December 2021 Horoscopes: We're Going Deep; Exploring Intuition, Instinct, The Black Hole at the Center of Our Galaxy, and the Spirit

Hello Dear Readers,

This December we are diving deep. 

Deeper than some may have been before. 

The month ushers in the depths of our knowledge being revealed to us.

The human DNA and our collective human experience are on display. Sometimes humanity is full of love and gratitude, but sometimes the society humanity has built is not easy to look at without flinching.  

Sagittarius Season invites us to engage and examine our relationship with fire. It is time to contemplate the fire cycle and fire's impact on our history, evolution, and our future. Take an intuitive approach. Learn how to make fire using ancient techniques and ancestral wisdom this month. Learn how to stoke a flame with the breath from your lungs. Notice how the Earth’s body must be consumed to feed the fire's hunger. What new life grows when the flames have gone? How do you participate in the natural cycle and rhythm of the Earth? How does what you do today paint a part of the world’s legacy?

When Capricorn season begins towards the end of the month, we are reminded that a fire’s touch leaves a mark. Our thoughts turn to grounded long-term solutions to healing the land, feeding our families, and commitment to our core values. 

Neptune and Jupiter support us this month by helping us to embracing our intuition, our instinct to evolve, and our creativity.

What grows in winter? What sleeps until spring? 

This Month’s Major Transits

Neptune and Jupiter Usher in Piscean Paradise


Dec 1st - Neptune goes Direct in Pisces

Dec 24th - Jupiter in Aquarius Quintile Uranus in Taurus

Dec 28th - Jupiter enters Pisces

Neptune Goes Direct

Neptune RX exposed harsh realities in our world, our relationships, leading to uncertainty and confusion. 

Now, December begins with the God of Dreams and Intuition going direct in Pisces for the first time since June. And the tides will turn as our spiritual imagination is awakened. The knowingness of our higher selves brings us to hold on to our sense of compassion more readily, opening us up to creativity and intuitive inspiration. We instinctively turn to is our subconscious for answers during this time for it is there that the first spark that birthed us shines its brightest.  

Neptune plays a crucial role in 2022, so in some sense, your future depends on your ability to express empathy and compassion during this time. Neptune spends 14 years in each sign and Neptune will be hanging out in Pisces until 2025.

These years are a time of dreaming and soul seeking.

It is time to engage your emotional intellect. Embrace your softness. Engage the questions of your heart. Ask questions about how you and society came to be. Indulge in hobbies, poetry, music and art. Embrace your intellectual and existential questions as a part of your human experience. Practice loving kindness and compassion. 

Jupiter in Aquarius quintiles Uranus in Taurus

This quintile reveals our talents and brings into our awareness a desire to create, organize, categorize, and build fair structures that serve the needs of everyone in our communities. 

Jupiter joins Neptune in Pisces

Neptune and Jupiter are teaming up to accelerate our spiritual evolution. 

Neptune and Jupiter rule the skies in the coming months, lifting illusions about history, bringing forth kindness, forgiveness, deep emotions, and boundless inspiration. 

The last Jupiter-Neptune conjunction was in 1856. 

This was during the early history of blues music, which would revolutionize music around the world. However, looking back on this point int history reveals many hard truths about American history, especially racial bias, such as blackface performers, crude racial caricatures, and slave songs stolen and profited from. In this time of Neptune in Pisces there is a lifting of illusions, a revealing of prejudice and projection. Some may experience disillusionment, memories, and nightmares in painful ways. What does fear teach us about healing? And the scar that healing can leave? 

Our present is integrally connected to our past. But we do not find our futures by looking to the past. 

We find our preferred futures this month by listening to our higher selves. Listen to the one inside of you that is aware of the breath. Engage your intuition and your senses. There are other ways of knowing. Transform mourning into creative expression. It is the spark of inspiration that guides us. Hope stirs for a fair and compassionate future for all of humankind. Space and time heal the body, but they also take their toll. This is a conjunction of embracing of mortality, legacy, and newfound compassion. 

Jupiter in Pisces brings creatives, musicians, water signs, and artists attunement to inspiration and deepening knowledge of their craft through practicing artistic expression. If your Jupiter is in Pisces, this transit will be especially transformative. If you are an entrepreneur in the creative field, this transit could also be especially good for you. 

The collaboration between Jupiter and Neptune allows our creativity to flow forth with such power that it is capable of breaking down any dams and blockages that have prevented us from expressing our creativity. The destruction of walls we have built between us and our senses (our instinct, our inner witness) is sometimes a necessary step in the rebirth of our creative energies. A new wave of opportunities is washing over you, cleaning away the cobwebs that clutter your imagination. This transit is akin to breathing a sigh of joy and relief as you resurface from the depths.

