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August 2021 Horoscopes: Summer's Last Hurrah, Harvesting the Fruits of Our Labor and Planning for the Future

August 2021 Horoscopes: Summer's Last Hurrah, Harvesting the Fruits of Our Labor and Planning for the Future

Welcome dear readers, 

It’s August, already, summer is winding up and down almost simultaneously.

Summer is ripening like a fresh peach, falling from the tree either into your attentive hands, or onto the ground. ow is the time when all your preparation for harvest has either paid off or turned a bit sour. So whatever you’ve been working towards this summer now is a good time to reflect on how best to spend the last long days of summer. And it’s a good time to reflect on where we want to go in the fall season and start preparing ourselves for another cycle.

Review what legacy you want to leave, and be intentional about choosing your place in the world. If you don’t like where you’re at then it’s time to switch up your routine. Find new ways to bring sources of comfort, purpose, and joy into your everyday routine. Take time to listen to the voice within you that always wants to transform into its best self. Be your own best friend. Listen to your needs and get good at supporting yourself.

August is also a time of celebration, full of last hurrah’s, and spontaneous creativity. Making it a great time to take up a hobby, relax, and throw a party. Embrace new passion projects.

There are lots of opportunities to mend injured relationships, nurture long-term connections and collaboration this month. And especially towards the end of the month, we get good at building bridges between people that may not share our point of view.

Towards the end of the month we’ll be going deep into future planning. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus team up to help us clear our mind and really see the path we want to take.

This month worldwide the stars are pushing us to review our legacy, our place in the world, heal from old wounds, mend fences, and build new bridges to create a better future for everyone.

Leo Season Peaks

This month kicks off at the peak of Leo season. Leo season reaches a key plot point on August 8th during the new moon in Leo, when the sun, moon, and mercury all align in Leo to stoke our creative fires and equip us to adventure deep into our inner worlds to refuel our passion, connect to our deepest desires and to take on personal passion projects. 

We’re feeling grounded as August begins thanks to Venus and Mars traveling together through the earth sign Virgo for the first part of this month, keeping us humble and helping us hone our decision-making skills. 

Blue Moon and Virgo Season

An astrological “blue moon”, the second full moon to take place in Aquarius on the 22nd, kicking off Virgo season with an intimate and sexy bang. Couples take note as this day marks a moment when the confidence and creativity of Leo season and the authenticity and loyalty of Virgo season combine to pave the way for deep, loving, relationship building. 

Virgo season will help us clean up our houses and our acts, engage in productivity, help us build self-improving habits and routines, and get us prepared to embrace the fall season. 

Venus and Mercury Return Home

This month Venus and Mercury return home to their ruling zodiac signs, masculine Libra and feminine Virgo. This transit brings a balance of masculine and feminine energies to the month. Creating a yin-yang balance, imagine sunlight upon a mountain and valley, yin is the shade, yang is the sun. A balance of day and night keeps the world spinning. Harmony abounds. Mental clarity, diplomacy, and romance to the forefront in your life. 

Mercury goes first this month. Entering into Virgo on the 11th. The planet that rules intellect, technology, and communication is considered an androgynous planet in astrology. It is, in many ways the gender-queer, nonbinary best friend of the astrological line-up. Sometimes it leans feminine of center, sometimes it leans masculine of center. This month Mercury encourages you to explore femininity and androgyny. 

Venus goes second, entering Libra on the 30th. Venus is traditionally considered a ‘feminine’ planet, but just like Mercury, Venus also has two rulers, feminine Taurus, and masculine Libra. And this month since Venus is in Libra, the relationship planet is expressing some of its more gender-fluid and masculine of center traits. Libra in Venus asks us to examine the logical benefits of building bridges as opposed to building walls. 

Uranus Rx in Taurus

On the 19th, Uranus, the planetary wild child, peaces out, to go take a nap and watch lofi videos on Youtube with Taurus until January of next year. Taurus tends to overthink themself into paralysis sometimes. And an RX in this sign can have a profound impact on our personal relationships. This is a unique time for humanity collectively as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are also all in retrograde, prompting us to review the past, make ethical realignments, do relationship evaluations, confront our shadows, engage in deep internal reflection, and forgive ourselves and others. This combination of retrogrades is sure to create change in people’s lives worldwide. These retrogrades prompt us to review the world’s turbulent past and make resolutions to create a better future.

