Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for June 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for June


Six of Pentacles

This moonth asks you to consider the word generosity and how it applies to your life and relationships.  Are you generous with your time, energy and resources...or have you been more self oriented lately?  Are there certain relations or activities that you have been giving too generously to and not receiving back in equal measure?  This moonth is a clarity call to be honest with your generosity levels and to balance the places where too much or too little has been the story.  Once this balance is found, a new level of adventure will come online!


Four of Wands

What a glorious moonth of playful rest being called in for you dear Taurus.  A time to pause in making any big decisions and instead trusting that things will work out without you needing to overthink anything.  This would be an amazing time to start or reinvest in an enjoyable hobby such as playing an instrument or working with clay.  This card denotes a time when engaging in things that feel playful and light will best support your mental health and allow more mind space so that problems can be more calmly and readily solved in the future.


Five of Cups

Despite the upcoming Solstice and summer weather, this card suggests you may have a more emotional or discordant moonth ahead.  Don't be taken by surprise if a major miscommunication occurs, particularly within one of your closer or more intimate relationships.  The Fives always speak of unrest or moments of chaos...while these can often be quite uncomfortable, they always lead us forward into greater clarity.  Chaos is Nature's way and these shake ups most often bring new truth and data to the table for consideration.  Don't resist it - look for the lesson and trust.


The Star

What a magical moonth for you! This card is one of the Tarot's brightest and comes with the heartwarming message of good fortune and positive omens coming your direction.  I also read The Star as including our unseen Allies, Guides and Ancestral Supporters from behind the veil.  Let this be the gentle reminder to your Soul that you are never alone and there are so many BEings rooting for your success.  Remember to pray, to request your needs, to soften and quieten enough to feel their presence in the small moments of your day.  When we remember all this support - wonderful new avenues of experience can't help but arrive!


Wheel of Fortune

This moonth is a test for you Leo...the question is, will you stick the landing?  Life always moves and brings us trials and triumphs in equal measure.  This card suggests this moonth will have both and your job is to keep moving, learning the lessons and trusting yourself to find your way.  This can be challenging during the tests - but with a shining attitude and belief in yourself, all challenges can be used for your growth.


The Hermit

It is time for the cave my friend, as The Hermit asks us to honour natural periods of solitude, rest and personal space.  It is in these quiet moments that we find our connection to Source inside ourselves.  This moonth offers your very practical personality a gentle opportunity to go within and find a new layer of Mystery that can guide you in the coming moons and years.  Don't miss the chance by having your calendar overful.


Page of Swords

Time to get back on the proverbial horse dear Libra and rekindle that spark of flame within!  This moonth invites in some fierce fire and action.  Take charge of your airy aspirations and give them some solid aligned action.  Dreaming and doing are two very different vibrations... this moonth marks a phase of doing.  Just know it will be uncomfortable and will challenge your sensibilities that deeply desire comfort, ease and beauty.  But the gorgeousness that will arise from the sweat equity this moonth will be ever so worth it!


Nine of Wands

This moonth has the potential to have you second guessing yourself, your choices or the relationships you are invested in.  Monkey mind sensations.  The remedy of this card is to get very honest with yourself.  Often we lean into doubt because the stakes are getting higher, we are developing deeper feelings or investments into a person or project.  It is helpful to be very clear before committing to things - but once you've done your due diligence and determined things are a yes, doubt can only slow you down.  So gather data, be clear with your desires and then go for it without looking back!


Ten of Swords

This is a moonth of endings and completions dear Sag.  Time to look at the ways in which you are causing your own suffering by being stubborn, obstinate or unwilling to consider the others perspective.  While you are quite intelligent and tenacious - this does not always equate to being correct 100% of the time.  It is good to cultivate humility and a wild sense of possibility... this will be a much more fun adventure for you if you do.  A small loss in ego will return tenfold in delight!


Three of Cups

Let the heART rest easy this moonth sweet Cap.  It has been a deep start to the year and this card suggests a turn of the tides come Summer Solstice.  For now, let the topsy turvy feelings gently come to a pause and simply enjoy the life and relations you have cultivated for yourself.  There is nothing to do, nothing to fix.  Simply BE with your life - the answers will arise from the placid heartspace you cultivate. Let the emotions rest and you will see more clearly next moonth what the next step is.


Knight of Cups

This moonth you would be greatly benefitted by letting your deepest, most sincere feelings be on display for your beloved, family and commUNITY to see.  While you feel deeply, the mental quality of your personality often has you intellectualizing or attempting to justify or make sense of your emotions.  Emotions are not here to make sense or to be logical!  Emotions are not thoughts...they are sensations.  Feelings.  They are meant to be guideposts, red flags and release valves not strategies, documents and plans.  This moonth, practice letting your feelings be felt without preamble and see how the quality of intimacy changes in your relationships.


Great Mystery

Oh the blank card of Great Mystery!  While this can feel uncomfortable to some, this is a space of power for you and your Neptunian influence.  Let yourself lounge in the unknown this moonth.  Follow every impulse, turn down that new street, ask that stranger out to tea, wear something completely new and different and see who or what is attracted to you.  Drive a different way every day.  Journal using your non-dominant hand.  Anything you can think of to cut loose the monotony and open further to Great Mystery and this wise and wild ride will serve you oodles in the coming moons!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs and just released her first book!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

Wyld also just published her first book -
The Transformation Map - available now!  When asked to explain her new book in one sentence, this is what arrived - "I think I have managed to describe the way healing works in terms that are easy to understand for any one aged 13-113 while also offering a clear basic map for any human to begin finding what parts within them are aching to be healed." 

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for May 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for May


Nine of Wands

This moonth is all about really monitoring your mindset, and how you are viewing the world around you. Our mindset drastically impacts the actions that we take. The medicine of this card is to get really clear on where you might be over complicating and over thinking scenarios rather than using discernment and judgment about the current experience. Don't allow negative past experiences to overly influence your action steps moving forward. Let the past be the past and take some big leaps toward your goals!


Ten of Cups

This moonth is captured in the completion of an emotional state of being. This card suggests that you have been perseverating over an old heartache, and it is time to finally let it come to rest. It is OK to let these old stories go! When we do, there is finally enough space for the new to come back into our lives. Let yourself experience the freedom of a new cycle.


King of Pentacles

This moonth is inviting you into a deeper space of safety and security that you provide for yourself. This card offers us the opportunity to reparent ourselves and to become our own solid father figure. Invest in yourself by giving attention and time to your finances, your joywork and your home. You will be deeply surprised at the level of satisfaction that you will receive. Allow this healing to land firmly in your bones.