NOTE: Attune to your compassion by focusing on it with a gentle and appreciative gaze. Step back from the clouds, let the fog lift, and see clearly the blue skies waiting for you on the other side.

More About Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter spent the early spring and summer months in Pisces this year. But it spent the majority of its time (the summer, fall, and winter months) in Aquarius. Jupiter has been in Aquarius in free-spirited and free-thinking Aquarius since July 28th, 2021, freeing us up to new ways of thinking and creating. 

Now Jupiter moves back into Pisces, bringing heightened spirituality, softness, compassion, psychic visions, and deep dreams that will permeate our consciousness. This transit promises optimism, growth, and abundance in business and in love. But you might also need a little more time to yourself to attune to your higher self and engage in meaningful introspection. 

How to Get the Most Out of This Transit

Believe. Emote. Care. Give. 

Good fortune shines on the lamb and not on the lion. 

Those who are charitable, tender, devoted, compassionate and giving reap the positive karma they have accumulated. Those who can believe in the basic goodness of all people will be afforded great luck and prosperity. 

Now is the time to swim in the deep waters of inspiration. When you are swimming in deep waters, engage your breath. Learn the rhythm of your body. Practice the sacred art of breathing.

Embark on a Spiritual Journey

Now is the perfect time to embark on a journey of the soul, seek your source, and practice living in the flow of wakefulness. Embrace what is universal to all beings.

Engage with other ways of feeling, knowing, seeking, and being.

Now is a good month to get a tarot reading from Wyld Lee at Moon Mountain Highway in Bingen, take a guided journey to the end of the universe, learn about human design, attend a Mt. Adam’s Buddhist Temple meditation, watch a documentary about Abdu’l-Baha, read the Qabalah or the Tao te Ching, study the Tarot, and practice Yoga. It’s also a good time to seek life coaching and astrological guidance or experience the wisdom available in somatic embodiment experiences (learn more here and here). 


Meditate on compassion and gratitude. You know how to exude gratitude and mean it. If you have to go back to the beginning to remember what that feels like, then so be it, you know your way back to the present moment.

Want to join a group of experienced meditators locally? Join Mt. Adams Buddhist Temple for a meditation.

Can’t sit still? Try walking meditation or practice breathing and movement with Tai Chi in the Gorge in Bingen.

Attuned to Your Subconcious Mind

Listen to your dreams. Know that there are many ways of knowing. You know how to stoke the fires of your own soul. Engage your emotions, engage your instinct, practice awareness, practice stoking your inner fire, and see where it leads. 

Let inspiration and creativity flow through you

Listen to music, especially classical, music from around the world and the blues. Better yet…make music. Play the drums. Try acoustic. Learn to beatbox. Find your rhythm. Discover a new band called The Dalles, play with other camaraderie; perform. Try your hand at being a playright, make art, show your art, make videos, learn about the history of humans use of fire, ask yourself how many years it takes to create a symbiotic relationship across species, learn about the pace at which knowledge accumulates and intuition flows. 

Note: This transit will impact artists, spiritualists, and water placements such as Pisces the most. This transit also highlights areas of difficulty for Virgo and Capricorn placements. If your Jupiter, the luckiest planet in the solar system, is in Pisces, this transit will be especially potent for you. Remember that opportunities take all shapes and forms. 

Sagittarius Season Brings the Fire, A Total Solar Eclipse, Black Hole & Galactic Center Conjunction, and more


Dec 4th - New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Dec 13th - Mars enters Sagittarius

Dec 18th - 21st Sun in Sag conjunct Sagittarius A Black Hole (Galactic Center)

Dec 21st - Sun in Sagittarius reaches 29th degree

We yearn to act and take the first steps forward with our new understanding of ourselves and our lives that we developed during Scorpio season. And here to help us do that is the Sun in Sagittarius. The energy of Sagittarius is always moving forward and looking to the future. This is a good time for expanding our horizons and learning new things. 

The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius will release old wounds and heighten your knowing.

The final eclipse of 2021 is upon us.

This eclipse will bring an end to the fiery rage that has accompanied the Gemini and Sagittarius eclipse cycle since 2020. This cycle brought huge personal and collective political consequences. 

Luckily Sagittarius energy is versatile and adaptable. 

Lean into your resiliency. Embrace the fact that your quest may involve crossing over scorched Earth, where buzzards circle overhead. When the last fire burns out on a battlefield and the consequences of our actions lay before us- what then do we choose to take with us into the post-war days? Questions arise about our purpose, what drives us now, and what ancestral knowledge and beliefs we want to carry forward. 

Relinquish distractions from your heart's goals. Remember to breathe. 

