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June 2021 Horoscopes: Eclipse Season is a Choose Your Own Adventure Story

June 2021 Horoscopes: Eclipse Season is a Choose Your Own Adventure Story

Welcome dear readers, 

Columbia Community Connection News is celebrating our Horoscope Column's 1 Year Anniversary!

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And now, back to your June 2021 Astrological Forecast.

June is all about choosing your own adventure. It’s a time of mercurial Gemini energy, the second eclipse of the season, The 3 R’s of retrograde (Remember, Reflect, Realign), and managing your thoughts.

Have you ever read a Choose Your Own Adventure Story?

You come to a fork in the plot line and the story asks you where you want to go… left or right? You pick one, you follow it down to rabbit hole to see where the story ends up and then you take another right, then a left. You keep making decisions, playing the part you choose in the story until you end up somewhere. Sometimes you hit a dead end and have to double back and try a different path. This month your thoughts are doing just that. This month will be full of time traveling through your thoughts, revisiting the past, and traveling the rabbit hole to see if you can glimpse the future. 

Whether your life feels like a pink dream or a nightmare your thoughts have the reins this month. Mid June marks the beginning of summer. New graduates will be headed into new jobs, new classes, new schools, and new apprenticeships this month. 

It’s a month of reaching and reflecting on milestones. Evenings spent mentally traveling back in time to see if you’ve learned the lessons you need to advance and afternoons spent sharing your dreams for the future with friends. 

This month we’re making resolutions to let go of old ways of being, focusing on the states of being that are in keeping with our values, and doubling down on our sense of purpose. 

Embrace opportunities to expand your understanding, ground yourself, redirect energy, nurture your values this month. Moments of love and wonder will motivate you to release past pain and seek out peace. 

Click to enlarge.

Venus in Cancer

June kicks off with Venus still OUT OF BOUNDS and moving out of free-flowing, commitment-adverse Gemini and into ‘put a ring on it’ Cancer. 

Venus in Cancer has us seeking security and harmony in the home. Recharge this month by visiting with close friends and family. Beautify your space. An intuitive need for intimacy and commitment may trigger changes for many couples. But last month was tough on many relationships so embrace honest feelings and be gentle with each other as you go through this process.

This transit will especially affect you if you or your partner have a Cancer Moon, Venus, or Sun in your life this month. If your Venus was in Cancer, when you were born than this is your Venus return, this time period will be a spring cleaning of your relationships and reveal relationship themes for the coming year. What would happen if you got the love you deserved?

Taurus or Libra can look forward to heightened stability when Venus returns from out of bounds on the 23rd. 

Choose Your Own Adventure: Eclipse Season & Retrogrades Oh My!

Annular New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini, Neptune SRX and Jupiter RX and Full Moon in Capricorn 

If last month's full moon eclipse in Sagittarius taught us anything it’s that the eclipse season is like the hurricane season of karmic Astrology. Your demons come home to roost. Some homes are left untouched, almost by magic. While other’s experience such destruction that they become unrecognizable.

Eclipse season coupled with multiple retrogrades can be TOUGH.

Especially when Saturn, Mercury, Pluto, Jupiter and Neptune are in retrograde.

(Capricorns, Geminis, Scorpios, Sagittarius, and Pisces take note that your ruling planets are retrograding this month and you may struggle to get traction and feel a bit in your thoughts.)

However you felt during last month’s eclipse will propel you into the next one. Many people feel exhausted between eclipses.

Those who spent the month building a foundation of purposeful rest, self-care, and strength from which to grow likely sailed through the blood moon eclipse in Sagittarius with ease. If not, than last month's retrograde and eclipse probably left you feeling lost, and stuck in your ways. But this month you’ll have another chance to do some assessment of what isn’t working in your life and make changes before the next eclipse brings another wave of demons to your door.

Making this month especially tricky and causing plenty of existential crises across the board.

The thing about two back-to-back eclipses and multiple-planet retrogrades is: if you are holding on to something that doesn’t serve your best interests… it is guaranteed to come back and smack you in the face- HARD.

It can shake the foundations of your identity. 

It can be the breaking point in your relationship. 

It can break you.

And... it can be the start of a new lease on life.

Moving in the direction of your true purpose allows you to choose the outcome for yourself. 

Take a page out of mercurial Gemini’s book: things will be a lot easier if you can go with the flow and embrace change. 

