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September 2021 Horoscopes: Invest in Relationships for a Happier Work Life Balance

September 2021 Horoscopes: Invest in Relationships for a Happier Work Life Balance

Hello dear readers, 

September is here, summer is wrapping up and pumpkin spice and Halloween enthusiasts and Libra’s alike are already counting down the days until the fall officially starts on September 22nd. This month is all about harnessing Virgo and Libra adaptability and using it to bring balance to our routines, our work, school, friendships, and romance.

Virgo Season Is Finding the Needle in the Haystack

September kicks off in Virgo season, transitioning us from the lightness and brightness of Leo season into calming equality-minded Libra. We’ll be channeling Virgo’s adaptive, discerning energy during the new moon in Virgo on the 6th when Virgo helps us to stop procrastinating fixing our lives, figure out what it is that we want, find the motivation we need to exercise and eat healthily. Virgo sometimes gets a bad rap as being overly critical or a perfectionist but neither of these things has to be true- Virgo energy can helps us identify when something isn’t working and encourage us to start problem-solving right away. Even if the thing that isn’t working is small- for Virgo, it’s still worth it to resolve the issue so that they can be one step closer to living their ideal life. If you’ve been ignoring something big, now is the time to deal with it. 

Venus in Scorpio Brings Whips and Chains into the Bedroom

Venus, the planet of love and relationships, will transition from the sign of harmonious Libra into the sign of Scorpio on the 10th, deepening commitments, and strengthening our resolve to hold ourselves and others accountable to the truth. Scorpio will open us up to our more hidden sexual desires and fears. Secret desires will emerge, and relationships will take a more intense turn. Scorpio in Venus is where we go deep into our emotions and our psyche to find out what sparks passion and emotional connection on a soul level. Remember that shame is a projection from outside that you would do well to shake off. Embracing the truth of who you are and where your desires lie is your greatest source of power this month. 

Mars Transitions from Virgo to Libra

Mars, the warrior planet, exits multi-tasking Virgo and into relationship-oriented Libra on the 14th turning us all into cool-headed warrior kings and queens who know that collaboration is often a more useful diplomatic tool to engage hearts and minds than confrontation. 

Full Moon Brings Dreams and New Romance Into Focus

On the 20th The Full moon in Pisces builds on Mars relationship-oriented thinking this month. The full moon will encourage us to dream our relationships as big and as beautiful as we can possibly imagine, romance will pervade the air, sentimentality, and libidos will run high. This is a great time to make amends, ask your crush out, take your partner on an epic date, buy your partner flowers, or better yet do the dishes and run them a warm bubble bath after dinner it will be this day. 

Libra Season Brings Balance to the Force

On September 22nd Libra season begins, the fall equinox will unfold, and day and night shall be in equal balance. Libra energies will encourage you to be like a cool fall breeze, playing in the fields as often as you are toiling with the ship's sails, cultivating balance in your life. However, Mercury will square with Pluto in Capricorn this same day, making communications quick to turn sour, so be careful not to make intonations that you might regret later. 

Mercury Makes Peace & Chaos

Mercury has moved from critical Virgo into peacemaking Libra this month and will remain so until November 5th. 

This month Mercury in Libra is bringing the procrastination vibes to our work. Conversations will be fair, friendly, and flirty. Hard truths will not be ignored but brought to light with care. Mercury in Libra will trine with Saturn Rx in Aquarius, on the 20th increasing our focus on detail and making us more open to new possibilities and new relationship structures and dynamics. 

On the 27th we’re in for the third and final retrograde of 2021 which will last until October 18th. When Mercury, the planet of communication goes RX in Libra indecisiveness, direct (and sometimes indelicate) communication, and general technological and communication chaos will run rampant. The best way to weather this retrograde will be to be patient with yourself and others and know that the truth is a great gift, no matter how painful. 

Astrology as a Tool of Self- Reflection

It’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our path in life. Astrology is a tool we use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions. 

The Astro literate are encouraged to read their moon sign (represents your inner self, the subconscious, and the emotional self) and venus sign (represents what makes us happy and the way you are in relationships) first. 

Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2021

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The beginning of the month has you thinking about your livelihood and what work it is that you’re really meant to do. Figuring out your routines will help fuel your future. And the new moon will bring your sex life into focus, Libra season is coming to smooth any rough seas. The second half of the month has you engaging with your intensity. Your fears and anxieties offer you clues as to what kind of protection and security you need to offer yourself. The more you put off doing the hard thing, the more you allow your fears to build around it- build your strength, then face your troubles head-on. 

Aries 2021 Overview 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Your health and routine are key focuses for you early in the month. Find ways to be held accountable for your health by making them a part of your routine. Join an outdoor Tai Chi class, make eating salads and sushi on your therapy day a ‘thing’. Your ruling planet Venus has been taking a flirty journey through Libra, making you more sensual and more prone to wandering eyes too. Team up with the people you trust this month and choose lovers wisely. Mars wants to have some fun with you this month so find time to do what replenishes your sense of wonder. When Venus enters Scorpio your love life will become more committed in your relationships and your desires may go full leather-daddy. Remember to release your shame and embrace what is true for you. The full moon will open your ears to those around you, and make you the best friend everyone else wishes they had.

Taurus 2021 Overview

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Do you have an urge to organize your life? Start off the month by tackling your to-do list. Whether it’s cleaning out the closet, going to marriage counseling, or finally finishing other do-it-yourself home projects you’ve been putting off. The longer you procrastinate the more guilt builds up, so just be direct and get’r done. Take the edge off a demanding schedule by incorporating joy into your everyday routine. The full moon may have others slacking at work but you’ll be there to pick up the slack. Your ruling planet is in Libra this month, so be on the lookout for opportunities to foster new connections. When your ruling planet goes retrograde this month it may have your thoughts time-traveling backward to sentimental things, prior relationships, and happy times. You may have you missing what you’ve lost, but switching your focus to strengthening your partnerships and work relationships will make it easier to find a work life balance that works for you. 

Gemini 2021 Overview

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The new moon brings some anxiety and changes into your life. You may find it is the right time to release ruminating thoughts into words. Break-ups and new romance may be in your sphere of possibility. Venus moves into your fellow water sign Scorpio this month, bringing your attention to your home and family life. Time to buy some new candles and towels and make your space sing with joy. You’ll be needing to utilize your strong external armor to stick up for yourself and your soft squishy feelings this month. You may be rethinking your home routines and whether or not you want to continue to live in your current place. When Libra season roles around your romantic life will settle and you’ll find it easier to balance and temper your emotions and come out of your shell a bit. 

Cancer 2021 Overview

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The new moon shines a bright light on your finances this month. You have talent beyond imagining, but do you apply yourself like you need to? Get disciplined and check in with your personal finance plan. This is a good month to start a side hustle and seek monetary compensation for your skills. You can get tired from working so hard, if you find yourself complaining, remind yourself of your big picture goals. Later in the month a new intensely attractive romance may be sparking, fan the flames but make sure you’re ready to deep dive into your emotions before you jump into a hot tub with a stranger. 

Leo 2021 Overview

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Happy Birthday Virgo!

Your season is here! Relish in your identity. Wear what you like, do what you want, and say what you mean. Your work ethic and career drive are being supported fully by Mars during the first half of the month so now is a good time to invest in yourself and your intellectual and professional development. Venus is also in your sign at the start of the month, reminding you of what little luxuries you enjoy. Treat yourself, it’s only your season once a year. When the retrograde hits later in the month be as accurate as possible with the language you use. In a world of instant messages and texting - it’s okay to wait to have a tough conversation until you’ve found the right words.

Virgo 2021 Overview 

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Happy Birthday Libra!