This transit will significantly affect Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius placements. Your ego, identity, and emotions may eclipse each other during this time. Knowledge, ancestral wisdom, and self-compassion are called upon during this time. There is a newfound faith in yourself and others that can be harnessed through dedication to self-improvement and self-actualization. 

Mars enters Sagittarius

When Mars, the planet of “I will fight for what I believe in” moves into Sagittarius, we must be careful to move forward with clear intentions. Mars brings raw energy to this sign that can be either constructive or destructive. Now is the time to carefully reinvest our abundance and lean into our strengths and values. All must hold their values firmly in their mind to avoid harmful distractions.  

Sun in Sagittarius conjuncts with Galactic Center and a Supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A

Black holes and Galactic Center are still fairly new additions to astrology, but they can offer us some very critical insights into our worldview. Mainstream astrology focuses on viewing the planets and stars from the viewpoint of Earth as the center point of the chart. (Ever noticed that in an astrological natal chart, there is a sun sign, moon sign, rising sign, venus sign, etc but no Earth sign? That’s because mainstream astrology places the Earth at the center of the chart.) 

However, some astrological schools of thought, like those taught by the Infigo Travelers at Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles, OR examine the movements of the planets from a viewpoint that sits at the center of our Galaxy: Galactic Center. 

Galactic Center astrology presents many interesting questions for our consideration. What can we learn about astrology by viewing it through a wider lens? What might a bigger picture of human evolution look like?

Alright then, with that in mind, let's talk about the sun conjuncting Sagittarius A.

Sagittarius A is a supermassive black hole located at the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. 

The Sun's conjunction with Sagittarius A arrives just in time to help us celebrate the winter solstice on the 21st. The winter solstice has been considered the day of the “sun's rebirth” by many ancient people throughout history. It is the shortest day of the year and it marks the return of light and life to the earth.

In astrology the symbolism of black holes is still being debated. However there are some very clear symbolism attached to the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A at the center of our galaxy. This black hole symbolizes the womb, the birth canal, and the vulva of our galaxy. It is thought by some to be the birth canal leading to another dimension. A dimension that is currently beyond our perception, hidden behind the event horizon. Still, though we cannot see beyond the threshold with our eyes just as in birth and death, we can feel it's call, the gravity of it in our bodies and even sense it coming, but beyond the moment of transformation and reckoning- where life is death-we can see no further. Or can we? There is no way to know- until we cross the threshold. For this reason many consider Galactic Center to be a gateway to higher knowledge and the keeper of secrets regarding the origin of our souls.

This conjunction also asks us to take an even wider look at the fate of the world. During this time we can add the world, the galaxy, and the universes fare to our own personal existential questions about life and death because Saigttarius A is also associated with the beginning and end of our galaxy.

This conjunction brings themes of of birth, life, death, and the soul into our lives. It reminds us that all things have a beginning, middle, and an end and we do not always get to pick how long or short our time is on Earth. For the gravity and time are still a mystery we have not mastered. It also urges us to recognize that since we can not see beyond the horizon with our eyes, perhaps there are other ways of seeing, not with the eyes but with our minds, our spirits, and our hearts. This conjunction brings with is a desire to bring the body, mind, and spirit in alignment. In this higher state of awareness you know something…what is it?

This a time of posing questions to your higher self.

This conjunction pushes us to connect with our higher selves. The higher self is curious and compassionate about our experience, it can act as our inner witness but it could be even more...The higher self respects free will and needs to be invited to the table to help you make choices. Now is the perfect time to extend that invitation. 

It is also a conjunction of spirituality and magic. Sagittarius A is also associated with death, change, transformation, the goddess Hecate (Goddess of witches, magic, crossroads, keeper of keys, opener of doors, maiden, mother, and crone), the God Chronus, and spiritual rebirth. 

Those with Sagittarius placements in the 26th degree or within 2 degrees of Galactic center should pay especially close attention to what comes up for them during this transit. The numerology of this transit is 5 making us spiritually open, social, sensual, and helping us adapt to change. However, it also can cause situations and personalities to be a bit temperamental. 

Get the most out of Sagittarius season

Now is a good time to start paying attention to nurturing and growing your internal fire. Engage your intellect and your intuition together. 

Teach yourself something new. 

Learn how to carve a spoon, build something, try carpentry, read and write poetry, study esoteric history, learn herbal first aid, learn about string theory, seek ancestral knowledge, and learn about early civilizations. Engage nostalgia. 

Expand your knowledge base by exploring the lineage of fire this month. Fire meant life to our ancestors. Learn about fire’s impact on human history, learn how to make a bow drill, read Catching Fire: How Cooking made Us Human by Richard W Wrangham, watch “Quest for Fire”, or read mythology about the origins of fire. 

