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May 2021 Astrological Forecast: The Bravery and Wonder of New Beginnings

May 2021 Astrological Forecast: The Bravery and Wonder of New Beginnings

Welcome dear readers, 

May is all about the bravery that growing requires. It is a time of expanding our world view, expanding our sense of purpose, blanketing the earth with care and remembering to tend to and water our roots. The lives of Libra, Gemini, Cancer and Sagittarius will undergo a lot of change this month, alternating between moments of clarity and sometimes projecting their emotional messiness on to others during challenging conversations. 

Taurus season hits it’s height this month

Taurus season continues to delight our senses at the start of this month. Simple pleasures like a well planned meal, the sensation of bare feet on spring grasses, and the scent of a tuberose and jasmine candle on your kitchen table bring a feeling of youth, prosperity, and luxury to your days. 

Taurus tends to be a sign of few words. Preferring a moment of eye contact, a touch, or a gift given as a gesture of generosity, apology, or affirmation. But when Mercury moves into Gemini on the 3rd it brings with it harmony, open up your throat chakra and sing the words of the revolution you want to see in the world.

Mercury is all over the place - and yes it is going retrograde too

Mercury then proceeds to go into shadow mode on the 14th followed by a retrograde later in the month. Some people actually experience more of rx’s effects during the shadow period depending on where mercury falls in your chart. Remember the 3 R’s of Retrograde: Remember, Reflect, Rethink. Also try not to make any snap judgements or decisions as first impressions are often especially deceiving during retrograde.

Saturn will Retrograde for the first time since the Great Conjunction

Saturn will also retrograde later in the month causing us to pause and pick up the pieces of our plans and wonder if we still want to align with our current goals. The combo of Mercury Rx and Saturn Rx will be tough on romantic and work relationships as everyone seems to be in their heads having thoughts they don’t share. This is a good time to practice emotional intelligence. Ask yourself: Who benefits from you taking the time to care for your thoughts? Who benefits from you being less stressed? Perhaps the answer is: everyone. 

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Venus wants to chat it up with friends and family this month

Venus, planet of love moves out of her comfy place at Tauruses side into Gemini, causing us to focus on our friendships a little more and our romantic partners a little less. Which is just fine, our friends have often been there for us at times when our partners were not and their importance in our lives can not be understated. They deserve our love just as much. It’s a good time to catch up with old friends. Invite everyone around you to be who they are now-and not worry about upkeep old story lines. You can create new memories together. 

New beginnings abound during the new moon.

The new moon in Taurus is like a green shoot sprouting from the earth, reminding us that we can overcome the darkest winters of the soul, just as a single seed can survive a winter or even several by taking shelter in the ground before it chooses to put it’s soft green body to the test and spring fourth to embrace the sun for a new chance at life. New beginnings require bravery. And make no mistake-there is a lot of bravery in starting again. It takes resilience and strength to try something new, to take a new path and to pick yourself back up after a hard fall.

This month we’re feeling into our truth.

Jupiter in Pisces brings in intuitive, imaginative, light, and fresh energy to illuminate what brings us a sense of purpose. And what work it is we are here to do in the world. Questions about our soul and spirituality arise: How can you level up as a spiritual person? What is the next step on your journey as a light traveling through this universe?

Gemini season brings an expansive worldview that ushers in new ideas and inspirations.

The sun enters Gemini on the 20th, ushering in Gemini Season, where twinning seems to be happening everywhere. Gemini is all about synergy, it is about thoughts paired with actions, sharpening our minds and aligning ourselves with expansive ideas, and thoughts, stretching ourselves to see that we can encompass duality and multiplicity with ease and acceptance. 

An intensely revealing full moon, skims the excess from our lives.

The full blood moon eclipse in Sagittarius brings death and rebirth. Truths will come to light that may herald a shift in your life’s direction. Romance and magic are possible. It is brave to admit you were wrong and start again. What higher consciousness are you working to achieve?

Astrology is a Tool of Self-Reflection and Awareness 

As always, it’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection  and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life. Astrology is a tool we use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions. 