Page of Wands

This moonth invites you to step outside of your comfort zone and experiment with dreaming bigger than your norm. Often it is the mind that stops us from thinking outside the box and allowing new adventures and possibilities to have space in our lives. What if you are,unconsciously, preventing the life of your dreams? This would be an interesting thing to ponder in your journal at this time.


Six of Wands

This moonth represents a wonderful time where you feel like you've got everything put together and you are finally finding a rhythm where things seem under control. Allow yourself the opportunity to bask in that stability and sense of accomplishment.  Use this time wisely to build better foundations for your passion projects and relationships. As you know, life is dynamic and everything changes, so do your best now to really enjoy what you have created for yourself before the next round of growth and chaos arrives.


The Tower

This moonth arrives with a less than desirable message. This card represents times in our lives when things occur that are unpreferred and outside of our control. This hits your sign the most, as you are quite fond of having that predictable stability and far reaching schedule. However, these Tower moments that arise in our lives are actually quite useful in cleaning out stagnant energy while forcing us to grow and find a deeper meaning in our lives. So, don't get lost in self-pity. Rather keep your eyes open for the hidden gifts.


Ten of Swords

This moonth represents a time of completion for any ways in which you have forced yourself to suffer over past choices and past experiences. The Tens always insist on an ending. Endings occur whether we like them or not. It is our job to choose a good ending and allow ourselves to give the past a proper place in the psyche so we don't have to carry that suffering forward. You are allowed to be free! Give yourself the gift of forgiveness and the grace of being human.


The Chariot

This moonth is an opportunity for you to truly step away from a deeply ingrained pattern that has held power over your life for far too long. Take this opportunity to assess your life and see if there is a repeat pattern that is 'up' for clearing. This can be the way in which you operate in a relationship or in your career or simply around the habits that you use to care for your animal body and your home. Something that has been an unhealthy habit is ready to shift. If you choose to say yes to the release, you will be so very glad to be rid of it.


King of Swords

This moonth is a time for you to take deep self response-ability and step into the power of choice! While it is a huge responsibility to be in charge of our lives, the deep learning that we receive far outweighs any fear you might be feeling about taking the risk or ownership. Be the driver of your own life. If you have been residing in a space of scarcity or fear - this is your sign to take a step forward and really shoot your arrow towards your future goals. No one owns your life but you. It is worth it to take the risk.


Nine of Pentacles

This moonth represents a timer for you to truly allow your mastery and gifts to shine. This card suggests there are groups within your community who are ready to support you in a much more beneficial way. Allow yourself to be seen and to receive the accolades that you deserve for your hard work. This is also a time for you to recommit and reinvest in any of your passion projects in which you hope to develop more mastery. The more attention you give them, the more self respect you will cultivate.


The Hanged One

This moonth represents the time of the sacred pause while something in life transitions. While quite uncomfortable, it is these times of listening that provide us with the deepest wisdom; times that turn us into the most useful of elders along the way. Don't attempt to rush or push through the discomfort of sitting in this transition time. It will take however long it takes. Resistance will only increase your suffering. Allow yourself more space to be quiet and to listen as life shows you what needs to die and what wants to be reborn.


Queen of Pentacles

This moonth is a profound time for you to investigate and become inspired by internal safety work, and in particular with nervous system regulation. This card offers us the sweetness of finally feeling safe in our own skin. This is no small task in this current culture, and requires each one of us spending some time, really listening to our animal body and finding the places where we are overstimulated or activated by our environment and circumstances. Your body loves you and will support you at this time in finding the next steps for deeper connection.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs and just released her first book!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for April 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for April


Queen of Pentacles

This moonth sweet Aries is asking yet again for your maturity...this is the third moonth in a row if I am remembering correctly!  This Queen firmly requests that you get your house in order literally and figuratively.  Time to spring clean!  Time to reorganize your office.  Time to look at the bank statements and create a budget around how you would like to be with money.  The Queen of Pentacles is a benevolent mistress full of gifts if you listen to her...and if you ignore her, whatever stress you have been feeling will simply become magnified. Best to follow the energy here and do the tasks you've been avoiding!


The Chariot

What a lovely card for you this moonth Taurus!  An opportunity to complete an old cycle and begin anew with a fresh perspective.  This Chariot pattern feels connected to the realm of being seen.  What ways have you been preventing yourself from being seen and acknowledged in your life?  What skills have you quietly been developing that wish to shine?  What improvements at work have you made that deserve a possible raise?  The Chariot always says things will change sooner or later - best to be in the drivers seat of your own life.


Ace of Pentacles

A brand new cycle of being more grounded is available to you this moonth Gemini!  This Ace gives you full permission to let go of any immature way of BEing that no longer serves. This is the natural order of living.  We play with certain extreme habits (like partying, being haphazard with hearts and money) or their opposite (being rigid and uptight, not taking any risks) until we feel inside ourselves that they are not giving the reward we once received. So whether you once chased release or control; this moonth invites you to think outside the norm and consider a different road.  The Middle Path.  Perhaps not as exciting or confining - but much more sustainable.


Queen of Cups

Oh dear Cancers, this moonth is a deeply felt one for you.  This Queen holds the heartstrings and insists on giving time and space to the feelings you've been avoiding.  And not only space to feel them yourself, she also really wants you to begin sharing them with those you trust.  This is not always your way but this moonth, you will be sincerely rewarded for your bravery!  Step out of your comfort zone and trust you've chosen people who can hold your big feelings with you.  Give them a chance to really see that sofy gooey center.


Ace of Cups

A new emotional cycle is upon you courageous Leo!  A time to release the old baggage you've been carrying around some wound from the past.  Holding onto resentment is only harming you in the long run.  By focusing on past hurts, we can close off to new experiences and explorations.  Your sSoul needs adventure, and this moonth is an adventure of the heART.  So make peace with old ways you've been misunderstood and make space for new relations, friends or lovers to come in.  Let your chest relax, your belly soften and be open to the invitations that will come your way.


Four of Wands

What a sweet relief this moonth will be for you Virgo.  An opportunity to let go of the thinking mind and let a little more inspired playfulness into your life.  The winter was heavy for you and this card suggests it is time to let the energy of spring in!  Let the calendar be more spacious. Make fewer appointments (unless they are things like sit in sunshine, eat cake, play games).  Stop racking your brain for the 'right' thing to do and settle into just being present.  The next step will make itself known without you needing to worry about it.