Learn about the biggest fire of them all: the Sun, of course. The big beautiful nuclear fusion explosion in the sky is, without a doubt, humanity’s favorite fire. It shines day in and day out, bringing warmth, light, and life to share with others. All surrounding the fire are grateful for it. 

Many take the sun's power for granted and take little time to understand it’s cycles and it’s mysteries. However, this month, Sagittarius season combined with the Piscean overtones of this month push us to explore those mysteries associated with our star’s power and eventual death. This is a good time to engage in learning about space, black holes, wormholes, the Sun, and our place in the universe. 

Things are ramping up for the Sun right now.

We are currently exiting the first stage of the Solar Cycle known as solar minimum and entering into the second stage of the cylce, known as solar increase. 

In astrology, the solar minimum is a time of relative calm, tolerance, laziness, an individualistic ideologies that are not easily unified. In contrast, the solar increase is a time of growth, new alliances, charismatic leaders, and the germination of ideas that can lead to the unification of the masses. 

The solar increase will culminate in the third stage of to solar cycle - solar maximum - in 2025. Solar energies are at their peak during this point in time. During solar maximum people readily follow leaders, ideological enthusiasm increases for better or worse, emigration increases, tensions are high and wars may begin. 

And then finally following all that activity we enter into the 25th Solar cycle's 4th and final stage of solar decline. This stage brings about disenchantment; humanity and society lose the will to remain unified, there is a disbanding of many groups, and people return to their homes and their gardens for peace and solitude. 

Mercury Out of Bounds and into Capricorn


Dec 2nd-Dec 28th Mercury is Out of Bounds

Dec 13th Mercury enters Capricorn 

Mercury Out of Bounds

There are many ways to express oneself and be understood.

Throw away the rules and find ways to communicate what you really mean. Embrace alternate methods of communication. Try using words, body language, music, art, scents, and poetry to communicate this month. If you love someone, kiss them, write them a poem, paint them a picture. If you are trying to attract romance, sprinkle yourself with rose oil. Emote. Suppose you are happy- smile. It is one of the easiest ways to communicate happiness is to smile. If you are sad, cry. Feelings communicate as much or more than words. 

Due to the Piscean influences at work this month, some people may be able to instinctually or emphatically tell what others around them are thinking or communicating. Hiding your emotions will get you nowhere this month. 

Know that many people will do anything to feel understood during this transit. 

Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury spends the first part of the month in Sagittarius, focusing our attention on learning and redefining our methods of communication and expression. We come to see that truth has many expressions and that it is alright for us to be grounded in our own perspective while also embracing difference with compassion.

When Mercury transitions into Capricorn, we feel called to start new dialogues grounded in truth. This month we may make decisions based on speaking honestly. Some people simply communicate slower and need more space in a conversation to communicate effectively. 

This is an excellent time to practice different methods of communication, especially communicating through creative and artistic means. Have a bonfire with friends and sing songs together.

Full Moon in Gemini

When: Dec 18th 

Enjoy social events. Lean into your duality. Throw a holiday party. 

Venus in Capricorn and Venus Retrograde


Nov 5th to March 5th - Venus in Capricorn, 

Dec 11th - Venus conjunct Pluto

Dec 19th through Jan 29th - Venus in Capricorn RX  

Venus in Capricorn

Build purpose and respect in your relationships this month through shared responsibilities, setting and respecting boundaries, structure, appreciation, beauty, and a grounded sense of purpose. Capricorn also reminds us to take joy in performing acts of service for others. Because, like it or not, being in a relationship with others comes with terms and conditions. We have social, cultural, and professional codes of conduct that mirror that truth. Everyone needs something back in a relationship. This is a great time to get clear on the terms and conditions of our long-term relationships and formulate our long-term relationship needs, expectations, and desires. 

Earth signs thoughts may turn to a careful and frugal mindset, preferring to invest their internal and monetary resources into building intergenerational health and wealth.  

Venus in Capricorn means our expectation of our relationships sky high and our understanding of our relationships may begin to expand to include past and future generations, genealogy, and ancestral knowledge. Desire intensifies for meaningful relationships. We seek deeper connections at home, and at work. Ambitious individuals will feel a desire to be recognized in the public eye. 

Venus in Capricorn conjuncts with Pluto this month. 

This meeting between the Goddess of Love and Pluto doubles our desire for love and affection, leading to infatuation, karmic connections. And it increases our attraction power*. It can also help us deepen our commitments to serious relationships and brings out the more kinky side of Capricorn. 

Capricorn energy kind of likes to be tied down (in more ways than one) after all.

*Misusing your attraction power to manipulate others maliciously can make this transit turn on you. So wield your power wisely.

