October 2021 Horoscopes: Isn't It Ironic

Hello dear readers, 

Guess what ya’ll it’s Spooky Season!

Time to find out out what’s in store for you this month and this Halloween! And (in honor of Jagged Little Pill’s 25th Anniversary) what Alanis Morrisette song with be your anthem this month. 

Libra season is here, bringing new relationships and diplomacy but also-with SIX planets in retrograde things are still managing to be a little bumpy. But things ease up by week two of the month and the New moon gives us a a chance at a fresh start. The full moon will have us pushing towards our goals with a new ferver. And Venus in Sagittarius and our transition into Scorpio season will bring some steaminess into the bedroom towards the end of the month.

To get the details keep reading!

This Month’s Major Themes

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Libra Season 

When: Sept 23rd-Oct 23rd

This month the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra. 

Libra, the cool autumn breeze of the zodiac, wants to frolic in the fall leaves, gives us itchy feet, makes us more social (thanks Mercury) and goal oriented (thanks Mars). To get the most out of Libra season do as the Libra’s do: Lean into that basic (but classy) b*tch energy. Sometimes things are basic because they're just so dang good they become a classic staple. Eat sweets, go on a hike to see the fall leaves, paint your nails, buy a new makeup palette, carve a pumpkin, go fly a kite, focus on building relationships, and get out there and drink a butterbeer with your friends this month. 

The season peak will take place on the New Moon on Oct 6th (a good day for fresh starts, especially for partnerships, romance, and chasing after goals and dreams).

Now thanks to their fair-mindedness, Libra season usually brings ease in communications... but this month we may start off with some mixed messages because there are not just one but SIX planets in retrograde: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury (of course).

Retrogrades are a Reflection: Time to Take A Good Look 

When: October 1st-18th

Now I know ya’ll think you know what retrograde is about: finally being able to blame chaos, break-ups, crying in the bathroom, fights over who did the dishes last, and miscommunications on the planets...right? 

Well, not exactly. It’s time for some tough love ya’ll.

Sure planets in rx bring in the chaos. Retrogrades are about shaking loose the baggage that needs to GO in your life, and that kind of letting go, and change can bring up nostalgia, painful memories and all kinds of stuff. But it’s up to you to respond to that internal chaos as best you can. You are the gardener and your internal world is your garden. Tend it. Do’t ignore what your inner being is trying to tell you or your thought garden might turn carnivorous. 

The enlightened know that passing the buck onto the planets instead of taking accountability gets you nowhere. It’s your responsibility to communicate effectively your wants, needs, and desires. Not everyone is an empath or telepath, so just try to communicate with people as if they can’t read your mind or your intentions. Be clear. CRYSTAL clear. You might think you’re sending out clear non-verbal signals, but if they’re not getting the message, then it’s best to just to use your words. 

Also if you miscommunicate, get caught in gossip or lose your cool this month passing the blame on to Mercury RX doesn’t negate your bad behavior-remember, it’s your responsibility to apologize if you f*ck it up. And even though apologies can be tough for some,  others will appreciate your humility and your willingness to hold yourself accountable. 

So when retrograde chaos rears its head you’ll be much better served if you focus on the 4 R’s of Retrograde: Remember, Review, Reflect, Revise and LISTEN. Okay, so listen isn’t one of the 4 R’s of Retrograde...but it should be. Being curious about others thoughts, feelings, and how they are experiencing you can clue you in on what you need to do to mend bridges.

Still, if retrogrades have a tendency to really mess with you- you’ll be relieved to hear that Pluto, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter will all exit their backwards somersault and go direct again by the end of the second week of October.

Note: Pluto, planet of transformation, is in Capricorn. Saturn (planet of self-discipline) and Jupiter (planet of luck) are in Aquarius. 

Venus in Sagittarius 

When: October 7th-Nov 5th

If you’ve ever dated a ‘Tarius- you know that the fiery truthseeker is a free-spirit at heart. One thing I really admire about Sagittarius is their ability to be open-minded, optimistic in relationships, but also dead set on maintaining their individuality and independence. 

Let’s face it- some of us have become pretty darn codependent during the pandemic, and especially during Libra season it can be tough to maintain a sense of self separate from your partners. Sag teaches us that sharing lives doesn’t mean sharing identities, this month remember to invest in yourself. Attend a class or workshop in something you’re interested in, join a club or acting troop, or carve out some time every week to focus on just you and things you love to do. Your happiness and the things you love to do are worth investing in. 

The other thing Venus is Sagittarius brings to us this month is the opportunity to GO WILD, BIG and UNCONVENTIONAL when it comes to our dating life. Venus will go OUT-OF-BOUNDS from October 9th to December 7th. Out of bounds planets tend to jump the track and take off in whatever direction suits them and Venus is no different. This month Venus will urge us to toss aside conventions and taboos and follow our hearts regardless of whether it seems unconventional, overachieving or imbalanced in the eyes of societal expectations. 

It’s not rebelling for the sake of rebelling. It’s acknowledging your long-held truth. Embrace it. Like most planets there is a light and a dark side, to it, and what you experience tells you about what side of the planet you’re currently living on so while you open yourself up to new possibilities, also get ready for potentially tumultuous and unusual relationships, overspending and over romanticizing. 