Page of Cups

April is an emotional time for you Libra - one that clearly requests you give yourself some major solitude so you can be very attuned to the truth inside your emotions.  This current culture often disparages our emotions.  And it is true- if we are unregulated, our emotions can lead us to dramatic overreactions and heated choices.  But when we gift ourselves solitude and feel the feelings to completion, on the other side is the nugget of truth that sparked the emotion in the first place.  And the piece of data is crucial in making clear decisions that have our best interest at the center.  So don't ignore or repress those feelings anymore - use them wisely to inform the big choices coming your way.


Wheel of Fortune

Of all the Zodiac, you Scorpio have what it takes to work with The Wheel of Fortune the most.  This is a card of Great Mystery herself, and as such can feel very disorienting and liminal.  Just like you!  I am reading this card like an omen for you to keep following the path you have already laid out for yourself - just start paying closer attention to signs along the way.  This is a moonth where unknown obstacles and opportunities will present themselves and often you won't know which is which until much later!  Just keep following your feet and trust your gut.  Things will make sense later...


Seven of Wands

Ok Sag, this moonth is made for you to take the reins and really be the captain of your ride!  It can be challenging for you to apply yourself to things when you aren't immediately good at them...but this moonth you are invited to let go of any self criticism and fully apply yourself to that which calls.  Even if you aren't yet skillful, you will become skilled quickly with the right mindset and direction.  Setting long term goals that take time to achieve is good for you.  Think of shooting that Sagittarius arrow out into the nethers!  You will find deeper life satisfaction when you always have an arrow you are moving towards.


Eight of Swords

This is a moonth of getting definitions straight.  Time to take stock of life and be really honest with yourself. Dear Caps, you are so hard working and responsive to life.  Such an admirable quality that can sometimes lead you to taking on more than your fair share.  So this moonth, you are invited to make a list of all the things you have on your plate.  On this list, make three columns.  Commitment, responsibility and obligation.  Commitments are precious tasks that you feel strongly about like writing a book or building a home.  Responsibilities are tasks you've taken on that you will complete because it is correct for you - like raising children or doing your laundry.  Obligations are things you've said yes to in order to please others or to be seen in a certain light but now they feel like a slog.  Fill this list in full honesty - then do what you can this moonth to release as many obligations as possible!



A potent moonth of rebirth awaits you sweet Aquarius if you are willing to let go of the things that aren't correct for you anymore.  Often The Death card feels heavy because we are unaccustomed to seeing loss as the grand gift it can become.  Yet the truth is Nature dislikes a vacuum, and whenever we let go and make space, that space will become filled with new energy.  So what wants to die in your life?  An old idea. habit, relationship or job?  Perhaps an old way of talking badly to yourself?  Or an old pattern of being disorganized, lazy or negative?  Whatever it may be, the quicker you release your grip, the faster your blessings can arrive!


Nine of Wands

Sweet Pisces, this moonth is characterized by feelings of anxiety and unrest.  The mind wants to keep you on your toes, questioning every little step and progress.  Yet your way is the way of the heART.  No sense in pretending you are built to think your way through obstacles - you are designed to feel your way through.  Any time the mind gets overactive and you feel yourself looking over your shoulder questioning the past or the viability of the future - pause.  Slow down.  Come back to the heART.  How does she feel at this moment?  What is the next small step that feels correct?  Follow the small heartbeats and you will find progress arrives in ways your brain could not have predicted!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 
Visit her website at
www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more…

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for March 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Join Wyld in person for a truly enJOYable play shop in The Gorge - MOONIFEST 2024 on February 10 from 11a.m.- 4p.m. to moonifesting your desires mind, body, heART and Soul. Details at www.wyldfempyre.com/moonifest

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for March


Three of Wands

This moonth represents yet another clarifying time to get raw and real with yourself Aries.  You've had this message previously in recent moonths and it is continuing...this time in the suit of Wands.  So even as we move into your sign in March, you are being asked to expand into maturity just a wee bit more.  Particularly regarding your work life and how what you do relates to your mind and your creativity.  Do you feel mentally stimulated by what you 'do'? Are you feeling engaged in the efforts that bring you income and sustenance?  We each own the script of what we experience during our working hours - this moonth take ownership of your mental experience of work.  You are the only one that can decide if you feel stimulated, focused and creative in ways that bring satisfaction!  And you are the one with the power to change it if the answer is no.


Seven of Wands

Sweet Taurus - this is a moonth of trusting yourself and your way of doing things.  Especially in the way your brain works.  We can often get sucked into the narrative that there is only one 'right' way to do things...but in truth there are as many ways of doing things as there are humans on the planet.  Your way may look different; may take longer or might include naps and snacks and flowers... but that doesn't mean it is any less viable than the over productive, hyper focused, adrenaline driving way we have trained to adhere to in capitalism culture.  In fact, your way is the very antidote we desperately need in this stressful modern life.  We need more people modeling slowing down, resting, bringing beauty in as a major value.  YOUR way gets to be the right way...for you!


The High Priestess

What a glorious moonth indeed for you dear Gemini!  This card delights me for you as it shares a potent time of coming into alignment with your inner voices.  You have such a skillset at seeing both sides and navigating nuance...yet often this creates periods of inaction because it's so hard to decide what path!  Yet for this moonth, you are being given a clear sign to follow the first intuitive nudges that pop up and don't second guess your inspirations.  This is a moonth to trust the deep abiding wisdom that lives in your bones.  Stay out of the head as much as possible and tune in to the body.  Follow the innate Yes. Honour the clear No without question.  You will make quantum leaps this moonth if you stay true to that inner knowing!


Page of Pentacles

We have an important request from the Universe for you this moonth.  It will feel uncomfortable at first, but have faith that it will serve you so well in the long run!  This moonth is about taking a deep dive study into what makes you feel grounded, what risks could bring more support and the space between these two.  It may be that you've been avoiding some very healthy risks in lieu of a perception of safety that actually isn't serving you.  This is the time to review your old habits around money, investing, education and career expansion!  What worked for you ten years ago is no longer relevant.  Who are you today? What do you need 10 years from now?  How are you going to get from here to there?  Let it be an exciting time of education and getting a wee bit risky!


The Sun

It's your moonth Leo!  This card is your absolute happy place and you should take full advantage of the energies being in your favor.  Let yourself SHINE!  Publish that podcast, write that article, apply for that position, ask that person out on a date... whatever edgy and exciting thing you've been dreaming about all winter - now is the time to GO.  Flow with the Sun card and open yourself to all the amazing possibilities and connections available to you as the Sun supports your success and spring tiptoes into view.  Plant the seeds of your deepest dreams and desires and then take the next inspired action, and the next and the next.  You can make big jumps towards your most creative goals this moonth so plug in and surrender to the urges already blossoming inside you!