Many go through eclipse season feeling like an exposed nerve, and as cranky as a crab. These people refuse to let go of distractions and bad habits that are holding them back. Spiraling, they grasp to their past mistakes and the past mistakes of others with white-knuckled fury. “THIS IS WHO I AM! THIS IS WHO YOU ARE!” They say, forgetting that every day is an opportunity to choose your own adventure.

Do not be this person unless you enjoy getting cosmically smacked in the face over and over again. Saturn and Jupiter retrogrades do not mess around. If you don’t get out of your own way, they hit you with the same life lessons over and over, creating repeating patterns and themes in your life until you finally learn from your mistakes and move on. 

Trust the universe and you make the universe a trustworthy place. 
Distrust the universe and you make the universe an untrustworthy place.
Trust yourself and you make yourself worthy of trust. 
Distrust yourself and you make yourself unworthy of trust. 

Accept your past, live in the present, and move towards the future with the calm certainty that you can achieve everything you desire.

This month is your opportunity to either spiral into mental strife or take back control of your life. And ironically taking control can feel a lot like surrender. 

Trust that the release of pain inevitably brings relief.

Embrace new ideas, new ways of thinking, and communicating. Embrace creative thinking. See what exciting new information may come to light. 

Listen to your soul. Find your purpose. Leap of faith. LET GO.  Write down your intentions. Be specific. Transform your thoughts into reality. 

Do this, and when the Full Moon in Capricorn comes around you’ll be feeling ready to follow your gut and make good on long-term goals that align with your purpose. Trust yourself. The only person whose approval you need is your own. 

Mars and Venus Enter Leo 

You were dropped feet first into the ocean of life. 

It’s time to adapt to the waters. No more floating, letting the tide carry you hither and thither. It’s time to swim in the direction of your goals. Whether you’re aiming for the distant horizon, or the nearest jetty to cling to. Worry less about the can’ts and won'ts and don’ts. Bring fun into your life. Sex drive will be high this month. Show genuine adoration for life and your loved ones. Be playful. Identify your dream, then identify the first step in that direction and take it. Be sensitive to the way your forward-thinking actions impact others. Put your energy into the people that appreciate you. 

This transit will especially affect you if you or your partner have a Leo Mars, Venus, or Sun in your life this month. If your Venus was in Leo, when you were born than you are in your Venus Return, this time period will act as a spring cleaning of your relationships and reveal relationship themes for the coming year. Zero in on your passion and embrace what it feels like to be in a state of love.

Astrology as a Tool for Self-Reflection

It’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life. 

Astrology is a tool that can be used to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. 

It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions. 

The Astro-literate are encouraged to read their moon sign and venus sign first. 
Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2021

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You’re ruling planet Mars has returned from out of bounds and you’re feeling secure this month. It’s hard to say why exactly. Perhaps you’re just at home in the chaos...Like a circus performer juggling a dozen knives and cracking jokes, making light of it to the crowd. Your attention is a valuable resource. Spread yourself too thin or you might end up with a knife in your back.

The theme of this year for you is taking on new rites of passage. Freelancers take note. This is a good month for your finances.

Your health and happiness centers are also glowing this month. Stoke the fires of romance by feeding your twin flame with laughter and loving-kindness. What would happen if you stayed in your power while compromising? Your light is an endless resource.

Reach out to your friends. They want to bask in your glow.

Aries 2021 Overview

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You’re season has filled your heart with love.

You’re continuing to be aware of your thoughts this month and the theme of your life this year is writing a new story for yourself. New ares of study are lighting the dark for you. Plans are coming together.

What would it be like to embrace the part of yourself that is like the soft growing grass that is so loved by the stubborn bull? What would it be like to be like a tree in the wind, anchored in its roots, but growing ever towards the light, strong, but bending in the breeze for the sheer joy of dancing in the wind? You are a shade tree others trust to shelter them. Get stubborn about looking out for yourself and the ones you love.

Be disciplined. Make your money this month and fix your finances. Let go of lazy habits. Accept that no matter where you’re starting at, rock bottom, or top-shelf you and your bank account can grow.

You’re not alone. Ask for help if you need it. You have supporters everywhere. After the full moon and the 23rd things, your fields will be ripe with abundance.

Taurus 2021 Overview

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Happy Birthday, Gemini!


The earth has traveled around the sun once more and delivered you a special day to celebrate and renew yourself. CELEBRATE. Recognition for your hard work is headed your way.

Your ruling planet, Mercury is in retrograde this month. Your thoughts may feel as though they are time traveling at times this month-backwards and forwards. Find new thoughts to think. While many view Mercury RX as a kick in the pants, you can choose to view it as the perfect time to reflect on what changes you want to initiate in your life. Make changes to your habits, your lifestyle. Address health issues with haste this month. 