Astrology as a Tool of Self- Reflection 

It’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life. Astrology is a tool we use to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions. 

The Astro literate are encouraged to read their moon sign (represents your inner self, the subconscious, and the emotional self) and venus sign (represents what makes us happy and the way you are in relationships) first.

Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2021

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Last month you found a place of calm to recharge. Now you’re ready to show off the energy you’ve recharged. But your self-presentation, your reputation, and your legacy are on your mind this month. You are who you choose to be. You choose. Speak kindly of yourself. Start off your month by switching up your routine to better support your needs. What habits do you enjoy? What habits are holding you back? What is one way you can alter your routine to set you up for greater success? How can you make passion and wonder a part of your daily experiences?

Do: Invite discovery through spontaneity. Pursue passion with vigor. Mend fences with old friends. Stretching.

Don’t: Overthinking old arguments. Barreling in horns first. Inflexible thinking.

Aries 2021 Overview

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Your journey of self-discovery continues this month. You are redefining how you walk in the world. You’re a diamond dear Taurus, but you’ve spent plenty of time in the rough of life. Awaken to your purpose: all you have to do is be who you are. No more hiding from your mistakes, face them, learn from them, check your confirmation bias, practice makes perfect.

Do: Get organized. Get dental insurance. Set your alarm for twenty minutes earlier in the morning and eat a full breakfast. Take on an arts and crafts project. Invite your friends on a hike. Let go of grudges. 

Don’t: Put up walls. Avoid responsibilities.

Taurus 2021 Overview

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, you’re good with words. But words aren’t the only way to express yourself. Expand your horizons, where something different, get a daring haircut, practice standing up straight, tell more jokes. After all, you are the jokester, the actor, and the comedian of the zodiac. Embrace what’s funny to you, whether it’s Dad jokes, puns, or videos of cats randomly spazzing out. Every day is a new opportunity for expression. 

Do: Articulate. Explore all the options. Plan a pizza party. Build yourself up, brick by brick. Engage in puzzles, games, and riddles. Get disciplined. Build trust.

Don’t: Slouching. Mumbling under your breath. Walling yourself off. Self-depreciation. Burning bridges.

Gemini 2021 Overview

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Long-term partnerships are a big theme for you this month, dear Cancer. Summer is ripening and falling off the vine into your waiting hands. Juno has stationed direct bringing with it an idea about what you want from your long-term relationship with yourself and with others. Your mind is clear, your friendship group is solidifying, and your intentions are simple, concise, and to the point. Live your beliefs. Reevaluate your code of justice and honor. Surround yourself with worldly viewpoints. Hold yourself to a high standard of values and morals and you’ll attract the same.

Do: Get-togethers with friends. Setting clear expectations and boundaries. Emotional honesty. 

Don’t: Drama out of boredom. Talking behind someone's back. 

Cancer 2021 Overview

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Happy Birthday Leo!’

You are who you choose to be. Realign with your values as regularly as possible. Your reputation and your legacy are what you make of them. Be intentional in the way you present yourself to the world. Are you dressing for a promotion or for a demotion? What energy are you attracting? What bridges are you prepared to build? What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

Do: Look deep within at your desires, hold them without shame. You can have it all. Get grounded in who you are. Ask friends to take a stroll down memory lane with you. Nurture your friendships. 

Don’t: Eat fast food for breakfast. Show up late. Pick a fight just to show off.

Leo 2021 Overview

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

You’re seeking recognition this month. You’ve been flexing your creative muscle and your disciplined work ethic has brought you far. Take a moment to bask in what you’ve achieved. Celebrate your achievements, whether it’s by inviting some coworkers to share a pizza and beer, or by sharing a special toast with your partner. You get better every day. 

Do: Toasts. Be specific. Be spontaneous. Sharing with friends. Big ideas. 