Ten of Wands

Ok dear Virgo, it's completion time yet again.  The 10's always usher in an opportunity for closure.  Our culture maligns endings as sad horrible things... but in actuality they are wondrous!  Without endings, we can't have beginnings.  Without endings, we literally don't have time and space for anything interesting and new.  While often uncomfortable- closure is compost and fuels our next spiral of thriving.  So lean IN and take a good hard gander at your mind space and inner monologue.  This is the place of closure being invited this moonth.  Can you narrow in on unhelpful ways in which you speak to yourself and let them go?  Can we focus on reframing how we think about ourselves?  The words we use about ourselves (whether beautiful or ugly, smart or dumb, fast or thorough) - these words LITERALLY define how we experience the moment.  How we talk to ourselves matters. Choose those words wisely and say NO to the ones that simply don't feel good.  Let that negativity come to closure and see what takes its place!


The Star

Keep your eyes up high dearest Libras - I know the times are especially tough for you who can see and understand both sides of the scales.  This moonth promises better, brighter things as long as we can attune our focus to what is working, what feels good and of most import - who is supporting us (both seen and unseen).  You do not have to hold it all alone... you have Guides, Allies, Well Ancestors and worldly helpers in the animals, plants, trees and stones.  Let yourself widen your perspective as far as the stars to truly get a glimpse of how loved and supported you are.  Open to receive miracles, inspirations and all the beauty of this mysterious ride called life!


Knight of Cups

This moonth is an exciting adventure into the world of emotions and your relationship to emotional energy.  You have a natural depth emotionally by default Scorpio - yet from our culture you may not allow yourself the fullest expression and experience of this part of yourself.  This moonth is seducing you back home to your heART.  How fully can you feel your feelings?  We have a weird cultural narrative that says feelings are 'irrational'- yet they are ever present and offer really clean data if we allow them to flow as they are.  Just like children - we are meant to sense a feeling, let it flow and collect the data which is being shared.  If we get intimate with our feelings, they tell us what we need moment by moment. Whether we need food, water, a nap, a boundary, a hug or a listening ear - our feelings show the way. Get curious and see where you've been denying yourself this valuable information.


The Moon

This moonth invites you ever further into trusting the mystery. Can you practice following the very next step without getting overwhelmed or lost in all the future possibilities?  You Sagittarius absolutely thrive when shooting your arrow towards your future desire - but sometimes you can get tripped up along the way if things don't go exactly just so.  That level of rigidity isn't doing you any favors!  The Moon asks you to trust as you walk in the dark; move by feel and instinct, not just logic.  Where's the big hurry anyway?  The fun part is actually these steps, moving towards inspiration.  Often it can be disappointing once achieved - let the process hold your fascination more than simple 'success'.



The message this moonth is patience, patience, patience.  And not only patience but choosing to enjoy the pace that patience affords.  How slow can you become with the goal being pleasure?  EnJOYing the feel of the tools in your hand rather than a single minded focus on finishing the task as fast as possible.  Luxuriating in the scents of the soup pot without indulging in the pressure of trying to cook fast so you can get back to work.  Is it possible to make witnessing your work a new level of mastery just waiting for your attention?  This is a mastery that will serve you well until your last breath.


Knight of Swords

This moonth is about taking action towards something that makes you uncomfortable but you know would be good for you.  That seems counterintuitive but listen... There is a special tissue (the corpus callosum) that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.  This connective tissue has been proven by science to thicken in the brains of humans who commit to doing challenging but healthy activities like mediation and cold plunging.  This thickening equates to evolution and having more access to our capacity!  And it isn't the activities themselves that account for this brain evolution - it's actually that these humans feel the resistance to the activities, yet choose to override their inclination towards comfort and push themselves into the short term discomfort in exchange for the long term gains.  It is the CHOOSING of the path despite discomfort that creates this brain evolution.  This is your quest for March sweet Aquarius.  Find your edge and go beyond...you will be well rewarded.


Two of Wands

Oh Pisces, you have some big choices to make this moonth. And this card says it feels hard mentally because all the choices you are facing have merit.  Meaning the mind can find value in every direction and can get stymied by directions that run opposite each other.  But you my dear are driven by water, by the heART.  Any decisions requiring your attention will become more clear once you drop the energy from your head down into your heART.  Instead of fixating on what makes sense - focus on what feels true.  Imagine one door closing so the other path comes into view and check in with yourself...does this path feel best?  Then do so for the other choices until you find the path that feels true. THEN tap back into the brain to make logical next steps for the path you have chosen!  You tender Pisces must always lead heART first.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your Tarotscope for February 2024

Let this Tarot Card reading be a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Join Wyld in person for a truly enJOYable play shop in The Gorge - MOONIFEST 2024 on February 10 from 11a.m.- 4p.m. to moonifesting your desires mind, body, heART and Soul. Details at www.wyldfempyre.com/moonifest

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for February



This moonth represents a time where life is demanding balance and better boundaries.  Not always your preference sweet Aries, yet you will be so well served if you say yes!  Find balance in your relationships, where you place your energy and your resources.  It’s not always fun, but the long term satisfaction you gain will be well worth the effort!  This is not a time to spread yourself thin.


Ten of Cups

This moonth asks for your heART to give up the old stories of hurt and allow yourself to move forward.  It is time. Feel the feels and then offer yourself freedom. The only one harmed by bitterness is you…and the frequency of bitterness is very damaging to your animal body. Deep breath, feel and let go… the energy that returns if you do will be deliciously nourishing!


Six of Pentacles

This moonth asks that you investigate where you might be over giving out of a desire to belong. Are you saying yes too often when it benefits others more than yourself?  It’s beautiful to be oriented towards to benefit of others - but not if it depletes you.  You are worthy of your own care and attention and your wellbeing must be a priority before taking care of others.


The Magician

Oh what a lovely moonth for you dearest Cancer!  This moonth says it’s time to get creative, to think outside the norm and to let your moonifestation powers out of the box.  Do you know how powerFULL you are??  Let yourself dream, imagine and take inspired actions towards something that feels juicy and alive.  This moonth offers quantum leaps for you if you choose to step into your innate creativity.


The Emperor 

Dear Leo this moonth invites you to take up space which is one of your talents! The caveat- taking up space with leadership in ways that benefit everyone. So wtf does this mean? It means getting clear about what issues and improvements you feel passionate about and begin implementing your influence towards the greater good.  You’ve got rich skills and the world could truly benefit from you taking up some space!


