Your Zodiac Sign's January 2022 Horoscopes and Predictions for the New Year

Hello Dear Readers,

Welcome to another cycle of the Earth around the Sun. This is a challenging but rewarding year of personal and global transformation. In 2022 we begin the work of rebuilding social structures and envisioning daily routines and value systems that reflect who we want to be.

2022 Astrological Predictions

Year of the Water Tiger

In Chinese Astrology, 2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger. It will be a year of extremes, of fortunes made and lost. The water element supports our health and vitality, feeding and healing our life force. It is also a time of extreme water weather events as climate extremes continue to ramp up.

2022 Numerology Brings in Love & Beauty

2022 is a '6' year in numerology. (2+0+2+2 = 6)

Six is the number of love, beauty, marriage, cooperation, co-parenting, childbirth, the heart chakra. (It is potentially a baby boom year and a relationship-oriented year.) Everything that happens this year is about teaching us how to recognize beauty and love in our life and to solidify the importance and impact of individual personal happiness on society. Understanding our interconnectedness and caring for our hearts is vital to pushing forward global improvements this year. In other words: your happiness is essential to the happiness of others and vice versa. Compromises of the self, making yourself a martyr, harm not only yourself but those around you as well in 2022.

The Stars Push Us to Rebuild Our Lives and Societies on a Foundation of Love, Healing, and Harmony In 2022 

For the last two years, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto have taken us on a path that has altered the course of our lives forever. It has been a time of unrest, division, secrets revealed, discourse, judgment, and sides chosen. So in some ways, what we have experienced is akin to a great trial of humanity before the Universal heart and mind.

Now, as January begins, the trial ends, and the verdict is read and it is not what we thought. Now is the time when we discover that we have all been found guilty and innocent. For though our minds may be full of madness- our hearts, no matter how battered, still know how to love. 

So, where do we go from here? 

Some will go to lock-up, found guilty of crimes against their fellow humans or their nation. Some will stand and weep over what has been lost. Some will wander. But most of us, having endured the trials and tribulations of the last two years, will be ready to return home to our hearts and spirits to rekindle love in 2022.

Upon walking into our hearts, we can see the scars on the walls, the cracks in the foundation that went too long ignored. As we return home to love our hearts we face our flaws head-on and we set to the work of reconstruction and healing at once, using our strengths, talents, and innate desire to give and receive love to guide us. 

2022 is to be a time of gathering our communities, families, and lovers to us and build a new life together based on a foundation of love. We are ready to gather the hands necessary to move the stones from the fields; to grind the stone into mortar, and to mix the mortar for a new foundation. 

This Year’s Top Astrological Themes

Venus Retrograde Rings in the Year and Roughs Up Our Relationships


  • Dec. 19th- Jan. 29th - Venus retrogrades in Capricorn.

  • Jan. 11th-15th Venus Rx conjuncts black hole

Signs most affected: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn. 

Venus in Capricorn raises the expectations of our relationships sky high.

These high expectations combined with Venus in retrograde (which causes us to reassess what we value, find beautiful, attractive, and desirable) make this a particularly difficult time for relationships. Cracks in relationship foundations may be revealed. And our desire intensifies for deeper and more meaningful relationships. Relationships that don’t 'make the cut' when it comes to aligning with our values will likely come to an end in January. 

Venus Rx in Capricorn also conjuncts a black hole in Capricorn in January, bringing intensified rumination and reflection on our use of seduction powers and past addictive romances. 

What to Expect: Texts from an ex, chance grocery store meetings with past lovers, couple arguments about shared goals, affairs, break-ups, heart to hearts, etc... 

How to work with this transit

Venus RX is an excellent time for self-reflection and making revisions. Practice the 3 R's of Retrograde: Remember, Reflect, Revise. Your wounded heart feels called to heal old wounds, to envision your healing's impact on the next generation’s future and more. It can be useful to share positive and negative feedback together. Know how to balance positive and negative feedback by engaging your curiosity and your compassion. Meditate on the feeling of appreciation, not thoughts of appreciation, but the actual feeling of it. You can train yourself to react using your values instead of a wounded reflex.

Venus retrograde periods are considered inopportune moments for getting married, starting new relationships or financial undertakings.