Venus RX

Mid-month Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn, causing us to pause and examine our ideals more carefully. 

Your wounded heart feels called to heal old wounds, to envision your healing's impact on the next generation’s future and more. Cracks in relationship foundations may be revealed. It can be useful to share positive and negative feedback together. Know how to balance positive and negative feedback by engaging your curiosity and your compassion. Meditate on the feeling of appreciation, not thoughts of appreciation, but the actual feeling of it. You can train yourself to react using your values instead of a wounded reflex.

As the planet of love and values, Venus retrograde periods are times when we reassess what–and who–we value. It is considered inopportune for getting married or starting a new relationship or financial undertaking. Themes surrounding old lovers, family and friends may arise. Relationships that don’t make the cut will end this month. There may also be delays or confusion in relationships and financial affairs. 

Note: Earth signs Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo will feel the pull of this transit most. 

Note: Venus will be OUT-OF-BOUNDS until December 7th. Out of bounds planets tend to jump the track and take off in whatever direction suits them, and Venus is no different. Venus now urges us to toss aside conventions and taboos and follow our hearts regardless of whether it seems unconventional, overachieving, or imbalanced in the eyes of societal expectations.

Capricorn Season

When: Dec 22nd-Jan 19th

Like a tai chi master, Sagittarius season transitions harmoniously into industrious Capricorn season with one single breath. 

How to Get the Most Out of Capricorn Season

Capricorn likes to get things done. They embrace the feelings that come with achievement and their clear focus can help them embrace many creative routes to achieving their goals. Honest communication, attention to detail, and accelerated self-improvement abound during Capricorn season. 

Capricorn takes the long view. Capricorn asks: Does it grow corn? How do we grow enough corn to feed the next seven generations? Now is a good time to take the long view and invest in the future. Commit to exercising the body in ways that enrich your life, your health, and your wellbeing.

Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus Themes and Squares Continue


March 2020 to March 2023 - Saturn in Aquarius

Dec 24th - Saturn in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus 

Saturn transits represent cycles of achievement and maturity. Saturn can teach us to take responsibility for ourselves. Inner strength can be revealed in the compassion we hold for ourselves and others. We learn, mature, and grow through cycles of inexperience and experience. As Sagittarius season ends and Capricorn season begins, we are drawn to opportunities to integrate our knowledge and build a better world for ourselves and others. 

Saturn is the natural ruler of Aquarius, making it feel right at home in this sign. Saturn in Aquarius asks us to be free-thinking, grow, embrace the capacity of our nervous systems, invest in new technology, and accept our role as a conduit of inspiration and emotion this month.

While Saturn is happy in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus is typically considered a difficult meeting associated with radical change and economic downturn. This Uranus transit has brought climate change, Earth’s natural cycles, and our historical relationship to the Earth and each other into our worldview. Taurus energy invites you to embrace your innate gentleness and sturdiness and make choices that will curate who you want to be to yourself and in relation to others. 

For more information on the journey, Saturn and Uranus are taking us on this year, read: Astrological Themes of 2021.

Saturn in Aquarius Squares Uranus in Taurus 

Uranus square Saturn was one of the most defining aspects of 2021. 

This month Saturn and Uranus clash for the third time this year. This is the last of three Uranus and Saturn squares in which the old and new clash. 

This transit can cause division and exacerbate generational rifts. 

A foundational rift between generations, Earth, and air permeates this transit. In mythology, Uranus premordial god of agriculture was castrated and his rule overthrown by his son Saturn, God of the Sky, who then took over supreme power in the cosmos. Saturn and Uranus have a history. And that history can make it tough to get along. Now is a time of severing unhealthy relationships and habits to ascend to power just as Saturn severed his father’s mythological genitals so many years ago

This means the days leading up to the holidays may be very rocky indeed, especially where opposing ideologies fail to coexist, modern ideals may clash with long-held values. Taurus and Aquarius are both fixed signs meaning that they can be inflexible in their viewpoints and ideologies, leading to the slowing of progress, intergenerational rifts, estranged families, friends, and business partners. This month's square may also reveal inequity in relationships and unmet expectations. 

It also has us revisiting the impacts of our choices to make a radical change in our life or to stick with the status quo. 

For more information on Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus read Astrological Themes of 2021.

Asteroids Play Tug of War with our Healing and Growth


Dec 19th - Chiron Direct in Aries 

Dec 21st- Ceres Retrograde enters Taurus 

The wounded healer Chiron goes direct in Aries this month. 

This transit pushes us to assess our role as both the wounded and the healer of our wounds. Our responsibility to ourselves and others in regard to our healing is being ignited. To heal our own wounds is to heal the wounds of the world across generations. How can you be a parent to yourself? How can you nurture your potential? 