The World

This moonth may feel challenging dearest Virgo, but if you trust the process, you will feel so enriched!  This card suggests a period of deeper non attachment.  This is not your norm - but a beautiful opportunity to practice a new skill!  Where are you rigid? Rules? Physical stuff? Schedules?  Where you experience rigidity; instead practice some softness and flexibility. It will be challenging but oh so good…


The High Priest

This moonth asks you to honour and accept your powerful influence dear Libra.  It is so natural for you to hold a balanced perspective and to see all facets of a situation.  This is an amazing gift that when shared benefits the whole.  Don’t hide the way you see the world - we all need the influence of your balance in these times. Share the dark, the light and how to dance between.


The Fool

Sweet Scorpio, this moonth asks you to take a leap! The Mystery is available and listening and responds most readily to those who jump in full trust.  Can you soften your armor of worry and concern?  Can you trust yourself and life to guide the next right steps of your journey? The softer you can enter this next phase of your spiral, the more you will be surprised! Curiosity is the key.


The Empress

You deserve to feel comfortable in your body, home and space.  It can be easy to minimize our discomfort in deference to the desires of others- but too much leads to becoming a martyr or victim.  This moonth is an invitation to take ownership of your own needs and develop authority in requesting what you need.  Remember every time you honour your needs- you offer permission for others to do the same.


The Star

What a glorious moonth for you!  Step up into possibilities and give yourself permission to dream big, to hope wide and to believe that it can actually be easeful.  You are so attuned to efforting dearest and while lovely; what might it feel like to accomplish as much from a space of ease? Might that be a fascinating experience to try on?  Play with the idea and see what happens!


Knight of Pentacles

This moonth is an adventure in the realm of finances, resources and exploring what risk means to you. An opportunity to develop deeper courage, resilience and faith in life.  Your Soul Work this moonth is to explore and commit to what you have, what you need and what you desire… and then charge forth bravely into the future with positivity and expectation of success.  You are a visionary leader and your example of trust is a powerful gift to the collective.


Seven of Wands

Lovely Pisces, this moonth is time to hold your head high and begin the path forward.  You have been experiencing some mental confusion and disparity lately but now the energy flows smooth - give yourself permission to follow the flow.  You have some unique opportunities arriving this moonth that will propel you towards more prosperity and peace… Say YES!  

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 

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Tarotscope JANUARY 2024: A Year of Magic Begins

his is not just Tarot Card Readings - this is creating a launching pad for your future thriving.

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at: www.wyldfempyre.com

Your Zodiac Sign's First Tarot Reading for 2024


Queen of Pentacles

This moonth holds the sweet nectar of maturity for you dear Aries if you so choose it. While this vibration of maturity is not the natural forté of your sign - it IS a subject your Soul wants to learn about in this lifetime!  While we are born with certain personalities and personas (you included!); ultimately, our Soul calls us forward to becoming the greatest expression of ourselves in every imaginable way.  So get uncomfortable, get gritty and make some efforts this moonth to get responsible, reliable and rooted!


Ten of Swords

This moonth offers a significant completion for you Taurus if you choose to let go of playing the victim or the martyr and instead focus on what you are moving towards.  Let the past GO...especially the actions and choices that you regret now.  It is over.  nstead, consider how those lessons can impact your life NOW.  No more wallowing in the past.  What are you desiring? Creating? Dreaming? Turn towards the future and what you want to contribute to the collective!  This is the quickest way to change those regrets into wisdom.


Four of Cups

This moonth, we ground down into our feeling body dear Gemini. Not in the perhaps more practiced way of being overtaken by our emotions...but rather in the gentle way of observing our emotions and the stories our brain tells us that get these emotions flowing!  You might discover that a good percentage of those overwhelming feelings are actually your brain's way of keeping you distracted from doing hard things! Or that your brain is bored and instead of being creative, there is a pattern of ruminating and triggering feelings to fill in the gaps of life. Let yourself get curious and clean about your big feels.


King of Cups

January represents an opportunity for some much needed emotional space and recharging for you sweet Cancer. This King knows how to take space, how to process feelings and most importantly how to share those feelings with the right people in the right way. As in how to express feelings in ways that can be easily understood and received. This is your superpower this moonth! So use it wisely - who have you been needing to have a heart to heart with? Make a date to do so...


Seven of Pentacles

You are stepping onto a precipice of exciting times dearest Leo! There has been some inspiration and dreaming happening in the background and now it is time to take some steps towards manifestation! It can feel chaotic when we say yes to the creative spirit that lives inside us and you will feel the intensity of that YES this moonth. That's great!  Feel the chaos and then do the thing anyway.  You are here to shine, to be seen, to be bold like the Lion and the Sun himself.  Stop playing small and step into the sunshine.


Six of Swords

Grounded Virgo, while you might have your proverbial sh!t together most of the time, this is not the moonth to get complacent. It is crucial that you stay the course with whatever goal or project has your eye right now even if it feels mundane, boring or painful in some way. You will thank yourself six moons from now that you stayed focused despite a desire to just let go of feeling attached to the completion of this goal. Creative fire will return I promise - but for now, keep doing what needs doing.  


Eight of Cups

Dear Libra,  this is a moonth of closure, of completion, of finally letting go and moving forward into the new chapter of your life.  There is grief in this card, yes that is true.  But there are also bright prospects, unknown possibilities and the path that is meant for you.  Stop holding onto that relationship, job or project that literally does not feed your Soul.  That way is not for you and simply makes that suffering greater.  What IS for you is waiting just around the corner...waiting for you to have the space and capacity to accept the blessings!


Page of Wands

This is your permission slip to get curious and see if some rigid thinking and old ways of looking at the world might be preventing you from experiencing more joy!  Do you have some solid reasons why you can't change things in your life that you don't prefer?  Have you had the same friends for so long doing the same things that you don't even know what you like doing?  Do you remember what adventure feels like?  This moonth is a time to let the imagination wander and let yourself dream about how you'd like to feel and what you would like to experience in the coming moons.


Nine of Pentacles

This moonth represents a delicious time of rebirthing onto solid ground.  It's been a ride for you these last few years but you are coming back into your stride Sag!  The key for you is focusing on what you've mastered, what skills you have cultivated and getting excited about how you might apply these skills in new and innovative ways.  An excellent mental picture for you would be the anvil and fire of metal smithing.  How can you use your natural fire alongside your skills to reshape your life in ways that please you?


