Your Tarotscope for March 2024

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at:

Join Wyld in person for a truly enJOYable play shop in The Gorge - MOONIFEST 2024 on February 10 from 11a.m.- 4p.m. to moonifesting your desires mind, body, heART and Soul. Details at

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for March


Three of Wands

This moonth represents yet another clarifying time to get raw and real with yourself Aries.  You've had this message previously in recent moonths and it is continuing...this time in the suit of Wands.  So even as we move into your sign in March, you are being asked to expand into maturity just a wee bit more.  Particularly regarding your work life and how what you do relates to your mind and your creativity.  Do you feel mentally stimulated by what you 'do'? Are you feeling engaged in the efforts that bring you income and sustenance?  We each own the script of what we experience during our working hours - this moonth take ownership of your mental experience of work.  You are the only one that can decide if you feel stimulated, focused and creative in ways that bring satisfaction!  And you are the one with the power to change it if the answer is no.


Seven of Wands

Sweet Taurus - this is a moonth of trusting yourself and your way of doing things.  Especially in the way your brain works.  We can often get sucked into the narrative that there is only one 'right' way to do things...but in truth there are as many ways of doing things as there are humans on the planet.  Your way may look different; may take longer or might include naps and snacks and flowers... but that doesn't mean it is any less viable than the over productive, hyper focused, adrenaline driving way we have trained to adhere to in capitalism culture.  In fact, your way is the very antidote we desperately need in this stressful modern life.  We need more people modeling slowing down, resting, bringing beauty in as a major value.  YOUR way gets to be the right way...for you!


The High Priestess

What a glorious moonth indeed for you dear Gemini!  This card delights me for you as it shares a potent time of coming into alignment with your inner voices.  You have such a skillset at seeing both sides and navigating nuance...yet often this creates periods of inaction because it's so hard to decide what path!  Yet for this moonth, you are being given a clear sign to follow the first intuitive nudges that pop up and don't second guess your inspirations.  This is a moonth to trust the deep abiding wisdom that lives in your bones.  Stay out of the head as much as possible and tune in to the body.  Follow the innate Yes. Honour the clear No without question.  You will make quantum leaps this moonth if you stay true to that inner knowing!


Page of Pentacles

We have an important request from the Universe for you this moonth.  It will feel uncomfortable at first, but have faith that it will serve you so well in the long run!  This moonth is about taking a deep dive study into what makes you feel grounded, what risks could bring more support and the space between these two.  It may be that you've been avoiding some very healthy risks in lieu of a perception of safety that actually isn't serving you.  This is the time to review your old habits around money, investing, education and career expansion!  What worked for you ten years ago is no longer relevant.  Who are you today? What do you need 10 years from now?  How are you going to get from here to there?  Let it be an exciting time of education and getting a wee bit risky!


The Sun

It's your moonth Leo!  This card is your absolute happy place and you should take full advantage of the energies being in your favor.  Let yourself SHINE!  Publish that podcast, write that article, apply for that position, ask that person out on a date... whatever edgy and exciting thing you've been dreaming about all winter - now is the time to GO.  Flow with the Sun card and open yourself to all the amazing possibilities and connections available to you as the Sun supports your success and spring tiptoes into view.  Plant the seeds of your deepest dreams and desires and then take the next inspired action, and the next and the next.  You can make big jumps towards your most creative goals this moonth so plug in and surrender to the urges already blossoming inside you!


Ten of Wands

Ok dear Virgo, it's completion time yet again.  The 10's always usher in an opportunity for closure.  Our culture maligns endings as sad horrible things... but in actuality they are wondrous!  Without endings, we can't have beginnings.  Without endings, we literally don't have time and space for anything interesting and new.  While often uncomfortable- closure is compost and fuels our next spiral of thriving.  So lean IN and take a good hard gander at your mind space and inner monologue.  This is the place of closure being invited this moonth.  Can you narrow in on unhelpful ways in which you speak to yourself and let them go?  Can we focus on reframing how we think about ourselves?  The words we use about ourselves (whether beautiful or ugly, smart or dumb, fast or thorough) - these words LITERALLY define how we experience the moment.  How we talk to ourselves matters. Choose those words wisely and say NO to the ones that simply don't feel good.  Let that negativity come to closure and see what takes its place!