Venus Star Points; Venus and Mars Conjunction Bring New Love, True Love


  • Jan. 8th - Venus Star Point

  • Oct. 22nd -Venus Star Point

  • Feb. 16th - Mars in Aquarius and Venus in Capricorn Conjunction

  • Mar. 5th. - Mars in Aquarius and Venus in Aquarius Conjunction

Signs most affected: Taurus, Libra, Aries, Leo

After starting the year with Venus in retrograde, you’ll be happy to hear that there will be lots of opportunities for new and true love in 2022.

The Sun and Venus align to create a special ‘Venus Star Point’, allowing for more authentic values and connections to be expressed in our relationships. Star Point days are also very opportune moments for finding or rekindling our 'true love.' 

Mars in Aquarius and Venus conjunct TWICE this year! This conjunction is rare and usually only happens once every other year. Lucky for us, we'll get double the number of opportunities to align our drive, passions, hearts, love, and values this year. 

What to Expect: Twin flames are reunited, true love is found or rekindled, passion projects are undertaken, hearts open, love triumphs, etc.

An Extra Mercury Retrograde


  • Jan. 14th - Feb. 3rd in Aquarius and Capricorn

  • May 10th - June 3rd in Gemini and Taurus

  • Sept. 9th - Oct. 2nd in Libra and Virgo 

  • Dec. 29th - Jan. 18th, 2023 in Capricorn

Signs most affected: Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. And Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

This year we get four mercury retrogrades instead of the standard three. 

I think we can all agree this is not ideal. 

And when the first Mercury Rx hits us in January, it almost feels like the Universe is rubbing the proverbial 'salt' in the wound.

How to work with this year's four Mercury RXs: This year the Rx's are all in Air and Earth signs. The Rx's in Air signs will revolutionize your self-image and social life. Reflecting on it you find that changing yourself to fit into society leaves you feeling empty and depowered. Now is the time to reflect on the ways in which you naturally feel inclined to rebel against societal norms. It's time to give up old facades. Ego-centered and material-based conversations may ignite during the Earth sign retrogrades. 

If miscommunications and travel difficulties arise, keep your cool. True communication doesn’t set a goal of winning or losing. True communication is about curiosity and creating mutual understanding. This is not a good time to burn your bridges in the heat of the moment, even if you think it will feel good to let the fire loose. Humans need each other, especially this year. A lack of cooperation between you and your community does both you and those around you a disservice. 

Taurus and Scorpio Sister Sign Eclipses 


This eclipse cycle began on November 19th, 2021, and will continue throughout 2022 and into 2023. 

  • April 30th -Partial Socal Eclipse in Taurus

  • May 16th -Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

  • Oct. 25 -Partial Solar Eclipse Scorpio

  • Nov. 8th -Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

  • May 5th, 2023 - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

  • Oct. 28th, 2023 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Signs most affected: Scorpio, Taurus.

Eclipses always fall on a new or full moon and are considered to be super-charged versions of those lunar events. Eclipses mean intensity, big feelings, big shifts, and big changes.

Eclipses in the fixed sign of Taurus indicate shifts around structures, daily routines, and responsibilities associated with sensuality, material needs, financial security, and bodily autonomy. 

  • Use the eclipses in Taurus to get your new green sustainable business a boost, ditch the social media time for cuddle time, and get in touch with your senses.

Eclipses in the fixed sign of Scorpio mean shifts around structures, daily routines, and responsibilities associated with sex, power, repressed emotions, and hidden knowledge. 

  • Use the eclipses in Scorpio to manifest sexiness, tap into your soul’s desires, embrace your resourcefulness, adapt and flow. 

Saturn in Aquarius


Saturn, the planet of rules, structure, limits, and authority, entered Aquarius in 2020 and will be there until March of 2023. 

Signs most affected: This is a tough and challenging time full of slow growth cycles for: Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio.

In 2022 Saturn in Aquarius will continue to challenge traditional ways of doing things while awakening us to innovation and the reality of what people can accomplish together, especially when it comes to building new technologies, expanding worldwide education and understanding. 

Jupiter and Neptune Swim Together in a Pisces Paradise


Jupiter is in Pisces until May 2022, and Neptune is in Pisces until 2026. 