Queen of Cups

Your season here is wrought with deep sensations of review and you will be best served by surrendering to the process.  Review and digest all the previous plans, goals and inspirations and let yourself feel it all.  The disappointment, the excitement, the agitation, the satisfaction... feel it all and then get super clear on which pieces are complete.  Inspiration sets us off on a journey, but we are not meant to complete every dream or project as originally imagined.  Often the inspiration simply gets us onto the path and then wildly morphs into something else.  It's ok to accept incompletes - they are not failures; merely turns on the path.  Give gratitude for the inspirations and then let the feelings go!


Two of Swords

This moonth is all about choices, friend!  I know you want to find the "right" choice... but the actual course to take is making the choice and moving on.  In essence, the choice itself doesn't matter.  The power that is present for you at this time is just trusting yourself and getting momentum moving in a direction - any direction - in order for the blessings to be received.  Stop thinking. Stop rationalizing. Stop stalling.  Just choose and watch how easefully the problems of yesterday become the pathway of tomorrow.


Five of Wands

This moonth represents a time of conflict and confusion sweet Pisces.  The mind feels a bit befuddled and clarity is so desperately desired.  It will come soon enough... the invitation is to lean IN to the confusion and chaos to find the data.  While very uncomfortable, chaos holds all the pieces needed for success on the other side.  Chaos occurs when there is dissonance or discord between two or more entities.  It is the space of conflict and conflict occurs when Holy Boundaries are not communicated or known.  Begin to train yourself to see chaos as your friend, as your signpost that something is out of alignment.  Then ask yourself, what do I need to feel more clear and understood?  Follow that question over and over again until you lead yourself back into clarity.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 

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Tarotscope: Your November 2023 Tarot Card

Find out what the cards have in store for you this November…

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre.  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com

Currently, The Holy Boundaries™ 28 Day Email Challenge is underway and ready for you... better boundaries in one moon Cycle (or your $ back).  Also offering A Year of Magic....



What are you looking to master in your life right now? This moonth is about giving yourself permission to follow your passion and your curiosity and to get really really good at the things that fascinate you. This is a time to let go of anything that feels like an obligation, and to instead really lean into the sensation of commitment for the pleasure of commitment. What would it feel like to consider your commitments a gift in your life rather than an obstacle?



This moonth is all about surrender. This can be a challenge for you earthly, sensual types as you really prefer knowing what you are getting into and being able to see it and touch it and feel it. But for this moonth, what might it feel like to just let go of those expectations and allow life to carry you forward onto the next part of your path? Sometimes the best things in life can't be seen with the eyes or tasted with the tongue. Sometimes they are fully in the Spirit, and cannot even be described in words.



It is time my dear to enjoy the gifts of a solid mindset practice! How are you speaking to yourself inside your brain? If the words you are telling yourself are not positive, helpful or hopeful, then this moonth offers an opportunity to re-write the script and begin funneling all of that delicious energy into your life in a different way. It may feel like effort at first, but the rewards will be beyond what you can imagine! Give yourself permission to do the work and feel better.



This moonth you are invited to take some action towards your vision in ways that you have been procrastinating on suss far. I know it can feel scary to step outside of your comfort zone, but sometimes we must take the risk in order to receive the discipline and reward for our efforts. The medicine during such times is to remember to breathe deep and wide. Regulate the body to the risk and do the thing anyway.



Oh Leo, you have a glorious opportunity this moonth to move through total transformation during Scorpio season! What an exciting time for you! I know people often see the Death card and feel overwhelmed, but truly the way you decide to see this experience is the way in which you experience the death process. Instead of thinking you are losing something; Focus on what you are gaining. Whenever we let go of an old version or piece of our life, it makes space for a new version and a new opportunity or gift to arrive. Death must come first before we have the new path we are searching for. Let this be an exciting time!



This moonth is going to feel delicious for you as it is focused on home, security and getting our finances in order. You would be well served by cleaning out the closet, starting to gather the tax paperwork that you will need in January and in general taking time to reassess all your previous structures and routines. This would be an excellent time to shake up your exercise regime, and in general, put an eye on all the things that you may have taken for granted, in case they could be more efficient with a few little tweaks.



I take this moonth as a grand permission slip to just let go! Let go of everything you have been attached to that you possibly can and you will receive so many blessings in the space that is left behind. This can be challenging for Libra because they love beauty, and often enjoy collecting beautiful things with which to surround themselves but sometimes those things can become a gilded cage. Liberate yourself this moonth! Let it burn and see what happens.



This moonth offers you a strong choice that needs to be made. Where are you putting your energy this winter? Where are you giving your precious exuberance and excitement? Where will you be investing and spending your precious life force energy? This is an investment that we never get back, so place is it wisely in people, experiences and pathways that are in full reciprocity for you and your heart.



Time for a fiery rebirth, my friend. This moonth calls on the power of making peace with our previous actions and choices, and choosing which ones we may need to repair and which ones were exactly just right. It is a time of great reflection, and giving yourself the gift of reassessing some of the bolder choices that may have been made in haste. You are offered an opportunity to walk your talk and allow your actions to meet up with the way you wish to move in the world.  It's okay to say you are sorry; and it is ok to hold up your boundaries as well.  Sometimes the lines get blurred between the two when emotions are involved!



Choice time for you! As we move into winter, you are being invited to get really clear on which projects and physical spaces you are going to dedicate your time and energy to. I know you want to accomplish and do all the things, but this card suggests you will be best served by simplifying the task list, and truly focusing on the items that move the needle forward and give you the greatest return on your efforts. Often simplifying is the thing that saves the most time in the long run.



This moonth ushers in a time of greater emotional expression and experiences that tug at the heartstrings. The medicine of this card is to allow yourself to ride the waves of feelings without stopping the flow of energy. It is easier to feel the feelings in real time, then to attempt to suppress them and deal with the pressure of them later. This can be challenging for an airy mental personality such as yourself, but you will be supported this moonth in this emotional experiment if you choose to dip your toes into the feeling waters!



November marks a time where the wounds of the past surface and are finally ready to be looked at and given space to heal. You are the biggest feeler of the zodiac, and this can often feel overwhelming to your body. Please make sure to take excellent care of yourself! Salt baths, connecting with friends, and writing in your journal are simple and profoundly grounding ways to stay in your body while letting these old memories surface and clear out of your space. If you allow them to rise, they will make more room inside for joy and other feelings that you so deeply desire.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Tarotscope: Your Tarot Card for October 2023

Find out what the cards have in store for you this October…

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre.  