If things don’t go as smoothly as you want this month just bear in mind that you’re not alone in the struggle. Get comfortable with talking about your troubles with friends and family. Other’s want to a lot of other people may be feeling torn in two directions this month. Which is something you certainly know a thing or two about. You can use your unique perspective and chameleon nature to help lift up someone else that’s feeling lost and struggling to embrace change.

Gemini 2021 Overview

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Happy Birthday, Cancer!


Wait no… What I mean is that June is going to be a lot better for you than for some other people. So enjoy! This June it feels like karma is doing the work you’ve been asking it to do for what feels like ages now. But your focus won’t be on those fools at all this month. After all there’s no need. You’re traveling a different path now. And who you were in the past is not who you are today or who you will be tomorrow. 

This month remember that while the idea of revenge can sound good, what goes around comes around. Literally. It's a basic gravitational and sociological principle. This season will pass and become another’s. So it’s better to put your energies into crafting your own reality instead of trying to shape another person’s life path.

Indulge in beauty, sex, and adventure. Write a bucket list and tick something off the list. What do you want that relies solely on your own experience? What makes your life feel rich? 

Clarity around your relationships will spark this month. Be honest about your feelings. Be proud of who you are and what you stand for. Embrace compromise that keeps with your values. Protect yourself and nurture your friendships and romances by allowing only the chosen into your inner sanctum of vulnerability and comfort. Cut energy suckers off. Sever cords with those who don’t appreciate how radiant and powerful you are even if that person is a past version of yourself. 

Being practical will help you find security this month. What will happen if you troubleshoot your finances?

Cancer 2021 Overview

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Last month you started asking the right questions.

Now, inspiration is looming on the near horizon. You’ve been time traveling with your thoughts to the past and future to explore your worst nightmares about how your life was or could be… but things are about to change because Mars and Venus are entering your sign this month and you are READY. 

You are READY to change. You’ve already changed a lot to get to where you are. You’re letting go of old grudges and worries about the past to embrace new possibilities. 

Your birthday is only a month away. You have an idea of where you’d like to be when that happens. So whatever comes next will be easier than you think. 

Plant two feet firmly into your heart’s openness to friendship. Your connection to others is a source of strength. You are not alone. Call your friends. Practice small talk with strangers. Cultivate your social life as if you were a vibrant tiger in the grass, laugh heartily, have fun, wear bright colors, show off your stripes. You are a magnet for attention. 

Cultivate your mind as a refuge for big world view-altering thoughts. Rest your intellect and engage your intuition. What would happen if you let go of the baggage of the past? Deliver on your dreams and the promises to yourself. The details will work themselves out. Be as a peaceful and loving shepherd, watching over fields that know only blue skies. 

Practice commitment. Be like your ruler the sun- let the energy you bring glow through your every action -day or night, it shines.

Leo 2021 Overview

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Last month you started the work of shaping new habits. Life is changing pace, you’re busy in a good way, balance work with play. Have some fun, connect with friends and family.

Your thoughts are traveling backward and forwards to the past and future and back to the present this month. You're the star of your own show this June. You’re feeling more flexible this month. There is an openness that seems to have materialized for you. And with it, there is some mourning of the past but mostly you are moving past that and into the direction you want to go from here. Heal old grudges and arguments.

Accept recognition for your hard work. Keep moving in the direction of what makes you feel like a starry night sky in June- full of possibilities.

Virgo 2021 Overview

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Last month you worked on breaking old patterns of codependency and may have found yourself drowning neck deep in creative burn out. Good news sweet Libra! Work and life responsibilities ease this month.

And your hard work has energized your community to pick up the slack. The opportunity to build capital following your dreams is endless. Inspiration is endlessly available to you. Support is everywhere. Collaborations are everywhere. It’s a great time to get people of similar artistic vision and world views together and explore together. The high value you place on your connection to community is paying off. You do the work of having hard conversations. Enjoy the energy you bring to the conversation. You energize those around you with every step you take towards your goals. This June you are a rising tide lifting all boats. Keep your eyes on your purpose.

Let a sense of wonder recharge your creative batteries. Start a passion project and show up for yourself to make it happen every day. Travel. Study in the ways of something completely new to you. Embrace what calls to your highest self.

Libra 2021 Overview

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Last month you worked on learning to take your own advice. This month you have an opportunity to put it into practice.

You tend to struggle with forgiveness. Namely, because you feel you’ve had to do so much of it and this is just getting ridiculous. Are you communicating your needs in the moment? 

