconscious level we understand that spring has brought a certain sense of security to our bodies- an instinctual knowing that there is work to be done, fun to be had and plenty of sunlight to do it by. 

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There is tension in relationships as spring brings out new levels of flirtiness, fightiness, and self indulgence in all creatures. 

Venus, which rules our relationships and what brings us enjoyment and happiness is moving from firey Aries into earthy Taurus this month.

What do you need to know: Taurus tends to be all or nothing in love. They are very generous people and can stick out even the toughest moments in relationships-as long as they feel appreciated. But the moment you take a Taurus for granted is the moment you lose them. The seasons also play a big role in the way Taurus move in their relationships. And for Taurus spring brings a desire to move towards new beginnings which can create potential for new and exciting relationships, as well as break ups, make ups, and some increased tensions in relationships this month as everyone reassesses how they really want to spend their time in the sunshine.

In addition, this month Juno, Vesta, Mars and the Moon seem to be conspiring to make us stand up to fake friends, end shallow relationships, seek more romantic partners, and give us a boost of independence as we seek healing through new beginnings.

Despite all the new energy in the air committed relationships with a deep emotional well should not be worried, as Taurus energy will have us feeling deeply loyal to the people we love this month. 

Astrology is a Tool of Self-Reflection and Awareness 

As always, it’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection  and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life. Astrology is a tool we use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions. 

The astro literate are encouraged to read their Moon sign (ruler of your inner self, the subconscious and the emotional self) and Venus sign (ruler of what makes us happy and the way you are in relationships) first. 

Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2021

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Happy Birthday Hardworking Taurus!

Your season is beginning sweet one!

And good things are in store for you.

You’re standing at the start of a winding meadow trail that will lead you to ponds full of deep relaxation, sweet scented flowers so beautiful you want to eat them, petals and all, and green plants that seem to nourish your spirit. Make sure you packed snacks for the trip as there are inevitably going to be mountains to climb. When it comes to love, trust your dreams and your body’s intuition.

If you’re noticing that a situation or a person doesn’t deserve your loyalty, don’t wait too long to bring up the issue. Loyalty has to be earned everyday. But don’t confuse loyalty for love. Don’t justify abusive behaviors just because you’ve known them for a long time and don’t feel you have to take responsibility for others actions. Remember no matter how much you love someone they are never “yours” in the sense that you own them. No one can ever own someone, only share in their timelines. What would it feel like to be okay with that?

Finding Your Fire At Work: It’s okay to feel accomplished. After all you are one of the hardest working signs in the zodiac. Pride in your work is payment in itself, but being compensated for the time you put in is also important. Stand up for yourself and make sure you’re getting paid what you deserve. Dress for success! Celebrate yourself and your accomplishments by buying yourself some new outfits for work.

Astrological Overview for Taurus in 2021

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Freewheeling Gemini, you like to keep things rolling along with levity. But last month you were reminded of the importance of family and intimate connection. And now you’re craving some deepening of emotional connection and warmth in your relationships. Coming to help you during this time is your ruling planet Mercury, which is transitioning through Aries and Taurus this month. Use this transit to wine and dine, write love poems for your lovers, and get comfortable with expressing deep emotions. 

After all, sometimes your desire to keep things light makes it hard for you to express emotions that lie further beneath the surface. But sweeping your emotions under the rug and moving on down the track doesn’t actually qualify as “dealing with it” and won’t bring the emotional depth you want in your most precious relationships. There are no bad or good emotions. They simply are. It’s about what you do with them. Welcome your emotions, welcome your desires, grief and loneliness. Give them the air time they deserve. 

Conflicts may arise. But conflict doesn’t have to be a bad thing- it can reveal truths that we need to hear to heal. Remember you are THE communicator of the zodiac, you can do it! Coming to help lend a hand in grounding you through it all is sensitive Taurus in Venus planet of the divine feminine. And home-making Cancer in Mars, planet of divine masculine energy, is here to help you listen to your gut, stick to your guns, and navigate the waters of love and desire this month. Try to dig deeper than the surface. What would it be like to treat your demons with tenderness? 

Finding Your Fire At Work: Work in community this month, and embrace diverse perspectives. Trust that even if you don’t understand it yet-everyone has something important to bring to the table. Trust what inspires you. Follow that inspiration to wherever it leads. Trust in the power of transformation.

Gemini 2021 Overview

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Caretaking Cancer, no one knows better than you how to make a home for yourself and others. Mars, planet of divine masculine energy, is in your sign this month, bringing a certain charm and confidence along with it. 