  • 2/22/2022 Neptune is at 22 degrees.

  • February 18th Sextile Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus. Seize opportunities that come this day.

  • April 12th Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces. Transcend to find your meaning and purpose in life.

  • May 3rd Sextile Jupiter in Pisces Pluto in Capricorn. A good day for leaning into your personal authority and making new proposals.

Signs most affected: Pisces, Sagittarius.

These two planets are joining up in the water kingdom for salty daydreamy days, expanding our ability to heal, open our hearts, embrace optimism and to connect with others.  

Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces allows our spiritual imagination and healing powers to awaken so that we can learn to know our higher selves. This knowingness of our higher selves allows us to hold on to our sense of compassion, opening us up to curiosity, creativity, spirituality, and intuitive inspiration. 

During this time we turn to our subconscious for answers and embrace our softness, compassion, and psychic visions. Messages and inspiration flow easily and endlessly in the form of symbols, visions, and dreams. 

How to work with this transit: Neptune plays a crucial role in 2022, so in some sense, your future depends on your ability to express empathy and compassion during this time. Attune to your higher self and engage in the mindful and meaningful introspection. Some may experience this transit as an increased desire to escape reality rather than heal it. Those prone to delusions may find their pull strengthened. My advice? Instead of living in a delusion make your reality worth living in. It’s a good time to get a tarot reading, take a guided journey to the end of the universe, attend a Mt. Adam’s Buddhist Temple meditation, read the Qabalah or the Tao te Ching, study the Tarot, seek life coaching and astrological guidance and practice Yoga. It’s also a good time to or experience the wisdom available in somatic embodiment experiences (learn more here and here). 

Pluto in Capricorn: The United States of America has its Pluto Return

When: Feb. 20th, 2022

This is a once-in-a-lifetime transit that we will never see again.

Pluto returns give us clues as to where our nation is on its karmic path. It is a time when the karmic wheel spills out threefold the lessons that we have to learn. In this way, a nation's Pluto return marks the end of one evolutionary cycle and the beginning of the next. 

Pluto, the planet of the soul, karma, power, death, the underworld, destruction, and rebirth, has been in and out of Capricorn since 2008 and it will return to the EXACT place it was when the USA was first formed in 1776 in February of 2022.

The Karmic Path of the United States of America

What to Expect: Painful secrets about power and death are revealed during a Pluto return. This is necessary so that deep inner transformation can begin.  

We saw this fully in 2020 and 2021, which both brought massive political division in the United States as leaders of a two-party system battled for power and pushes for social, racial, and gender equality forged ahead. These past few years have put our nation’s commitment to its ideals of equality, inclusion, and freedom for all on trial in every home and in every newspaper. 

The past few years have called global attention to the cracks in the nation's moral foundation. And the nation and the world are still reeling from these events. 

The U.S. has it’s North Node in Leo, the sign of ego and leadership, making it seem almost destiny that the U.S. would be a leader on the world playing field. 

However, according to karmic theory, it is the karmic destiny of nations that have their Pluto in Capricorn to one day fall from grace and lose their place as a world power. 

To understand the United States karmic path, we must understand that every nation is built on a philosophy that becomes institutionalized and politicized. The USA was founded on a philosophy of religious freedom which has been institutionalized and politicized and evolved into free-market capitalism. This raisies the question of how does one align such a diverse nation with the heart of the philosophy it was built on? 

Those born with Pluto in the tenth house must develop their own ideologies and learn to scrutinize societal desires and structures, or they may become prone to abuse of power. The question that plagues the soul of a nation with Pluto in Capricorn is that of: Who am I without my job, my power, my societal role, my house and all it’s luxuries, my reputation, and recognition? How can I be okay without those things? How can being okay with or without those things make me more secure in myself?

The U.S. is certainly not unique in its struggle to balance its ideals with its desire to accomplish more, to be more, to do more, to accumulate more power and security. And with such big questions left unanswered, perhaps the U.S. fall from grace is necessary for the nation to learn its karmic lesson. But ultimately where the nation goes from here is up to us. The only question is are we willing to integrate what we’ve learned so that we can rebuild and become the best version of ourselves?