Your ruling planet Pluto is in retrograde until October 8th.

Nightmares are brewing along memory lane. What would it feel like to clear the storm clouds? What would it feel like to turn your thought garden into a zen garden? What ghosts need closure? What grudges, slights, patterns, and old pains need healing? What would it feel like to let them all go? Meditate on accepting and healing your past attachments. Forgiveness is healing. Loving is healing. Responding instead of reacting is healing. What would it feel like if you could parent yourself? What would you do? What would it feel like to trust in your commitment to yourself? 

You are the sign of death and rebirth. The study of grief's effect on the body is a life long work. Eclipse and retrograde season could never crush you. You manifest a path forward. You swim in the waters of difficulty and thrive. You float to the top of every wave. Like the tide or mindful breath you rise, go out to sea, and rise again.

Scorpio 2021 Overview

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Last month you ramped up thoughts about your career and thought deeply about what you choose in relationships. Your ruling planet, Jupiter retrogrades this month and will stay in retrograde until October 18th. This month you’ll continue to assess, reflect, and revise your relationships and obligations this month.

What would it feel like to shape your reality with your own two hands? Embrace an expansive perspective on life. You know where you want to go from here. What does healing look like? Are your habits imitating someone else’s idea of a healing environment? What does your ideal environment look like? What would it be like to choose where you spend your time? Be disciplined in your values and flexible in your understanding.

Remember you’re the type that can pick up and move to go in the direction of your heart at any time. Your sense of self is like an arrow pointing ever in the direction of your goals. Eclipse season may release anxieties that need addressing for you.

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Last month your spent time stretching your limits a little more than usual.

Then Saturn when retrograde at the end of the month causing you to either metaphorically drive at full speed into a brick wall or travel deep into your thought purgatory.

The RX has you enjoying daydreaming this month. You’re reminiscing about past travels and adventures and daydreaming about the future. You feel you’ve got the grit to get things done... but you don’t really want to.

Taper down your energy in areas that you’re not feeling fulfilled in. Act according to your ideals. Manifest the relationships you want. Embrace your heart's desire for love and practice giving love to yourself. Ground yourself. Embrace emotional vulnerability and warmth. Find comfort and support in your closest relationships. Mange difficult thoughts like a patient teacher, approach your thoughts with gentleness to heal old wounds.

You’re schedule is looking well organized. Pace yourself. You don’t have to knock out your entire summer To-Do List in the first month. A wise action to take this month would be to review what recovery time between activities works for you. Take care of your energy by prioritizing a balance of work and re-energizing outdoor activities.

When Saturn squares off with Uranus this month tensions may arise in your life as you rebel against old hierarchies, tear down old structures, and rebel against authority.

The full moon will bring about the fulfillment of goals you set way back in January.

Capricorn 2021 Overview

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Last month you wrestled with insecurities and came out the other side with the realization that you are a capable individual.

You’re feeling confident in your purpose and your work. And this year the focus of your life is taking that ‘me’ time you promised yourself. So now it’s time to get confident in your play. What would happen if you embraced your desire to have fun? 

What would happen if you were creative? Be as detailed or as uncomplicated about your answer as you want. Make an art out of a pursuit that is just for fun. Approach problems from the perspective of enjoying the process of finding the solution. Embrace your desire to be creative with passion. As an air sign, your source of inspiration is endless. Tap into your breath.

When Saturn squares off with Uranus this month tensions may arise in your life as you rebel against old hierarchies, tear down old structures, and rebel against authority.

Aquarius 2021 Overview

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Last month you embraced the big picture and found harmony. This month you have the opportunity to take that feeling with you into healing your heart and your past as your ruling planet Neptune goes retrograde.

Your memories and dreams often leave you time traveling from one to the other. You exist at a point in time but your mind can travel the length of your existence in a second. Your mind is a powerful tool. Your emotions are a powerful teacher. What you are capable of is limitless when you put in the hard work of DOING and working towards your goals in the moment. The path to living according to your ideals is within your reach. 

Learn to recognize the difference between your younger self's reaction from your adult response. What would happen if you parented yourself through today? Reimagining the definition of yourself and family is within your scope. You are ready to release painful childhood memories in the name of crafting a vision of your future. You’re deeply centered in your familial connections. Both your chosen family and those that chose you. What would happen if you accept yourself as your family too?

Embrace your desire for true love. It is an ally in building the life you want. You deserve to be loved in all the ways that bring you joy. Be romantic.

Pisces 2021 Overview

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