This month be a leader. If you need inspiration look to your fellow Cancer sign Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America. Make your thoughts known. Do what you think is right, be a guiding force in the lives of others, but don’t become so preoccupied with helping them along their journey that you neglect your own. You can contribute to the lives of others without getting so entangled in others emotions that you forget to check in with how you feel. 

You know the path that suits you best, trust that you won’t be alone on the journey. Live your one precious life in ways that bring you enjoyment and fulfillment. Lean into that Taurus energy and pamper yourself a bit with life’s luxuries. Pay attention to what feels good in your body. You can only be yourself, you can’t be anyone else. So really BE THERE FOR YOURSELF in your experiences. Use the full moon in your fellow water sign Scorpio to deep dive into what it is you want out of your relationships, your life, and maybe even manifest some money. 

Finding Your Fire at Work: You’ve got a cheerful, productive month ahead of you. Don’t let underminers sidetrack you. Make a name for yourself. Get that promotion. Ask for a raise, make sure you’re getting paid what you deserve. Be generous. Bring doughnuts or pizza to your coworkers. Feed your family and friends with love and money. Go get that bread.

Cancer 2021 Overview

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The sun is shining on you this month Leo. Your ruling planet, the sun is moving through Aries and into Taurus this month. Giving you both the fiery boost you need to start something new and the discipline you need to see it through. Trust that inspiration is just around the corner dear Leo. Welcome the part of you that knows what it wants to do next. 

The sensual energy of Taurus may get you a little sidetracked by your desire for luxury and small self indulgences here and there. If you’ve had designer shades in your shopping cart for two years and you still want them-just do it! You deserve to celebrate yourself. 

Let Mars in Cancer remind you to stick up for your emotions. If you’ve been holding back a feeling of heartbreak, loneliness, or grief in an attempt to prevent conflict or hurt-you’re only fooling yourself. Let it loose! Let it run wild through the trees like a Lion seeking it’s divine prey! Why? Because big hearted Leo, it’s better to deal with those feelings of grief and loss now then become hard, bitter and fall out of love with your life and the world. 

Finding Your Fire at Work: Mars is in Cancer this month. Meaning that while you usually like to be the star of the show this month you’ll get furthest by being willing to take a step back from the spotlight and work in community with others. Try being a servant leader this month, see how it feels. Work on opening your mind to new ideas, and new perspectives. Trust that others' contributions are just as valuable as your own. 

Leo 2021 Overview

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Intelligent Virgo, this month changes of heart are at hand. 

This month expand your definition of love, gender, and sexuality. Pay attention to what touches your heart deeply. Communicate truthfully and gently with yourself and others. 

Vesta, which represents the high priestess, the virgin goddess, sacred fire bearer, blesser of newborns and protector of the home goes direct in your sign on the 20th, deepening your devotions and awakening your sexuality. This may cause questions about sexuality, gender, and relationships to arise in your world. New ways of relating are implied. Vesta, the ‘sacred sister’ asteroid and your fellow earth sign Taurus are bringing powerful feminine energies into your world, bringing warmth and tenderness, a disciplined attention to detail, and a youthful enjoyment of your body and earthly pleasures. Trust what makes your whole body come alive with an enthusiastic “YES”. 

The body and mind have a long memory, they carry the undealt past with us everywhere we go. When Pluto, planet of transformation goes SRX in Capricorn on the 27th pay attention to what you can learn from what has brought you sorrow. Trust that you are strong. Trust that releasing what you carry will not diminish your inner strength. Leave fake friends and failed projects behind you. How can you be like a sister to yourself this month? How can you be a parent to yourself? What young parts of yourself are holding their scars aching for your loving attention?

Trust in the natural cycles of grief, love, beginnings and endings.

Find Your Fire at Work: Getting the right answers starts with asking the right questions. Be vocal about what you want. Passive income sources will flourish. Family businesses thrive and increase in value. Consider real estate. Read the fine print before signing. Don’t be afraid to renegotiate terms that don’t suit you. 

Virgo 2021 Overview

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Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Embrace quality over quantity. 

Balance beam Queen Libra, the month seems to be coming at you head on. 

But your ruler Venus, the planet of divine feminine energy, will soon be moving out of impulsive Aries and into your solid and stable Taurus this month. Making you feel more relaxed, happy and secure in your relationships, and feeling that your personal life is in order. 

While Libra represents the masculine aspects of Venus, Taurus represents the feminine aspects. In some ways this makes these two signs two parts of the same whole. This supportive balance of masculine and feminine energies brings with it a balance between the mind and body. Allowing you to escape from your sometimes wildly active intellectual mind and being present, being sensual, enjoying your body and life’s little luxuries. Spring is here, why not take off from work early and take a look around?