Additional transits to consider in January

Lunar Cycle Brings A Range of Emotions to January


  • Jan. 2nd - New Moon in Capricorn,

  • Jan. 23rd - Moon and black hole in Libra conjunction

  • Jan. 27th - Full moon in Cancer

  • Mo. 31 Jan 31. 9:49 PM New Moon (Aquarius)

Signs most affected: Capricorn, Cancer

On the New Moon: Your self-discipline is primed. Set practical, achievable long-term goals.

On the Full Moon: Your compassion, sensitivity, and caring are heightened. Complex emotions swim in your subconscious. Seek comfort and catharsis. Celebrate and assess what you’ve managed to achieve. Cry if you need to. 

On the Moon Black Hole Conjunction: It could be difficult to gain control of your emotions and desires on this day, especially as they pertain to your relationships. Try to wait it out before making any big decisions or you might end up engaging in an affair or break up that you’ll regret later on. 

Capricorn to Aquarius Season


  • Dec. 21st-Jan. 20th - Sun in Capricorn

  • Jan. 19th- Feb 18th, Sun in Aquarius

  • Jan. 7th, 10th, 13th - Sun conjuncts black holes in Capricorn

  • Jan. 24th - Sun conjuncts black hole in Aquarius

Signs most affected: Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus 

Intellectual focus and freedom-seeking intensify this month. Capricorn likes to get things done. They embrace the feelings that come with achievement and their clear focus can help them embrace many creative routes to achieving their goals. Honest communication, attention to detail, and accelerated self-improvement abound during Capricorn season. 

Capricorn takes the long view. Capricorn asks: Does it grow corn? How do we grow enough corn to feed the next seven generations? Now is a good time to take the long view and invest in the future. Commit to exercising the body in ways that enrich your life, your health, and your wellbeing.

Capricorn transitions easily into Aquarius season as we begin to put our innovative abilities to the test. Societal and social issues continue to grace the headlines and covers of magazines. Ambitions are stoked, transformation is called upon, and social justice movements continue forward. 

Black Hole Conjunction Advice: These black hole conjunctions may cause struggles between a need for outside validation and a need for inner reflection to determine your sense of self or purpose in the world. Reflect on what you are giving your energy to. Is what you get in return worth the cost? Or are you sinking all your energy into a bottomless black hole?

Astrology is a Tool for Self Reflection

Astrology is a tool we can use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond to what’s happening both internally and externally in the world. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions.

Everything written here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction of the future. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life.

Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Looking for a Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Read more about the Astrological Themes of 2021 here.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Last month you realized that you instinctively know what’s important to you.

You start this month feeling ambitious and ready to work your butt off to achieve your goals. Set realistic goals and prepare to dedicate yourself to long-term solutions. The road ahead is full of challenging moments this month. Find a way to add some passion into your daily life. Working in some joy and a sense of purpose into your routine will keep you motivated and aligned to your higher purpose.

Aries 2022 Overview: Life may come slowly this year. Focus on being patient. Academic pursuits are stalled for Aries this year. Redirect your energies into leveling up your spiritual life and prioritizing self-care and health. There is lots of learning in finances, career, and income possibilities awaiting you. Explore them if you can. Your love life may be full of roses or thorns in 2022. Don’t agree to mariage unless you’re 10000% SURE.

Aries 2021 Overview 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Last month you realized that you can grant yourself permission to be powerful. 

This month your ruling planet Venus is retrograde, making everything feel a bit like a grueling finals exam in your relationships. Will they pass the test or fold under pressure? Regardless, it's important to have a sense of self outside of your relationships. You need a sense of purpose to be happy. Delve deeper into what makes your work feel meaningful. Follow it down the rabbit hole to where your purpose lies. Release old thinking routines by recognizing the ways in which they’ve held you back. Align your mindset to be stronger, more resilient, and a better fit with your new goals. 

Mercury Rx Advice: Stay true to your higher self. Don't fall into a pattern of old bad behaviors during the Mercury RX this month.

Taurus 2022 Overview: This is a year of intense personal growth. Luck is on your side this year. Focus on being independent. It’s a good time for releasing old ailments and improving fitness and health. You earn profits with the help of your partner this year but you'll want to assess property purchases and other large investments VERY carefully first.