The astro literate are encouraged to read their Moon sign (ruler of your inner self, the subconscious and the emotional self) and Venus sign (ruler of what makes us happy and the way you are in relationships) first. 

Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2021

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Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Family is a focus this month. Responsibilities must be fulfilled. Old roles need reassessment. Release limitations related to your childhood. How can you be a parent to the young injured parts of yourself? Be patient when you can and own up to it when you cannot. Projections can be spears in your skillful hands. Your words can wound. Practice emotional intelligence. Accept that even universal truth is still individually experienced. Things return to normal for you on the 20th when strategic Mars returns from out of bounds. Get good with you. Give yourself a gift every day. Make a habit of taking five deep breaths every morning.

Aries 2021 Overview

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Happy Birthday Taurus! Be aware of your thoughts this month, what we think can shape who we become. Be open to writing a new story for yourself. Do not hold on to your current identity so tightly that you cannot be free to be who you want to become. You can cultivate a state of inner stability that does not shake or crumble in the face of change. Travel may be in your near future. There is so much to learn from navigating unfamiliar landscapes and cultures. Be open to new experiences. Take a class that expands your horizons. Not knowing is the first step in every learning journey. Keep a journal. 

Taurus 2021 Overview

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Happy Birthday Gemini! Money and resources are a key focus this month. Playing money games with investments is on your mind. Do your research but at the end of the day follow your gut. You may notice that it’s harder to regret a decision based on instinct and intuition than one you spent weeks planning over. If you’re engaging in a hiring process this month keep that in mind. Your thoughts may feel as though they are time traveling at times this month-backwards and forwards. Find new thoughts to think. Remember to invest in those that invest in you. Cultivate and cherish your internal resources. Line your lovers pockets with love notes. Kiss their cheeks. 

Gemini 2021 Overview

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

This is an emotional and life changing month for you Cancer. How do you view a closed door? Is it an impermeable barrier? And is it locking you out or locking you in? What if instead it was simply an invitation to knock first next time? Be conscious of yours and other boundaries this month. Reach out to your friends, cultivate new friendships. Expand the way you view yourself and others as multifaceted beings. You are more than the sum of your parts. Listen to your inner light, there is strength in celebrating your identity and your accomplishments-especially if somewhere along the line someone taught you not to. If you cannot move forward because something is blocking your path then, fine, stay in and throw yourself a party.

Cancer 2021 Overview

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Make new friends but keep the old. Reconnect with old friends this month. Cultivate a life that is open to the connections you crave. Pay attention to those that have chosen you. Are these the people you would have chosen for yourself? They are unwittingly teachers in your journey. Why do you think they chose you?  Do you think they feel chosen by you in return? When you feel loved it is easy to express love in return. What makes you feel loved? What makes you feel chosen? Your thoughts are full of questions this month- deciding which ones are useful and which ones are a distraction from reaching a resolution is up to you. What choices are you ready to make? What can you do to expand your leadership role?

Leo 2021 Overview

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Have you crawled into a comfy hole in which you plan to nest? It can be hard to see the forest for the trees, little bird, when you spend all your time either digging worms or napping in the trees. Don’t be a prisoner of habit. Take a break from your daily grind. Take a flight around the neighborhood and get a new perspective. What conversations have you avoided having? How can listening to others' philosophies improve your understanding of your own outlook. Hold your friends in loving accountability. Be excited instead of jealous. Listen to experts, and remake their knowledge in your own image. Undertake new projects.

Virgo 2021 Overview

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Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

This is a life changing and emotional month for you Libra. Your thoughts are big, exciting, and sometimes overwhelming. Technology is both a blessing and a bane this month. New ideas seem to spring from every possible source of inspiration. You are like Alice deciding whether to follow a white rabbit down the hole to Wonderland or simply observe its passing from the shade of a familiar tree. What choices are you ready to make? What is the timing? Are you dreaming your life away or is your life the dream itself? It’s okay to chase rabbits, to escape into the rabbit hole. It’s also okay to explore one path and then decide to go another way. No time is wasted, only spent. Your time is precious, and limited so budget accordingly. Break old patterns of codependency this month. Having to go it alone is better than not going where your heart desires at all. 

