Your Tarotscope for May 2024

The Tarotscopes are offered to you by Wyld Lee of Wyld Fempyre:  

These lil readings are a combination of the Tarot with your Astrology Sign to give you some inspiration for your moonth!  

If you are curious about working with Wyld, check out her offerings at:

Your Zodiac Sign's Tarot Reading for May


Nine of Wands

This moonth is all about really monitoring your mindset, and how you are viewing the world around you. Our mindset drastically impacts the actions that we take. The medicine of this card is to get really clear on where you might be over complicating and over thinking scenarios rather than using discernment and judgment about the current experience. Don't allow negative past experiences to overly influence your action steps moving forward. Let the past be the past and take some big leaps toward your goals!


Ten of Cups

This moonth is captured in the completion of an emotional state of being. This card suggests that you have been perseverating over an old heartache, and it is time to finally let it come to rest. It is OK to let these old stories go! When we do, there is finally enough space for the new to come back into our lives. Let yourself experience the freedom of a new cycle.


King of Pentacles

This moonth is inviting you into a deeper space of safety and security that you provide for yourself. This card offers us the opportunity to reparent ourselves and to become our own solid father figure. Invest in yourself by giving attention and time to your finances, your joywork and your home. You will be deeply surprised at the level of satisfaction that you will receive. Allow this healing to land firmly in your bones.


Page of Wands

This moonth invites you to step outside of your comfort zone and experiment with dreaming bigger than your norm. Often it is the mind that stops us from thinking outside the box and allowing new adventures and possibilities to have space in our lives. What if you are,unconsciously, preventing the life of your dreams? This would be an interesting thing to ponder in your journal at this time.


Six of Wands

This moonth represents a wonderful time where you feel like you've got everything put together and you are finally finding a rhythm where things seem under control. Allow yourself the opportunity to bask in that stability and sense of accomplishment.  Use this time wisely to build better foundations for your passion projects and relationships. As you know, life is dynamic and everything changes, so do your best now to really enjoy what you have created for yourself before the next round of growth and chaos arrives.


The Tower

This moonth arrives with a less than desirable message. This card represents times in our lives when things occur that are unpreferred and outside of our control. This hits your sign the most, as you are quite fond of having that predictable stability and far reaching schedule. However, these Tower moments that arise in our lives are actually quite useful in cleaning out stagnant energy while forcing us to grow and find a deeper meaning in our lives. So, don't get lost in self-pity. Rather keep your eyes open for the hidden gifts.


Ten of Swords

This moonth represents a time of completion for any ways in which you have forced yourself to suffer over past choices and past experiences. The Tens always insist on an ending. Endings occur whether we like them or not. It is our job to choose a good ending and allow ourselves to give the past a proper place in the psyche so we don't have to carry that suffering forward. You are allowed to be free! Give yourself the gift of forgiveness and the grace of being human.


The Chariot

This moonth is an opportunity for you to truly step away from a deeply ingrained pattern that has held power over your life for far too long. Take this opportunity to assess your life and see if there is a repeat pattern that is 'up' for clearing. This can be the way in which you operate in a relationship or in your career or simply around the habits that you use to care for your animal body and your home. Something that has been an unhealthy habit is ready to shift. If you choose to say yes to the release, you will be so very glad to be rid of it.


King of Swords

This moonth is a time for you to take deep self response-ability and step into the power of choice! While it is a huge responsibility to be in charge of our lives, the deep learning that we receive far outweighs any fear you might be feeling about taking the risk or ownership. Be the driver of your own life. If you have been residing in a space of scarcity or fear - this is your sign to take a step forward and really shoot your arrow towards your future goals. No one owns your life but you. It is worth it to take the risk.


Nine of Pentacles

This moonth represents a timer for you to truly allow your mastery and gifts to shine. This card suggests there are groups within your community who are ready to support you in a much more beneficial way. Allow yourself to be seen and to receive the accolades that you deserve for your hard work. This is also a time for you to recommit and reinvest in any of your passion projects in which you hope to develop more mastery. The more attention you give them, the more self respect you will cultivate.


The Hanged One

This moonth represents the time of the sacred pause while something in life transitions. While quite uncomfortable, it is these times of listening that provide us with the deepest wisdom; times that turn us into the most useful of elders along the way. Don't attempt to rush or push through the discomfort of sitting in this transition time. It will take however long it takes. Resistance will only increase your suffering. Allow yourself more space to be quiet and to listen as life shows you what needs to die and what wants to be reborn.


Queen of Pentacles

This moonth is a profound time for you to investigate and become inspired by internal safety work, and in particular with nervous system regulation. This card offers us the sweetness of finally feeling safe in our own skin. This is no small task in this current culture, and requires each one of us spending some time, really listening to our animal body and finding the places where we are overstimulated or activated by our environment and circumstances. Your body loves you and will support you at this time in finding the next steps for deeper connection.

If you wish to dive deeper, Wyld is available for private sessions, group programs and just released her first book!  Visit her website at to learn more...

Wyld Lee

The Feral Oracle. My soul mission is to burn down our collective domestication - one woman at a time. I help women Rebirth & Reinvent themselves through my work in Wyld Fempyre.

This has been my story and my lived experience, along with the robust collection of client stories I hold in my heART from the last 28 years of my practice divinely holding space for others.

My work has grown to include a multitude of facets -

I am a Seer, Energy Practitioner, Map Maker, Pussy Priestess,

Vulnerability Empowerment Coach, Ceremonialist,

Somatic Spaceholder and Embodiment Guide.

Oh and I DJ dances!

My work has evolved to bring a depth of tools and profound breakthroughs to those who feel the pulse of Rebirth in their bones... because Rebirth is my jam!

I bring my curiousity and Divinatrix fullness to everything I do.

I offer permission to grow, change and transform.

I believe that we all have the capacity within to heal ourselves and

reclaim our innocence and divine mission.

To reinvent ourselves when we lose track of our joy.

Your Tarotscope for June 2024


Your Tarotscope for April 2024