Taurus 2021 Overview

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Last month you integrated lessons you’d learned from the past two years.

And this month is all about finding the power balance in your relationships. Find a way to take the lead without taking too much control. The Venus and Mercury retrograde may have you feeling a bit sensitive towards your past and prickly towards others. Try not to be too harsh with yourself and others. Look beneath the surface. What has your heart learned from it’s past experiences? What long-held values have you kept? What values need realigning? What does success feel like? How can you achieve your goals in a way that is satisfying to your spirit and your wallet?

Gemini 2022 Overview: Focus on being organized. It is an action-oriented year in which you reach for the stars. Shoot for the moon, reach for the stars, fire up your plane and FLY. But be sure to accept the fame that naturally comes next with grace. Be humble. The more well-known you become, the further your reach and the more polite you should be in your communications. Especially becuase you may experience sudden rises and falls in income this year and you'll want to get help from family and friends with your finances. 

Other 2022 Themes for Gemini:

  • You are what you eat, your stomach is a second brain. What are you feeding it?

  • True love is out there waiting for you. Marriage or rekindling of a long-term commitment are in the cards for you in 2022.

Gemini 2021 Overview

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Last month you strengthened your intuition and realized that you know when something feels right…or wrong.

This month your ruling planet the Moon has it’s rebirth in Gemini, making it a good time to set your intentions and take on a leadership role and model the communication style you’d like to have in your relationships. Practice communicating with your loved ones in the love languages that they most understand. If the Mercury retrograde messes up some of your communications don't worry to much. Breath and remember that practice makes perfect. 

The Moon waxes full in it’s home sign of Cancer this month bringing catharsis for the complex emotions that have been swimming in your subconscious. Your compassion, sensitivity, and caring are heightened. Seek comfort. Cry if you need to. Release old dreams and memories this month to make space for new ones. Get real with yourself if you’re still holding on to unrealistic expectations of partnership. Time to let what’s been holding you back go. 

Cancer 2022 Overview: Focus on building and expressing confidence this year. Set small achievable goals for yourself and your projects. Financial options and investments are laid out in clear black and white for you this year and Cancer's health outlook is good. In addition, a fresh breeze seems to grace your love life, lightning things up or opening you up to new possibilities. Your parents may oppose your love match, but you don’t need their approval for your love to be real. Let time do the talking for you.

Cancer 2021 Overview

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Last month you realized embraced that your worth goes beyond the recognition you’ve received. 

The month starts off with your ruling planet, the Sun in ambitious Capricorn, giving you a leg up on your personal goals and your New Year’s resolutions. Make a plan this month and stick to it. Last-minute, winging it may have worked in the past but empires aren’t built on a whim. Long-term goals require long-term organizational structures. Buy a planner, make a to-do list and start checking things off. Make the most of a busy schedule by merging activities with building relationships when you can: i.e., merge social time and exercise time by going on a run with a friend or turn running errands into a date with a significant other. 

Leo 2022 Overview: It’s an action-oriented year for you and life has no dress rehearsal. Your time on the stage is what you make it. This year is about finding your balance in your personal and work life. Try to spend your money in places that invest in your future rather than indulging in excess. Leo's love outlook is good this year and long-term love is in the cards. Focus on listening in your relationships. Talking only takes you so far in communication. Listening and understanding others takes you the rest of the way.  

Leo 2021 Overview

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Last month you leaned into your ability to relate to others intuitively.

Now this month is all about making sure you’re putting your energy into the right things. You’ll know you're doing things right what you find yourself feeling optimistic about the future. Your ruling planet Mercury goes retrograde in the middle of the month, causing missent texts, emails and time taveling thoughts and ruminations on your past relationships. Don’t let overthinking spiral out of control, as it will distract you from your goals. Beware of the allure of shiny new things this month. Old friends, long-term relationships, and chosen family should be your priority this month. Old friends can fit as well as old boots for a reason. 