Let the dead and dying rest. Let the wounded take the time to heal. Embrace that space and time heal the body and the soul. Some will need more time to heal than others.

Those with Chiron in Aries placements in the 8th degree will feel this transit most intensely.

For more information on Chiron in Aries read Astrological Themes of 2021

Ceres RX in Taurus

Fears delay growth. Fears about survival intensify. (What is the opposite of abundance? What is the opposite of stability and sustainability? Death.) Hold space for those fears. Witness your inner mother and inner child. This is the perfect time to hold space for growth. See your inner mother’s fear of losing her child. How can you be a good parent to yourself? How can you nurture and heal your inner child? There is a tendency to turn towards old methods of survival during this transit. 

Astrological Themes of 2021

Astrology as a Tool for Self Reflection

It is important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we must each decide our own path in life. 

Astrology is a tool we can use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond to what’s happening internally and externally. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions. 

The astro-literate are encouraged to read their rising sign (represents the lessons and characteristics you are learning in this lifetime) and venus sign (represents what makes us happy and the way you are in relationships) first. 

Don’t know your rising or venus sign? Find out here.

Looking for a Astrological Life Coach? Check out Nana I Ke Kumu in The Dalles!

Astrological Themes of 2021

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your ruling planet Mars traverses the Centaur kingdom in Sagittarius from the 14th of Dec through the 24th of Jan. Now is a time of moving forward and of discovering what you care enough about to fight for. Know that traveling in a straight line is no longer the quickest path to success. Deepen your knowledge of yourself and your values. Take risks, travel, expand your horizons, grow chrysanthemums and tiger lilys in your thought garden. 

Venus retrograde in Capricorn illuminates your 10th house on the 19th. Questions about what drives you to achieve your goals arise. What are you trying to achieve? What are you working for? 

You instinctively know what is most important to you.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Meditation Song: Lioness Eye by Xavier Rudd, True to Yourself by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd

Aries 2021 Overview 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You can grant yourself permission to be powerful. 

You are redefining your relationship to power and hierarchies this month. Your ruling planet Venus retrogrades this month, burning your ideologies, surrounding your relationship to power and hierarchies to the ground. No church, professor, or therapist can know you and your power as well as you know yourself. When the flames dissipate, and only scorched Earth remains, you will know that the only person who’s permission you need to exercise your power is you. You rebel against the idea of limited potential. 

Your world is expanding. 

Neptune direct in Pisces illuminates your 11th house of communication, listening, and performance this month. Who do you want to hold an audience with? When Jupiter joins Neptune in Pisces at the end of the month, you’ll get a creative boost and an urge to perform your intuitive skills, compassion, and craft. Own your originality.

Stagnant relationships may end for you this month. Fears may arise about survival following emotional hardships.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Walk Away by Xavier Rudd, True to Yourself by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd

Taurus 2021 Overview

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Life imitates art. Life has plot building, lulls in the action, and exciting crescendos.

This month you integrate lessons you’ve learned from the past two years.

On the 4th of December, a new moon and total solar eclipse bring a big turning point for you. The darkness of the new moon raises questions about your intimate partnerships. Who has stuck by you as you’ve transformed? Who leads the way when you are lost? Venus also retrogrades in your 8th house of partnerships and commitment. You intuitively know how to hold space for your worst relationship fears. You intuitively know what a balanced relationship looks like. Now it is time to evaluate if your choices and reflect on your intuitive knowing. You intuitively choose relationships that matter. Lean into making those relationships last.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Follow the Sun by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd, Honeymoon by Xavier Rudd

Gemini 2021 Overview

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Venus has been offering you a grounded Capricornian approach to your relationships since early November. 

However, this month Venus goes retrograde, testing your relationships and their boundaries. Plus Pluto and Venus conjunct at the end of the month, bringing any relationships that didn’t make the cut to an end. Thanks to Neptune in Pisces, illusions are being lifted in your relationships. Be wary of empty promises. Themes involving ex-lovers and estranged families may arise for you this month, culminating as the full moon illuminates your 12th house of personal history and intuition. 

Trust your experiences, instinct, and intuition. If something feels right, it is. If something feels wrong, it is. You know what is true for you. 

If you are single, you may feel acute loneliness this month. If this is the case for you, try to get out and see friends and family. Things will start moving again in your relationships when Venus comes out of rx at the end of January. 

In the meantime, it’s a good time to practice and strengthen your intuition, have a gathering with friends, get creative, make music, take a spiritual journey, try using synastry to track your relationships, or practice lucid dreaming.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Stoney Creek by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd

Cancer 2021 Overview

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Your embracing that your worth goes beyond the recognition you’ve received. 