This month is also about healing the part of you that can be big on small talk and small on big talk. Taurus energies are here to remind you of the importance of quality over quantity. If you want something to be emotionally worthwhile you have to make it worthwhile. Especially as it applies to your relationships and in business. Don’t be afraid to let frenemies and failed projects go and focus on what is truly important in your life. The earth energies of this month are here to ground you. Follow your instinct. Trust your choices. Trust that if you are making the best choices for you based on the information you have. Cultivate your space and relationships at home.

Allow yourself to take your time to build connections and relationships that embrace you- in all your complexity. Welcome tenderness. Seek and express emotional depth this month. Ask yourself how you can set boundaries that keep you connected. Think twice about your past patterns of relating before rushing into something new because you’re craving attention.

Finding Your Fire at Work: You are highly focused this month and a big payday is headed your way. You are a mover, a shaker, a breaker of walls and builder of bridges. Avoid getting caught up in too many emails. Learn to recenter and get grounded during your day. Make it a goal to eat lunch everyday.

Libra 2021 Overview

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

 Secretive Scorpio, while many think you’re a tough cookie with an intense stare- your sister sign Taurus knows you have a soft side. 

Taurus energies are taking center stage this month bringing in the feels and highlighting contradictions in your life. Embrace the real life ups and downs of romantic love. Engage in romantic and platonic cuddling. Let your partner know when expressions of love bring you joy. Be generous with your lovers and yourself. Get touchy feely. Free up your feet and pour your creativity into learning a new dance routine. Write love poetry. 

You’re healing and evolving this year, and part of evolving is change. You’re ruling planet Pluto goes SRX late this month and will stay in SRX until October. Welcome a slower quieter pace for a while. Use this time to focus on the three R’s of retrograde: remember, reflect, release. Drop your revenge fantasies and focus your energy on learning to express yourself and your emotions in healthy ways. Release old grudges, not because what happened was okay, but because it no longer serves you to carry all that trauma around in your body. Hold the young injured parts of yourself with gentle ease. Parent yourself. Trust that you can heal. 

Take a tip out of earthy Taurus’s book and trust who and what makes your body feel relaxed. Trust you know what imbalance feels like and can find your way back. 

Find Your Fire At Work: Get creative. Stand up for yourself and your worth at work. Address imbalances of power or compensation. Avoid envy and jealousy.  Let go instead of taking comfort in holding on to dissatisfaction.

Scorpio 2021 Overview

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Let go of cynicism, take a nap, do something for fun just because you can. 

Your ruling planet, Jupiter squares off in healing Chiron, early this month creating tension around old hurts. Trust that you can come to understand fully and heal even your deepest wounds.

Juno the Queen Mother, the Divine Consort, the antithesis of Lilith, retrogrades in your sign at the start of this month. Bringing up strong feminine energies and a appreciation for beauty. This RX is a good time to remember, reflect and release things associated with past romantic relationships, how you were mothered, how you were harmed, how you were healed, and how you handle jealousy. Welcome warmth and appreciation in your relationships. Take pride in vulnerability. Make it like your own personal super power for deepening and strengthening your relationships. 

Welcome laughter and tears this month with open arms. Embrace goofing off and enjoying the sunshine. You’ve been hard at the grind for what feels like a thousand years. But that lazy day Taurus energy is here to say: Relax already. Take a break! After all, you are on a journey of personal evolution and realization. What would it look like to slow down and enjoy that journey? 

Find Your Fire at Work: Take a break from strict goals and routines. Trust what inspires you instead. Abundance is coming your way. Plan something fun to do in community. Let your friends, family and partners know you want to see them! Fill them in on your accomplishments, get some social activity in and enjoy feeling praised and appreciated.

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

 Flirt, have deep conversations, and fall in love this month.

Capricorn, you are getting it this month!

Your love and sex life is LOVING the smooth almost seamless switch from Aries season passion to sensual intimate Taurus vibes. Ask yourself, what would it feel like to welcome comfort? 

Your fellow earth sign knows how to live the good life in the slow lane and it wouldn’t hurt you to take a page out of their book. Relax in the grass, welcome a slower pace and a lighter, warmer, more gentle touch. Wear your emotions out in the open. Risk that someone might know how you really feel. Deepen your relationships with vulnerability and care. 

Turn your natural talent for organization and structure into a superpower for curating fun experiences for yourself and the people around you to enjoy. 

Pluto retrogrades in your sign towards the end of the month and the RX will continue until October. During this time you will be reassessing lots of things in your life. Questions about identity and transformation are bound to come up. What would it be like to give yourself permission to reinvent yourself as often as you like? Focus on the three r’s of retrograde: remember, reflect, release. What can you learn from your deepest sorrows? How can you parent the young parts of yourself? Are you ready to release old habits, fake friends and shallow connections? Trust that you can heal. 