Virgo 2022 Overview: Many ups and downs lie ahead. A change of mood is necessary to weather the tides with grace. Be clear and make your choice about what you want intellectually and materialisticly for this year. Good fortunes grace those who have been working towards financial security. Focus on being optimistic. Level up your spiritual life and you may find that good humor that has an almost child-like quality may come into your life. Virgo has lots of opportunities to enjoy love this year. Marriage is in the cards for your sign.

Virgo 2021 Overview 

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Last month illusions were lifted from your eyes and foundational issues at home were revealed. This month you’re deciding how to respond to the truth that’s been revealed.

If you’re in a relationship: Yikes. Your ruling planet Venus, planet of love and beauty continues it’s retrograde in Capricorn this month, meaning your relationships have taken a beating of three at this point. Venus in Capricorn has made your expectations in your relationships sky high and has really upped the pressure a bit as you try to figure out whether you and your partner’s values still align. Where do you connect? Where do you balance each other? If something is foundationally unfair in your relationship can it be fixed?

If you’re single: You are reconsidering what you desire this month. Milestones are approaching. Emotional cycles are ending. Let go of old ways of being and welcome in the new. It’s a good month for career and work-related themes. Get the most out of it by living in the flow of one moment to the next. One project ends, the next begins. Follow your heart over material success in your endeavors. Follow your gut but be sure to balance your needs and the needs of others. 

Libra 2022 Overview:  Focus on being decisive when making tough decisions. Once you have all the necessary information available, make a decision and move forward. Rely on your instinct to guide you. The year gets off to a weird start in love, some miscommunications haunt your relationships but new opportunities arise later on. As far as health goes, you are more aware of your sense of self and your anxiety this year. Good. Now that you have learned to notice it you can learn how to comfort it as well. Work may feel monotonous this year. It is a critical year for Libra in the realm of finances and investments. Be cautious in your spending in the first half of the year and the second half will be more solid and secure. You’ll have the opportunity to cross off a bucket list item, or finally go through with a fun trip or plan you’ve always dreamed of this year. Your proclivity for experimentation and your capacity for fun is a gift, enjoy it.

Libra 2021 Overview

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Last month you went cleared away blocks that held you back from your goals and faced existential questions about family and the home. So you’ll be glad to hear that this month your ruling planets, Mars and Pluto, are in the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn this month, giving you mental fortitude and strength to push forward.

However, the Mercury retrograde that begins in the middle of the month could throw you for a spin. Misunderstandings abound. Allow yourself only one minute to feel regret, then move on. Focus on what you can control and let go of anything outside your scope. Explore your feelings with self-reflection without letting them control you. Let go of outside influences that cloud your vision of self. Know that opening yourself up to others is key to building a relationship foundation that can hold you for years to come. Your heart can not live locked away in a vibranium lined case forever. This kind of protection is only a delusion. Wear your heart on your sleeve and let it breathe, notice how others are drawn to the softness of your being in those moments. Follow your instincts.

Scorpio 2022 Overview: This is a defining year of personal transformation for you. Past kind and unkind deeds return to you karmically this year. Focus on being forgiving. Forgive yourself and others. Let go of old grudges and old storylines. There is an ease in your daily routine. In terms of health, your anxiety may be high this year. Be confident and accept your faults with grace. In terms of work, progress is made in the areas of learning and career. Children are looking to you for mentorship and wisdom. 

Scorpio 2021 Overview

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Last month destiny touched you and you burned and were reborn like a Phoenix form the flame.

This month your ruling planet Jupiter is in Pisces until May, getting you in touch with your nostalgia, softness, your compassion, and your healing powers. You find that you instinctively know things. You have visions of the future and the past this month. Mercury retrograde may lead to others misinterpreting your vision- try not to let it make you feel insecure or to take it personally. You are gifted with clear sight, and not everyone is. You want to be more and to do more in the coming year. So get your routine in order and make sure it is supporting your long-term goals. Look to the future this month. Take small steps towards your material goals even if others don’t get it. This is your life, you have a right to experience it in the way that feels right for you. Your power, energy, and drive are building this month. 

Sagittarius 2022 Overview: Focus on being patient. There is a deepening in relationships that have taken years to build in 2022 and you have good luck in finances. A new inheritance or a change of household is likely. 2022 is a time for daring adventures for Sagittarius. Pursue in the direction of your joy. Make a wish, and it may be granted. Love is everywhere waiting for you.