Your ruling planet, the Sun, squares Neptune this month on the 11th-12th, causing some tension in your creative world. You may feel like a big fish in a small pond that’s getting a bit cramped. 

Neptune in Pisces is calling on you to transform. Your current path may have ceased being lucrative for you. Listen to your instinct, listen to your intuition. You are being called to reconnect with your dreams, values, and your ability to emote. It’s time to break the routine, expand your horizons, and take a swim in deeper waters. A higher level of consciousness is awaiting you. 

When Venus retrogrades, your body and boundaries may need your attention. Time to manage your time in a way that is good for your heart and soul. Spend time stoking your heart’s fire. Be creative. Do more of the things that gratify your mind, body, and soul. Ask yourself why you do the work you do.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Follow the Sun by Xavier Rudd

Leo 2021 Overview

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

You relate intuitively this month.

Neptune in Pisces calls upon you to transform the way you relate in your intimate partnerships. Who do you want to be in relation to your friends, your family, and your intimate partners? What parts of you are longing to be expressed? 

Address infrastructure problems if you can. Create space for change and creativity by transforming your surroundings. Paint your bedroom a new color. Take on a home construction project. Get some art for your walls. Build furniture, knit gifts, get a stand up desk or a new rug. Create a space that inspires you. Feel how it can be to tear apart, level a space and rebuild it. 

You are at once increasingly logical and intuitive this month. Do activities that engage your instinct and your intellect. Learn from experiences that mash math and intuition. What bright sparks are you fanning into flames? What cool waters of inspiration are available to you? 

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Gather the Hands to Move the Stone by Xavier Rudd, Messages by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd

Virgo 2021 Overview 

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

You are traveling into unknown territory. 

Your ruler Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty meets up with Pluto, King of the Underworld this month causing you to become aware of and examine your relationship with the darker side of things. 

Existential questions about the nature of codependency, interdependency, cohabitation, and coevolution come into play. What role does your soul have to play? What support do you rely on? Are you being drawn towards that which drains your energy or that which lifts it up? How can you free yourself from habits, people, and systems that oppress you?

Neptune lifts illusions from your eyes this month. That which is false is revealed. Foundational issues at home or with family may need addressing. 

Sagittarius energy gives you the strength to delve deep into what lights your heart’s fire in the face of oblivion and the void. What makes you want to live...really live? Everything fake in your life burns away this month, freeing your energy up for new things. Keep taking steps forward until you learn to fly.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Walk Away by Xavier Rudd, Better People by Xavier Rudd, Honeymoon by Xavier Rudd

Libra 2021 Overview

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The month starts out with your ruling planets Pluto, God of the Underworld and Mars, God of Raw Energy and Overly Intense Feelings focused on crafting your inner drive into an arrow pointing you in EXACTLY the direction you want to go. You are clearing away blocks, finding new ways of thinking, and transforming. Mars boosting energy may be destructive or constructive depending on the state of mind of its wielder. Your goal now is to have a clear vision of what you want. 

Mid-month Mars enters Aquarius giving you a chance to process changes or difficulties at home. You’ll be pulled into examining your personal history and your attachment to traditions, habits, and long-held ideologies. Existential questions about family arise: What makes you feel at home? What is your definition of home and of family? How can a family evolve together over generations? How has yours changed over the years? What can you learn from examining your history? What is your role in the world, family and beyond?

Set your intention on acting with your goals in mind.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Spirit Bird by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd, Follow the Sun by Xavier Rudd

Scorpio 2021 Overview

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Happy Birthday Sagittarius!

The stars are busy weaving your story this month, Sagittarius. Between a solar eclipse, Mars, and the black hole Sagittarius A conjuncting your sun this month things are more intense than usual. 

This year’s eclipse cycle in your sign has brought forth many changes based on themes of “in practice” versus “in theory”. This month’s eclipse marks the completion of your journey through those themes this year. Now is the time to assess what you still value, hold true, and who holds you. 

When the Sun conjuncts with the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A in your sign on the 18th be aware of what fears, purposes, and energies pull at you. Venus in Rx starts the very next day causing you to assess what you are giving your energy and time to. What event horizons are you approaching? What are you giving your energy to? Is it worth it? What lights your hearts fire even in the face of the void?

During the full moon the low burning fires offers a chance for intimacy. If you are seeking partnership, now is a good time to ask for it. You are emboldened to ask for committed long-term solutions in your love and home life. Speak your heart.

Jupiter in Pisces helps to cool your anxieties, however, as you walk through the world, embracing the intuitive wisdom available in all things. You belong to the world just as much as it belongs to you. Inspiration and wisdom comes from seeking the forests of your subconscious. Engage your intellect and your intuition. If all you use is your eyes you will never see beyond the edge of the horizon. There is more than one way of knowing and of seeing. You know something. What is it? What does your body say? What does your breath say? Listen. 