You are the sign that craves justice. This month be kind in your righteousness. Resolutions are coming. Avoid cold calculation. Being right is not an excuse to be mean. Karma is doing the work for you. Reach out to old friends to find grounding energy.

Libra 2021 Overview

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Do you remember how to play Scorpio? Can you let go of judgments enough to let your hair down and just be happy? Of all the signs you’re the one that simultaneously seems to care the most and the least about what other people think. Your strong sense of identity doesn’t have to preclude fun. Lighten up! Literally! Switch out the black and wear pink and yellow and blues and greens! Hang out with your friends this month. Try to focus on creating new experiences together instead of picking apart old wounds. If you’ve been feeling stuck or old, trying new things will bring a freedom and youthfulness to your spirit. Write a list of things you always wanted to do as a kid and check them off one by one. Buy yourself something that brings you joy. Celebrate your life. Take your own advice. 

Mercury Rx Advice: A nudge is kinder than a shove.

Scorpio 2021 Overview

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Others want to know you. Do you want to be known? You can get so caught up in doing your own thing that sometimes you can forget that others are missing you and missing out on knowing you while you’re off doing whatever it is that Sagittariuses do while they are off being an independent force of nature. Who is missing the warmth of your smile? Show gratitude with your words and actions. Nurture familial ties and friendships this month. Connect over shared interests and intellectual and philosophical discussions. Let go of old wounds and old grudges. All anyone can do is move forward. Pay attention to who’s reaching out to you. They are choosing you, investing their time in you. Are you choosing them back? What can you give more of yourself to in your relationships? Network this month. Keep the conversation going even if you hit an inevitable slow down. What are you doing to set yourself up for career success? Authority figures will listen to you this month. Be respectful, keep it real, and get paid.

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Seek out gurus and experts. What sense of responsibility drives your heroes? Look to mirrors- what reflections of yourself are out there in the world. Who can show you the way forward? Are you trying to go it alone when there is a whole crew of supporters just waiting to learn your name? Spend time with people who bring out your inner child. Life is long and for many of us childhood was too short. Parent your inner child the way you would have liked to have been parented. Seek resolution within so that you may be a teacher to others. Take a break from old haunts. Go somewhere new and unknown. Try out a new sport like rock climbing or indoor skydiving. Learn to fly a helicopter. Stretch your limits a little more than usual. You are building up your inner resilience this month. What does it feel like to fly? What does it feel like to fall and climb back up again?

Capricorn 2021 Overview

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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Revolution, rebirth, reinvention and rebellion- these are things you are familiar with. But this month you may be feeling a little more uncomfortable with uncertainty than usual. What do you need to release? Who can you confide in? Reach out to your friends for support. Build relationships through transparency and emotional vulnerability. Listen to your intuition, do you need a break? A slow down? Who benefits from you taking the time to take care of yourself and be less stressed? Invite your friends out to have some fun. You can lead others to freedom but you won’t be free until you free yourself.

Aquarius 2021 Overview

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

This month you feel as though you can see for miles. Like a fish in the sea or an eagle in the sky you can feel the currents shifting in your favor. The seas are calm and the rhythm of the tides is calm and consistent. The future feels laid out in front of you like cake on a plate. Harmony has found you this month. The balance you’ve been seeking has arrived. Cynicism should be avoided as it will spoil your treasures. What good does cynicism do an idealist living in a state of perfect harmony? Don’t spoil it by finding old grudges and wounds to be grumpy about. Let go and enjoy the moment. Dig deep into your interests. What is it about fixing things that you love so much? What purpose keeps you anchored in the present-and moving forward on your way? What inspiration do you offer to others? Your long term goals are being achieved. Your sense of adventure and wonder is returning to you.

Pisces 2021 Overview

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