The Star

Keep your eyes up high dearest Libras - I know the times are especially tough for you who can see and understand both sides of the scales.  This moonth promises better, brighter things as long as we can attune our focus to what is working, what feels good and of most import - who is supporting us (both seen and unseen).  You do not have to hold it all alone... you have Guides, Allies, Well Ancestors and worldly helpers in the animals, plants, trees and stones.  Let yourself widen your perspective as far as the stars to truly get a glimpse of how loved and supported you are.  Open to receive miracles, inspirations and all the beauty of this mysterious ride called life!


Knight of Cups

This moonth is an exciting adventure into the world of emotions and your relationship to emotional energy.  You have a natural depth emotionally by default Scorpio - yet from our culture you may not allow yourself the fullest expression and experience of this part of yourself.  This moonth is seducing you back home to your heART.  How fully can you feel your feelings?  We have a weird cultural narrative that says feelings are 'irrational'- yet they are ever present and offer really clean data if we allow them to flow as they are.  Just like children - we are meant to sense a feeling, let it flow and collect the data which is being shared.  If we get intimate with our feelings, they tell us what we need moment by moment. Whether we need food, water, a nap, a boundary, a hug or a listening ear - our feelings show the way. Get curious and see where you've been denying yourself this valuable information.


The Moon

This moonth invites you ever further into trusting the mystery. Can you practice following the very next step without getting overwhelmed or lost in all the future possibilities?  You Sagittarius absolutely thrive when shooting your arrow towards your future desire - but sometimes you can get tripped up along the way if things don't go exactly just so.  That level of rigidity isn't doing you any favors!  The Moon asks you to trust as you walk in the dark; move by feel and instinct, not just logic.  Where's the big hurry anyway?  The fun part is actually these steps, moving towards inspiration.  Often it can be disappointing once achieved - let the process hold your fascination more than simple 'success'.



The message this moonth is patience, patience, patience.  And not only patience but choosing to enjoy the pace that patience affords.  How slow can you become with the goal being pleasure?  EnJOYing the feel of the tools in your hand rather than a single minded focus on finishing the task as fast as possible.  Luxuriating in the scents of the soup pot without indulging in the pressure of trying to cook fast so you can get back to work.  Is it possible to make witnessing your work a new level of mastery just waiting for your attention?  This is a mastery that will serve you well until your last breath.


Knight of Swords

This moonth is about taking action towards something that makes you uncomfortable but you know would be good for you.  That seems counterintuitive but listen... There is a special tissue (the corpus callosum) that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.  This connective tissue has been proven by science to thicken in the brains of humans who commit to doing challenging but healthy activities like mediation and cold plunging.  This thickening equates to evolution and having more access to our capacity!  And it isn't the activities themselves that account for this brain evolution - it's actually that these humans feel the resistance to the activities, yet choose to override their inclination towards comfort and push themselves into the short term discomfort in exchange for the long term gains.  It is the CHOOSING of the path despite discomfort that creates this brain evolution.  This is your quest for March sweet Aquarius.  Find your edge and go will be well rewarded.


Two of Wands

Oh Pisces, you have some big choices to make this moonth. And this card says it feels hard mentally because all the choices you are facing have merit.  Meaning the mind can find value in every direction and can get stymied by directions that run opposite each other.  But you my dear are driven by water, by the heART.  Any decisions requiring your attention will become more clear once you drop the energy from your head down into your heART.  Instead of fixating on what makes sense - focus on what feels true.  Imagine one door closing so the other path comes into view and check in with yourself...does this path feel best?  Then do so for the other choices until you find the path that feels true. THEN tap back into the brain to make logical next steps for the path you have chosen!  You tender Pisces must always lead heART first.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs, and more! 

Wyld Lee

The Feral Oracle. My soul mission is to burn down our collective domestication - one woman at a time. I help women Rebirth & Reinvent themselves through my work in Wyld Fempyre.

This has been my story and my lived experience, along with the robust collection of client stories I hold in my heART from the last 28 years of my practice divinely holding space for others.

My work has grown to include a multitude of facets -

I am a Seer, Energy Practitioner, Map Maker, Pussy Priestess,

Vulnerability Empowerment Coach, Ceremonialist,

Somatic Spaceholder and Embodiment Guide.

Oh and I DJ dances!

My work has evolved to bring a depth of tools and profound breakthroughs to those who feel the pulse of Rebirth in their bones... because Rebirth is my jam!

I bring my curiousity and Divinatrix fullness to everything I do.

I offer permission to grow, change and transform.

I believe that we all have the capacity within to heal ourselves and

reclaim our innocence and divine mission.

To reinvent ourselves when we lose track of our joy.

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