Aries Full Moon

When: Oct 20th

Lead yourself to victory. Be bold in achieving your goals.

Scorpio Season: Deep Emotions, Camouflaged Hearts

When: Oct 22nd-Nov 21st

What do fire and water make? Steaminess. 

The Aries full moon, fiery Sag in Venus, coupled with Mars and the Sun in Scorpio make for a sexy time towards the end of the month. Those with fire and water placements will have an especially high libido. This is a good time to surprise your partner with a sexy halloween costume, chocolate covered strawberries, some light kink, and a good time. (Consent is sexy. So just make sure you check in with them first before you try anything too new.)

Also big WINNING energy is comes with the Sun and Mars entering Scorpio. This time tends to bring up deep emotions (Thanks but also no thanks to Scorpio, luv u Scorpio boos, but dang like do you have to FEEL SO MUCH all the time?), give us that creative flair for the dramatic that will help us win the Halloween costume contest, and fix our eyes upon our goals like scary blood red robot laser beams.

You might feel an urge to keep certain emotions hidden and protected during this season. Are you trying to protect others or yourself? Your urge to protect is your long held fierceness. Embrace it. But be mindful your thought garden isn’t getting watered with unshared emotions that make your heart wilt like a blackened rose. 

Astrology as a Tool of Self-Reflection

It’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection  and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life. Astrology is a tool we use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions. 

The astro literate are encouraged to read their moon sign (represents your inner self, the subconscious and the emotional self) and venus sign (represents what makes us happy and the way you are in relationships) first. 

Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2021

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: You LOVE HALLOWEEN and you know how to celebrate. Relax, sit back and just soak up all that spooky goodness. 

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: Uninvited

Aries 2021 Overview 

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: You know how to enjoy the ~cozy~ season better than anyone. Brush off negative Nancy’s and do what you know you’ll enjoy most today, especially if you’re spiritually inclined. You might have to make an important compromise today though or things might get really spooky. 
Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: You Oughta Know

.Taurus 2021 Overview

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: You love to be the wild card and prankstar at the party and tonight you’re feeling extra cheeky. Get in the spirit by planning some spooky jokes, pranks, and have a fun time making your friends laugh and scream. 

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: All of them. All of the songs are Gemini songs. But especially Perfect.

Gemini 2021 Overview

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: You may want to just stay home today and that’s fine. You like the holidays because you get to spend time with the people you love most. Do something low-key with friends and family that makes the most of your time together. 

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: Guardian

Cancer 2021 Overview

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: Maybe it’s just all the skeletons hanging around looking lonely that’s got you hankering for some tenderness or maybe it’s just your innate propensity for romance. But either way love is in the air for you today Leo. 

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: Head Over Feet

Leo 2021 Overview

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) 

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: You like things to be perfectly planned and tend to enjoy a structured life, this Samhain focus less on making a plan for others and more on just doing what feels good to you in the moment. Live in the flow of life, and focus on enjoying yourself. 

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: Mary Jane

Virgo 2021 Overview 

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Happy Birthday Libra!

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: Avoid getting competitive this Halloween, tensions can be high around the holidays and putting extra pressure on the situation is 100% not necessary. Tensions might run high around you, giving you a chance to use your almost supernatural mediation skills to diffuse the situation.

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: You Learn

Libra 2021 Overview

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Happy Birthday Scorpio!

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: You’ve swerved way off course this Halloween Scorpio. Did you forget to invite your bestie to the party? Did you pick a fight with someone and now it’s coming back to bite you? Better double check your plans or you might spend the night caught up in drama rather than having the spookiest time of your life.

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song
: Right Through You

Scorpio 2021 Overview

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: THE DAY HAS COME TO DANCE YOUR SOCKS OFF. Lots of fun and good vibes are headed your way this Halloween. Get moving! Literally. Move your body. Whether that means cleaning the house, dancing naked under the stars or strutting your stuff in your best Cosplay outfit. 

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: Not the Doctor

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: The stars tell me that although you were kind of looking forward to this fun holiday, this year you might crash early if you’ve been burning those tapered candles at both ends. Get plenty or rest, hydrate, and if you need to relax instead of impressing your boss by attending some half-hearted Halloween work party- by all means embrace the self care ~vibes~. 

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: All I Really Want

Capricorn 2021 Overview

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: Okay, I’m afraid you need to know that your costume is probably super niche and pure genius but no one gets it or honestly a bit basic….but who cares? As long as you feel good in your skin that’s all that matters. LET LOOSE. You know better than anyone how to get spooky. Embrace your wildness this Samhain! Hold a seance, visit a haunted house, or host a Monster Mash! 

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song: Citizen of the Planet

Aquarius 2021 Overview

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your Samhain/Halloween Horoscope: Tonight is honestly probably more special for you than anyone else, it’s to be a day you won’t soon regret. You’re glowing up in the world bigtime Pisces, your confidence will shine through no matter what you do today. You may even gain a whole new perspective on life.

Your Alanis Morissette Theme Song

Pisces 2021 Overview


November 2021 Horoscopes: Sister Signs Scorpio and Taurus Collide


September 2021 Horoscopes: Invest in Relationships for a Happier Work Life Balance