The month starts off with you wishing you could take a vacation. So do it! Even if money is an issue you can still turn any day into a staycation. Spend time hanging out with friends on a favorite hiking trail, hanging out at the hot springs, or chilling in the backyard painting your nails. So that when your season rolls around at the end of the month you’re feeling balanced in your work and home life. Your ruling planet Venus goes into Scorpio this month making you feel intuitive about people’s motivations and making it easier for you to let go of toxic people and manipulate situations to get what you want. When retrograde hits, avoid gossiping about those you’ve left behind and try to explain any issues that you are having at work as accurately as possible. It may be that you need to implement some changes. Lean into your desire to thrive. Release shame about loving your favorite comfort foods. When your season rolls around towards the end of the month you’ll be ready to figure out what in your life is coming into balance. Partnered Libra’s will do well to listen to what their spirit is trying to tell them about how you can balance both your needs and the needs of others.

Libra 2021 Overview

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

You’re feeling a bit sentimental this month and the new moon has you falling in love with your friendships all over again. Invest in your friendships by being the friend you wish you had. Put some effort into planning get-togethers and events, check-in with your friends that are struggling. Show up for the people you care about to boost your self-esteem and raise your karmic vibration. Do something nice and unexpected for the people you care about, like showing up with dinner or a new houseplant. You might feel like you’re ready for some big life changes by the end of the month- go to therapy, get real about shame and old wounds, get coaching on dealing with difficult emotions, and don’t procrastinate your well-being for any reason. Pushing forward towards your goals will get you out of any rut you might have become stuck in. 

Scorpio 2021 Overview

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

If you’re feeling a bit bored at the start of this month- maybe it’s because you’re making space for something new and exciting that’s just around the corner- a new job, a new lover? Towards the middle of the month, you’ll be investing heavily in your friendships and be sure to let them know if you’re looking for a new job or romantic partner-they might know just the person to talk to. During the full moon it will be time to get real about how comfortable you feel in your home situation- are you content or does the home front feel imbalanced? When Mercury goes retrograde at the end of the month-consider taking a break from social media to destress and recharge. It’s okay to lean into your desire to feel at peace. Believe in your desire for a better future.

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

You are working hard as ever this month Capricorn, and on the new moon, you’ll get an extra boost of energy and inspiration to push your health and work routines into gear. Embrace the intensity with which you want to change the world and build a team around you to make it happen. During the full moon, you’ll be feeling flexible and open to new possibilities, lean into romance, dance your heart out in the living room, or research a new place you want to travel and book a trip. Lean into your desire for authentic connections. Compliment your friends and lovers. Towards the end of the month, you’ll be feeling balanced and all the good karma you’ve accumulated will lead to you receiving some well-earned recognition for your hard work 

Capricorn 2021 Overview

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

This month you need to assess the unspoken contracts and agreements you’ve accumulated. You’ll have the opportunity to negotiate some changes during the new moon if you’re being taken advantage of at work- take advantage of them knowing they are profiting from your skills without, yep, it’s time to ask for compensation and a raise. If you’re feeling undervalued it’s time to look elsewhere. Money is on its way to you. The possibilities are endless, don’t settle for less. It’s okay to be intense about your self-worth and what you have to offer. Standing up for yourself will bring you confidence and greater self-esteem. Embrace your need to be seen as competent. Towards the middle of the month, you’ll be ready to have some fun, enjoy some retail therapy or invite some friends to come to stay the weekend. When Mercury goes RX you may find you tend to be having imagined fights with everyone in your head. Text people back instead of procrastinating it. Try to be direct without being confrontational, say what you mean, but don’t issue ultimatums unless you’re sure it’s what you need.

Aquarius 2021 Overview

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You are the sign of turning dreams into reality. During the new moon, you will become more aware of what parts of your reality aren’t working for you- especially in the relationship sector. Embrace your aspirations and your need to expand. Don’t settle for less, or less will remain your reality. The full moon will bring up images and dreams that will let you glimpse into everything that you are working for. Take advantage of the boost of energy to invest in and assess the health of your relationships- all of your relationships, whether it’s your coworkers, cohort, family, friends, hairdresser or your primary care doctor. Listen to what others want but be sure that they are listening to what you need to. Towards the end of the month things will smooth out in the relationship sector and you’ll be ready to bring some balance into your life by engaging in hobbies, romance, and work in equal measure. 

Pisces 2021 Overview

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