Let the energies of these cards guide you this month.

If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com

Currently, The Holy Boundaries™ 28 Day Email Challenge is underway and ready for you... better boundaries in one moon Cycle (or your $ back).



This moonth asks you to take a break...September took it outta you.  It's ok to rest.  It's ok to not throw yourself into another exciting or shattering or intense situation.  What might it feel like to pause?  To play?  To be slow?  Is it possible that always going full tilt might make you less intuitive or efficient because there is more chaos to filter through and more messes to clean up?  Just something to ponder...



Let yourself feel this moonth; but don't get lost in fantasizing about what was or what isn't actually here now.  There is so much goodness available once you can see the feelings for what they are - guidance to the people and circumstances that most serve YOU.  It is far too easy to be the one that makes things feel better for others...this moonth, focus on what pleases you and grieve what needs to be let go of.



This moonth brings up an old heartbreak that wants to heal.  It will be best for you if this time you allow the lessons to land without resistance.  Every relationship has two people. Every ending has a beginning.  Even when people do us wrong, we still have responsibility for how we react or respond and how we think and speak about the situation later.  This time, you have an opportunity to take in the whole situation and let go of the stories that only hurt you or keep you in the role of victim or martyr.



It is emotional adventure time sweet Cancer!  You are no stranger to the feelings...yet this moonth suggests an opportunity to become even more nuanced, even more deeply feeling in ways that support your inner growth rather than overwhelm your system.  This might mean even more solitude, baths and sappy movies to support the flow of those feelings...full permission to indulge as needed!



This moonth represents a time of commitment to your craft.  What are you pouring yourself and your energy into?  What lights you up and gets your inspiration moving?  This moonth invites you to remember that "work" isn't just about money...its supposed to include some satisfaction and meaning as well.



Time to go inward and get clear on how your heart feels right now sweet Virgo.  This time of year is often fraught with deadlines, social engagements and prepping for winter all of which you are quite skillful at planning and getting nitty gritty with!  But how do you FEEL? You can too easily be caught up in the details and wander away from the feelings just beneath the surface.  You might be due a good cry.



This moonth is all about balance, dear Libra for the sake of longevity.  We do the disciplined thing NOW to serve your future self even if it feels like an irritant to your current self.  We reap what we sow, and the cosmos are asking you to look at the seeds you are sowing...are they going to provide ripe fruit ten years from now?  Is the way you are treating your body going to serve you in the next two decades?  These are the inquiries...



What a glorious time of year for you!  As we enter your season, the powers that be want to know- What are you proud of yourself for?  What have you accomplished in this last solar year that feels yummy and noteworthy?  Give yourself the gift of a life review and reorganization of where your energy is flowing.  There will be places that need pruning in order to maximize the energy available to you



This is a deep and magical time for your Sag.  The request is to go inward and follow the call of your heART.  You may have become too stagnant lately, too comfortable in the routine of day to day.  The Moon reminds us the magic of life comes from the unknown, the mystery and allowing life to lead us somewhat blindly towards our future.  You often get caught up with your arrows and goals without enough space for surprise - let some of the energy of the darkness have room in you this moonth and follow where it takes you...



It's time to start a brand new cycle with your feelings!  There is a story that is played out and old that causes you suffering.  Maybe a story from childhood, from a past lover or a co-worker.  A story that causes irritation or downright angst!  The energy is ripe to release that old perspective and allow a fresh more encouraging story to take its place.  



This moonth is an invitation to focus.  Your mental health will benefit greatly from some clean choices around what you allow into your mind and your field.  You would benefit most from clearing out any media, apps or social channels that most garner your precious attention and time.  You are asked to bring more of that crisp visionary energy to your present moment- the world needs you to be focused on what we collectively are moving towards.  Your perspective is requested!  Clean out the mental clutter and you will see...



This is a moonth to complete any projects you have started or held onto.  This is a time of completion...either by fully completing the project or by choosing to lovingly let it go.  It does not serve your creativity to have things left undone.  Better to simplify and devote to that which is calling you than to keep holding on to projects that were attractive to an older version of yourself.  It feels scary but trust - you will feel a huge relief when you make space for that which is truly meant for you now as you are!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Horoscopes Wyld Lee Horoscopes Wyld Lee

Your September 2023 Tarotscope: Navigate the Dance of Reflection and Transitions with the Tarot's Wisdom

September's celestial ballet is a cosmic waltz between introspection and action. As the days grow shorter and the leaves prepare to turn, let the Tarot guide you through these transformative moments. With every card pull, align with the deeper cosmic rhythms and navigate the big astrological themes of September.

From The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre: 

By Wyld Lee

September's celestial ballet is a cosmic waltz between introspection and action. As the days grow shorter and the leaves prepare to turn, let the Tarot guide you through these transformative moments. With every card pull, align with the deeper cosmic rhythms and navigate the big astrological themes of September.

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If these delight you and you are curious about woring with Wyld, check out her other offerings HERE at www.wyldfempyre.com

Currently, The Holy Boundaries™ 28 Day Email Challenge is underway and ready for you... better boundaries in one moon Cycle (or your $ back).



This moonth you are invited to investigate what patience means to you. How do you move with this idea - patience? How do you regulate your impulsive nature so that you make decisions that are more sustainable for your future? This is the medicine for you this moonth if you choose to take it.  Slowwww down...


Seven of Wands

This moonth you are invited to begin adding some mental strategy in your life! You have a tendency to be more present in your body, which is wonderful; however, if we wish to truly moonifest something in our lives, it requires a map and the direction in which we are going. Now is the time to consider where you wish to end up in the future!  What is the goal of your creativity?


Four of Wands

You are being invited into some playful recreation at this time, particularly Play of the imagination. This is your moonth to dream big, and in ways that excite and fascinate you! These dreams should not be about making money; they should be about living out your deepest desires.  Who did you want to grow up to be as a child?  How can that energy be alive in your world today?


Ten of Pentacles

This moonth calls you dear Cancer to come to completion around anything causing stress in your sector of home and finances.  You're ready for next-level maturity in these areas and it’s absolutely nothing personal- just time to uplevel!  How are your investments, your future planning, and your savings... its your opportunity to make these offerings of safety a priority!


Two of Cups

Emotional moonth for my friend and one that comes with some big choices.  The curiosity from the cards is this - where are your feelings not being met?  What relationships need to have some convos about respect or reciprocity?  Where are you wearing your heart on your sleeve and finding that you get hurt?  It's the time to make some protective adjustments for your own benefit.