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Happy Birthday Capricorn!

Last month you realized that you are ready to start a new chapter in your life. 

You’ll be glad to hear that the Sun is in your sign this month, boosting your confidence and shining a bright light on your personality. Your ruling planet Saturn is in Aquarius until 2023, causing some core values to shift. Explore yourself. Discover the many versions of yourself that exist, those that have been, those that are, and those that will be. You have a natural drive to be the best version of yourself, embrace it. Let go of a desire to control or manage other's personal development. Focus on what you can control and change. Venus in retrograde may cause relationship trouble for you this month. As you focus inward, your relationships may change. This can look like your partner growing with you or growing apart from you. Trust the cycles of partnership and loneliness or coupling and uncoupling in your life. Sometimes things end so that you can focus on your personal evolution.

Capricorn 2022 Overview: Focus on being social. Old friends bring deep joy and cheerfulness into your life. New friends arrive but it will take time to deepen those relationships. Show gratitude for friendships new and old. Second chances in love arise. Sweat out your stress at the gym or on the trail. Children look to you for guidance and wisdom. Plan your financial future and carry out your vision.

Capricorn 2021 Overview

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Happy Birthday Aquarius!

Last month you got comfortable with endings and new beginnings.

This month the Sun moves into your sign, shining a bright light on your individuality and giving you a boost of confidence. Early in the month, focus on getting your daily routine into a healthy flow so that when Mercury retrograde hits on the 14th, you’ll have something to lean on when communications get difficult. Your nostalgia threatens to pull you into delusions and hold you back from achieving your goals this month. Remember you live always, in the present, not the past, or the future. You are defined only by the moment. Let go of old attitudes that are holding you back. Stay out of other people’s deep trauma waters this month as a means of distracting yourself from dealing with your own. Your desire to help others is a gift to be given, yes. But one shows love for others and themselves when they can give love to themselves too. Show your mental and emotional wellbeing, love and attention this month.

Aquarius 2022 Overview: Focus on being disciplined. Discipline and train your mind. It’s a good year for academia, learning, and seeking our intellectually stimulating challenges. Career wise, it’s not the right time for a big move, it’s more of a skill-building and portfolio-building year.

Your ruling planet Uranus is basically in Taurus until 2026. (It will take a brief retrograde break in Gemini in 2025.) So you are on a long haul journey here of assessing your physical reality, figuring out what brings you a sense of security, what you can do about climate change, what you want from your bank account, and what you want for your family and for your body. It is a time of digital advancement, of nest building, investing, and moving across country or the other side of the world. 

Introspection, harmony and gratitude abound for you in 2022. 

Aquarius 2021 Overview

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Last month you embraced main character energy. This month you’re taking the steps towards the next big plot point.

How do you swim an Olympic mile? One stroke and kick at a time. Stop waiting to arrive at your destination and swim for it. Celebrate every stroke you make in the direction of your goal. Enjoy every breath you take as you come up for air from your work. Take time to appreciate the view from where you are standing. 

Take time for your friendships, and social life, be aware of how you interact with your community and the world. Are you living according to your values and ideals? If not, then why not change that? When Mercury retrogrades in the middle of the month, your insecurities will threaten to derail your loving heart from its purpose. Delusions, old storylines, and outside influences seem to take up too much space in your mind, causing you to lose trust in others and yourself. Cast out negative thoughts with a hurricane of self-love. Trust in the Universe to hold you with all of your complexities. Trust in your community to lend aid when it’s needed. Those you have helped will come to your aid. If you find you are walking alone, unaided, then perhaps you need to look at the karma you have accumulated. The wheel of time turns out threefold the intentions that we put out into the world. Walk courageously in the direction of love. Feed your creativity. 

Pisces 2022 Overview: Your ruling planet Neptune is home in your sign until 2026. Once it transits into Aries in 2026, Neptune will not return to Pisces again for another 164 years. So this is a rare opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dissolve that which holds you back and seize everything you’ve ever desired. There are oceans of potential energy stirring in your veins. Let it pour from you like a cleansing rain that washed you clean of your fears, your doubt, your insecurities, and your delusions. 

Pisces 2021 Overview


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