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Tarotscope: Your Tarot Card for October 2023

Tarotscope: Your Tarot Card for October 2023

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre.  

Let the energies of these cards guide you this month.

If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com

Currently, The Holy Boundaries™ 28 Day Email Challenge is underway and ready for you... better boundaries in one moon Cycle (or your $ back).



This moonth asks you to take a break...September took it outta you.  It's ok to rest.  It's ok to not throw yourself into another exciting or shattering or intense situation.  What might it feel like to pause?  To play?  To be slow?  Is it possible that always going full tilt might make you less intuitive or efficient because there is more chaos to filter through and more messes to clean up?  Just something to ponder...



Let yourself feel this moonth; but don't get lost in fantasizing about what was or what isn't actually here now.  There is so much goodness available once you can see the feelings for what they are - guidance to the people and circumstances that most serve YOU.  It is far too easy to be the one that makes things feel better for others...this moonth, focus on what pleases you and grieve what needs to be let go of.



This moonth brings up an old heartbreak that wants to heal.  It will be best for you if this time you allow the lessons to land without resistance.  Every relationship has two people. Every ending has a beginning.  Even when people do us wrong, we still have responsibility for how we react or respond and how we think and speak about the situation later.  This time, you have an opportunity to take in the whole situation and let go of the stories that only hurt you or keep you in the role of victim or martyr.



It is emotional adventure time sweet Cancer!  You are no stranger to the feelings...yet this moonth suggests an opportunity to become even more nuanced, even more deeply feeling in ways that support your inner growth rather than overwhelm your system.  This might mean even more solitude, baths and sappy movies to support the flow of those feelings...full permission to indulge as needed!



This moonth represents a time of commitment to your craft.  What are you pouring yourself and your energy into?  What lights you up and gets your inspiration moving?  This moonth invites you to remember that "work" isn't just about money...its supposed to include some satisfaction and meaning as well.



Time to go inward and get clear on how your heart feels right now sweet Virgo.  This time of year is often fraught with deadlines, social engagements and prepping for winter all of which you are quite skillful at planning and getting nitty gritty with!  But how do you FEEL? You can too easily be caught up in the details and wander away from the feelings just beneath the surface.  You might be due a good cry.



This moonth is all about balance, dear Libra for the sake of longevity.  We do the disciplined thing NOW to serve your future self even if it feels like an irritant to your current self.  We reap what we sow, and the cosmos are asking you to look at the seeds you are sowing...are they going to provide ripe fruit ten years from now?  Is the way you are treating your body going to serve you in the next two decades?  These are the inquiries...



What a glorious time of year for you!  As we enter your season, the powers that be want to know- What are you proud of yourself for?  What have you accomplished in this last solar year that feels yummy and noteworthy?  Give yourself the gift of a life review and reorganization of where your energy is flowing.  There will be places that need pruning in order to maximize the energy available to you



This is a deep and magical time for your Sag.  The request is to go inward and follow the call of your heART.  You may have become too stagnant lately, too comfortable in the routine of day to day.  The Moon reminds us the magic of life comes from the unknown, the mystery and allowing life to lead us somewhat blindly towards our future.  You often get caught up with your arrows and goals without enough space for surprise - let some of the energy of the darkness have room in you this moonth and follow where it takes you...



It's time to start a brand new cycle with your feelings!  There is a story that is played out and old that causes you suffering.  Maybe a story from childhood, from a past lover or a co-worker.  A story that causes irritation or downright angst!  The energy is ripe to release that old perspective and allow a fresh more encouraging story to take its place.  



This moonth is an invitation to focus.  Your mental health will benefit greatly from some clean choices around what you allow into your mind and your field.  You would benefit most from clearing out any media, apps or social channels that most garner your precious attention and time.  You are asked to bring more of that crisp visionary energy to your present moment- the world needs you to be focused on what we collectively are moving towards.  Your perspective is requested!  Clean out the mental clutter and you will see...



This is a moonth to complete any projects you have started or held onto.  This is a time of completion...either by fully completing the project or by choosing to lovingly let it go.  It does not serve your creativity to have things left undone.  Better to simplify and devote to that which is calling you than to keep holding on to projects that were attractive to an older version of yourself.  It feels scary but trust - you will feel a huge relief when you make space for that which is truly meant for you now as you are!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

Tarotscope: Your November 2023 Tarot Card

Tarotscope: Your November 2023 Tarot Card

October 2023 Horoscope: Some of ya'll are going to love this...some of you...

October 2023 Horoscope: Some of ya'll are going to love this...some of you...

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