Ace of Swords

It's a brand new cycle for you Virgo - one of action!!!  You are so good at planning things you love... what might happen if you plan the things you avoid this moonth instead?  And better yet, start taking action toward that strategy!  What parts of life do you ignore? Relationships, money, career, power - whatever it is, give it your full attention and take a step in a new direction!  You will be so glad you did 6 moons from now.


Queen of Swords

Librans, this is your time to uplevel your personal disciplines and practices.  For yourself.  It doesn't matter what others say or think!  You are diving deeper into this realm for YOU.  Start the yoga practice, write in the journal, cut out the caffeine - whatever things you know would be supportive, this is the most sublime time to commit!


Nine of Wands

While you often feel intuitively skeptical for good reason...this moonth invites you to consider the mind and how it may be overreacting sometimes.  Not everyone is trying to scam you or break your heart.  This skepticism might be keeping you from some genuinely intimate relationships and people who could inspire you to a new way of living...if you can soften enough to consider the possibilities.


Five of Swords

Crunch time dear Sag...you've been procrastinating on taking action on something in life.  Maybe for good reason, but now the pausing is no longer serving you.  It's time for action!  Time to stop mind mapping, time to stop blaming, and just Do The Thing.  It feels heavy to begin, but once you shoot your arrow and decide the goal, nothing can stop you!


Eight of Pentacles

What are you building this winter Cap?  Literally or metaphorically, this moonth is actively inquiring about your plans to complete this year.  What have you built?  What projects need completion?  What direction are these projects taking you?  And do you still like that course??  If not... the time to shift direction is now before the Equinox.


Ten of Swords

This moonth holds the medicine of completion for many signs and this includes you.  It is time to complete whatever is currently in motion and plan a celebratory pause.  You are being called in the coming moonths to deeply envision the next 5 years of your grand plan...so cinch up the loose ends now and make space for the new!


Queen of Cups

This moonth will feel deep, emotional, and possibly challenging for you sweet Pisces and the Wheel turns and the light starts to dim.  But that's okay because you know how to tend your big heart and big feelings!  Get in the water, drink soothing teas, walk in the morning, cry whenever needed, and just keep the energy flowing so it doesn't get stuck!

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more!  Visit her website at www.wyldfempyre.com to learn more...

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Your August Tarotscope

Your August 2023 Tarotscopes from Wyld Lee are here to help you navigate this months super moons.

by Wyld Lee Fempyre

This moonth we are blessed with TWO Super Moon Full Moons, one of which is a Blue Moon and the energy is POTENT!  Think shining a light on things we've been putting off, feelings we want to avoid, projects that frighten us when we consider completing them, home tasks and body self care tasks that have been on the back burner so long we feel guilty about them....all of it is UP for our attention in the moonth of August.  

I hope these Tarotscopes serve you well!  Let me know what speaks to you anytime with an email to wyldfempyre@gmail.com or visit my website at www.wyldfempyre.com

I've got a fantastic FREE quiz right now called "Do You Have Holy Boundaries?" that can really shine a light on your boundary blindspots...check it out HERE!

Your August 2023 Tarotscope

ARIES - Page of Pentacles

This moonth, you are invited to explore and investigate your safety foundations.  How are your finances? Your home environment?  Your future plans?  Your structure for mental and emotional health?  How have you set yourself up for sustainability for your future self?  This isn't always your strong suit Aries, I know, but the energetics this moonth give you a healthy hand up in the process.  Take advantage!

TAURUS - Justice

Dearest Taurus, this moonth you are called to clarify your boundaries.  Is life in balance or are there places where you are leaking energy and not receiving equitably for your giving?  Justice calls us forward into seeing what IS without emotion.  This moonth is a time to gather data, truly release any story and just look at your life, work and relationships.  With the scales of Justice, you can see clearly see what the balance of your life is and where you might need to readjust your expenditures to meet your personal needs.

GEMINI - King of Swords

This is a potent and sharp moonth for you Gemini.  The energy present is one of creating your container with ferocity and firmness.  What do I mean by that?  A container is another way of describing purposeful structure, habits or the bones of your daily life.  You are supported at this time to make the changes you know you need to make...especially the ones you have been putting off or avoiding.  The King of Swords gives you the fire needed to burn away the old version of you so the new more confident version of yourself can step forward!

CANCER - Five of Wands

This moonth marks a mental struggle for you sweet Cancers…a sensation of spinning thoughts, choices and opinions.  It’s time to breathe! Unplug from your calendar particularly on both of the Full Moons this August as you desperately need some space from the energy of others and their judgements.

LEO - Wheel of Fortune

This moonth is a time to shine and step fully into the path calling you forward- even if it is a challenging path.  The steps you have taken in your life have all led you to this moment- no more delay! Jump IN!

VIRGO - Page of Cups

Dearest Virgo, you are called deeper into the feelings you try so hard to suppress.  The potent Full Supermoons this August are pulling the waters of your body to the surface… you may find you are more sensitive and easily perturbed. These feelings are data showing you where a new boundary might be required.

LIBRA - The Sun

August is a glorious moonth of expansion dear Libra- a time of seeing what you are made of and attracting others into your field that are up for the challenge of meeting you.  Ask for what you need. Be clear in your goals and desires and above all…trust the process.

SCORPIO - Seven of Wands

Deep one, this moonth invites you to stand taller and keep going towards your dreams even if you have received criticism or partial successes.  What you desire just requires a bit more time. Eye on the prize and keep yourself sharp and grounded. Listen for the next right move… it comes from the heART.

SAGITTARIUS - Queen of Pentacles

Fiery beauty, this moonth requests an honest look inside at your self care discipline.  How exactly are you caring for your hardworking body?  How are you caring for your future through your finances? Get inspired by making an actual list accounting of these items!

CAPRICORN - Strength

The turbulence and ferocity of this moonth will be uncomfortable for you, as it will most likely undo some of your best laid plans.  The medicine of the Strength card lies in both balance AND flexibility.  Try your hand at flexing this moonth- it will change everything.

AQUARIUS - Ten of Cups

This moonth offers completion of an old emotional wound that is ready to be released!  What old story do you still carry that is harming your ability to be free? About that ex lover, or parent or boss?  This moonth you have the space to review it, own your part and then let that sh!t go.

PISCES - Four of Wands

A beautiful moonth for rest my sensitive friend. Let the mind rest and focus on one thing only- how best to enJOY this precious moonth of fun! You’ve had some heavy times the last couple years…let this gift be fully received and give yourself permission to play!

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