Find Your Fire at Work: Trust what inspires you. Abundance is all around. You tend to be the initiator in situations and have the discipline to get it done. So go fourth! Initiate! Get paid! Get your finances in order and plan a vacation!

Capricorn 2021 Overview

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your ruling planet Uranus will be in Taurus until 2025.

And now that Taurus season is approaching you’re seeing a new side of yourself. A side that can embrace your younger self and heal old wounds. A side that wants to give and receive love in a more genuine, authentic, and vulnerable way. Let the earth’s energy hold you and ground you. Have a picnic and take a nap. 

Use this time to slow down and revolutionize your life and the way you walk through the world. During the new moon welcome fresh perspectives, trust that the truth can be stranger than you can imagine. Make a revolution of what should be. Embrace your uniqueness. Explore spirituality. Find ways to add ceremony and mindfulness to your everyday routine. Declutter your spirit by confronting and releasing old hurts. You deserve to walk through the world feeling lighter, happier, and healing. 

When masculine Mars enters homemaking Cancer, you may feel drawn to spending time kicking it up at home. Make your house a home. Clean your house and host a dinner party. Show warmth and share laughter in your relationships. Soften your words with your loved ones. Don’t assume they can read your mind. Go on a swim. Let the water purify and rejuvenate you.

Find Your Fire at Work: Follow what inspires you. Speak up for yourself. Don’t be shy about your competence. Money is coming.  Welcome new friends and business partners. 

Aquarius 2021 Overview

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Dear Pisces, be your own best friend this month. 

Like Taurus, you know how to enjoy your leisure time. You both know how to lean into enjoying earthly pleasures. Take a leaf from Taurus’s book order two desserts and then eat one for breakfast just because you can. Lay in bed all day with your lover. 

Trust that you belong in your own skin. Trust that the body you have is the best one you could have to learn and experience your life on earth. 

When Mars planet of divine masculine energy enters relationship loving Cancer this month you’ll get a boost in your confidence. Let go of insecurity. You tend to go all in when you’re in love, but sometimes you hold back the parts of yourself that are closest to your heart in an effort to please. Trust that conflict can reveal the truth and bring healing. No one knows better than you what path you should take. Ask yourself- if a miracle happened tomorrow that made my life happier what would it look like? You know how to love, advocate for and protect yourself. 

The full moon in Scorpio will turn your sex appeal up to 100 so plan a hot date! Talk dirty in the bedroom. You are craving physical and emotional intimacy. Let your partner(s) know your physical and emotional needs. Even if you consider yourself to be a psychic- not everyone is. 

Your ruling planet Neptune will be in your sign until 2025. Amplifying all your best (and worst) qualities. Trust the journey. Trust that you belong in your own skin. Trust that the body you have is the best one you could have to learn and experience your life on earth.

Find Your Fire at Work: Ditch the old and bring in the new. Throw out your old briefcases, buy a new desk, start a new job. Just switch it up! Financial blessings are on their way to you. Envision success. Manifest riches. 

Pisces 2021 Overview

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Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Happy Birthday Aries!

Your season is coming to an end-but not just yet and the sunshine has you feeling ALIVE. You want to be OUT THERE enjoying the spring air. You’ve been working hard and playing hard and it’s paying off in the way you’re enjoying your life right now. 

Your ruling planet masculine Mars enters sweet Cancer this month making you a little restless at home and quick to set boundaries, move house, and make changes. Stand up for yourself but remember to speak gently. What would it feel like to cultivate the living situation of your dreams? How can you cultivate emotional safety and intimacy for yourself?

Mars, the Moon, and Pluto retrograde seem to be working to cause some tensions in your love life this month. Conflicts may arise. But not to worry, as an Aries, you know there is a sort of purification that can occur as a result of conflict when a truth to long held needs voiced. If you’ve wanted to break up-and have been waiting for a sign now might be the time. Trust that you will not be alone on your journey. Get good with you. 

Find Your Fire at Work: Communicate efficiently. Avoid excess emails. Trust your sense of adventure to send you where you need to go next. Trust your passion. Follow your inspiration. Welcome movement and change. Get that raise you deserve. Abundance is all around you.  

Aries 2021 Overview

May 2021 Astrological Forecast: The Bravery and Wonder of New Beginnings

May 2021 Astrological Forecast: The Bravery and Wonder of New Beginnings

March 2021 Horoscopes: Piscean Tenderness and Aries Initiative Bring Loving Actions

March 2021 Horoscopes: Piscean Tenderness and Aries Initiative Bring Loving Actions

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