The shift into water and earth energy acting on you at the end of the month cools some of the chaos. When Capricorn season begins, your phoenix will rise.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Spirit Bird by Xavier Rudd, Come Let Go by Xavier Rudd, Come People by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd, Honeymoon by Xavier Rudd

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Happy Birthday Capricorn!

You are sticking to your values now more than ever. Your inner fire burns bright.

Your ruling planet Saturn, the god of sowing seed squares, role reversal, and behavioral license squares off with Uranus (primordial God of the Sky) in Taurus this month. Both planets are in the fixed signs Aquarius and Taurus. The combination of air and Earth leads to some tensions in the fields. 

This challenging aspect combined with Venus Rx means that some relationships in your life might not make the cut this month. Foundational themes of family, home, and recognition call for your attention. 

You may be drawn to themes of death and rebirth this month. It takes a wise person to see that the natural growing and food cycles of the world involve birth, life, death and rebirth. Now is a time to sever unhealthy relationships and habits. It is time to burn away your old roles, your old life and plant seeds in the ashes. Listen to your intuition. Follow your instinct. Shift long-held goals to align with your present values. What makes you feel at home? What support systems do you depend on? What grows success in your life? How do you plant seeds that nurture your power? What role do you want to play in relationship to yourself, your family, and the world?

When Capricorn season begins you’ll have cut yourself free of the weights that hold you back be ready to start a new chapter in your life. 

On a lighter note you may crave some social activity during the full moon...So why not have a Toga party?

Pagans around the world may celebrate the ancient holiday Saturnalia this month by cutting down trees, bringing them indoors, and decorating them this month. Saturn also happily accepts candles as offerings. The holiday Saturnalia was typically a time when roles would be reversed, the master becomes the slave and the slave the master. One modern way to celebrate this holiday is to spend the day learning about other’s perspectives or spending some time walking in someone else’s shoes.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Comfortable in My Skin by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd, Honeymoon by Xavier Rudd

Capricorn 2021 Overview

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

This month is about getting comfortable with endings and new beginnings. 

Jupiter, planet of seized opportunity has sat in your sign most of this year, giving you opportunities to change your role at home, at work, and in your relationships. You have been very busy growing, expanding and deepening your understanding of yourself, your relationships and the world this year. This transit may have even changed the course of your life on a fundamental level. At the end of the month, Jupiter will move into Pisces, taking the heat off your search for answers by bringing about intuitive changes. 

Mars squares your tenth house this month, and you will be presented with a career opportunity that has you questioning the cost of compromising for a chance at success. You are getting ready to graduate from your old understanding of continuity in life. Meditate on your accomplishments. Press on in your endeavors.

Venus Rx will also have you reflecting on changes in your family and home life this month. Your ruling planet Uranus also squares off with Saturn in Aquarius this month, making for some challenging aspects at home and with family. Embrace your heart's curvy edges. Look upon yourself and others with compassion. You’ve changed a lot this year. Who has stayed by your side? Who recognizes the changes you’ve made? Who have you given the opportunity to really know you? Are old familial rifts being allowed to fester? What intergenerational traumas need to be overthrown to make way for a new future? The path forwards is not always logical or in a straight line.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Meditation Song: Stoney Creek by Xavier Rudd, Better People by Xavier Rudd, Honeymoon by Xavier Rudd

Aquarius 2021 Overview

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Main character energy is manifesting for you this month. Finally.

Lots of things are lining up for you this month.  
Your ruling planet Neptune is finally, finally, finally going Direct on December 1st. Fears and insights of the past are cleared to make space for new dreams to be realized. And the fiery optimistic energy of Sagittarius calls you to envision a bold new career path for yourself. In addition, Jupiter the luckiest planet, planet of seized opportunities, expansion, growth, healing, miracles, and prosperity enters Pisces at the end of the month bringing new horizons to your attention. Jupiter loves extravagance, so don’t be surprised if you feel called to invest in something luxurious that brings you joy. 

The stars will have truly aligned for you by the end of the month. Make the most of your time by engaging your abstract mind, inviting your higher self into the conversation, feeding your intellect, learning new ideas and perspectives, and engaging in activities that allow you to hone your intuition.

Expand your horizons this month by exploring the blues, folk and world music.
Your December Song: Butterfly by Xavier Rudd, We Deserve to Dream by Xavier Rudd, Honeymoon by Xavier Rudd

Pisces 2021 Overview


Your Zodiac Sign's January 2022 Horoscopes and Predictions for the New Year


November 2021 Horoscopes: Sister Signs Scorpio and Taurus Collide