Don’t: Roasts. Misinformation. Fear-based reporting. Criticism without compliment.

Virgo 2021 Overview

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

This month you are growing. 

You are leaning into your purpose and honing your creativity. What you create with your life is up to nobody but you. Let go of what’s normal. ‘Normal’ was never the goal. Embrace what is exceptional about you. Invite other creators and performers into your life. Play music. Write a song. Imagine the world as a stage. Imagine far-off places. Imagine creative energy bursting forth from everything, awaiting your direction, awaiting transformation. Bring a passion project into your life and follow it to completion. 

Do: Get exercise every day. Embrace failure as information gathering. Embrace success as if it were destiny. Recognize the abundance of what you have. A healthy sleep routine. Future planning. Technology. 

Don’t: Limitations. Projecting blame or shame. Late-night snack binges.

Libra 2021 Overview

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

All attention is on you this month. With great fame comes great opportunity and great responsibility. Capitalize on your successes. Build a social network that will lift you up. But be wary, everyone is watching. Live your values and you’ll have no regrets. Don’t overshoot your capacity. Make astute decisions based on what you do know and ask for help with what you don’t. If there’s something you want to do that you don’t know how to yet- now is the time to figure out what that path looks like. 

Do: Research. Job searches. Creative projects. Career planning. Financial planning. Mix relaxation and exercise. 

Don’t: Procrastination. Settling.
Scorpio 2021 Overview

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

You are exploring your sense of self this month. You’ve been on a roller coaster ride lately and every bend seems to have new ups and downs and upside downs. Listen, every fall you take when you’re learning to walk is a step up from the last one. It’s all about information gathering when you’re young. Stay young by practicing making better mistakes. You’re always evolving, always improving. Finding better ways to leap back to your feet when you stumble. You write your story, you get to cast yourself in whatever role you like. Deciding in the face of risk is an achievement in and of itself.

Do: Look inward. Your feelings are a lantern, sometimes the light your lantern casts can vary and put a new tint on the situation. Be flexible. Be moldable. Welcome new traits, new ways of being. Finesse. 

Don’t: Try to be someone else. Bluntness during arguments. “That’s the way I’ve always been.”

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Your self-esteem is high this month. You are a money magnet. Wealth accumulates wherever you walk. Capricorn, your friends sometimes see you as the equivalent of a walking talking self-help book. You are constantly improving, whether it is at your job, at the gym, or in the way you manage your emotions or your team. Look deep into your soul, make sure your actions are in alignment with your values. You are good at organizing your life to make sure that all the pieces of you get to play a part. 

Do: Financial investments. Moving house. Cultivating an environment that attracts wealth. Adventures. Exercise your freedom of expression.  

Don’t: Comfort zone. Codependency. Old negative narratives. Judgements.

Capricorn 2021 Overview

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

You thought you had what you wanted. Now you’re not sure. Maybe you’re feeling insecure or unsupported. Maybe you’re the one that isn’t supporting yourself fully. Listen to what you need and show up for yourself. You are capable of crafting your reality. You can always ask for the things you need- from yourself and from others. Read a self-help book, take a personality quiz, ask your therapist about tips to sleep better. Expand your mystical horizons. Practice herbal healing. Learn to cast a confidence spell with affirmations. Create a flattering self-portrait of yourself and watch as everything that’s exceptional about you is magnified x3.  

Do: Glow up. Cast a wider net. Set big picture goals. Treat your energy like a resource. Manage stress and anxiety. 

Don’t: Family drama. Self-depreciation. Old narratives.

Aquarius 2021 Overview

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your thoughts are focused. You are a powerhouse of instinct and responsibility this month. Follow your intuition. Treat your energy as a precious resource, to be directed, to be spent intentionally, to be recharged, to bring you fulfillment. Listen to the voice inside of you, what does it want? That call is unique to you. You are the only one that can do it justice. Seek balance between generosity and self-preservation.

Do: Treat yourself like a king, take a break when you need one, eat a proper breakfast. Let go of tension with exercise. 

Don’t: Seesaws. Merry-go-rounds. Confirmation bias. Soapboxes.

Pisces 2021 Overview

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