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July 2021 Horoscopes: Making a Home Inside Your Heart

July 2021 Horoscopes: Making a Home Inside Your Heart

Welcome dear readers, 

If last month was a roller coaster of eclipses, tossing our little life raft this way and that upon the open sea- then this month is a quiet jungle safari in our own backyards. 

The planets calm down a bit this month. 

Jupiter RX is still backstroking in gentle Pisces, telling us that opportunity will knock when we learn to kick back and go with the flow. Neptune SRX also in Pisces is time traveling through our thoughts and expressing ourselves through decorating, dancing, cooking, music, writing, and art. Both planets gently nudge us towards paying attention to what the heart and spirit need and not just what is logically true.

The beginning of July turns our attention from ‘I’ statements to ‘we’ focused solutions. July offers us the opportunity to stop going it alone and take a more collaborative approach to problem-solving. Perhaps this is because of the feminine Cancerian energy which dominates the first half of this month. 

This month ‘we’ are:

We are processing the lessons we learned from last month. 

We are sharing new stories, enjoying the freedom of having let go of old narratives. 

We are listening, we are caretaking ourselves and others by spending the first part of this month learning into feminine energies that seek to nurture our hearts and spirits. 

We are looking at the big picture and our place in it.

We are turning to face our heart and giving it a big hug. 

We are saying thank you for supporting me. 

We are turning to our homes, to our chosen families for comfort, security, resolutions, and harmony. 

We are learning to ground ourselves in the idea that the feminine and masculine are equal and inseparable. That they exist best together as a whole and in a state of balance rather than as separate parts. 

This month we’ve got a mix of both feminine and masculine energies.

The Sun, Moon, and Mercury spend the first half of the month in Cancer (water, feminine), and then move into Leo and Aquarius (fire, air, masculine) in the second half of the month. Moving us from a more passive way of moving, communicating, and relating to a more assertive one. Jupiter and Neptune relax in Pisces (water, feminine) this month. While Mars and Venus spends most of the month in Leo (fire, masculine) enliving our work and sex live before moving into Virgo (earth, feminine) and pushing us to deepen our dedication ourselves to the things we care about by the end of the month.

(In astrology signs are either masculine or feminine, with fire and air signs representing masculine aspects and water and earth signs representing feminine aspects.) 

Spending the first half of the month nurturing our hearts, embracing long hugs, gentle words, deliberately dedicating time to friends and family, and mothering ourselves and others will help us recharge. 

Cancer will help us nurture our relationships so that when the Sun enters Leo, we’re ready for fun. After all, a party isn’t much without the people. And you have to nurture your friendships if you want people to show up.

And here to help us with that balancing act are the asteroids. 

This month the asteroids are motivating us to pay attention to science (Vesta), nurture ourselves (Chiron, Ceres) heal our old wounds (Chiron), and educate ourselves and others with compassion (Pallas, Ceres).

(Why have I put such an emphasis on the balancing energy of these minor aspects in astrology that don’t normally see a lot of playing time in mainstream astrology? Well, June 30th was Asteroid Day. Plus with all the clearing of emotions we’ve done during eclipse season, we’re ready to dig deeper into what it means to work together and treat the world like it’s our home.)

Being centered in our hearts and spirits will allow us to balance the masculine energies present in the second half of the month and avoid masculine energy’s pitfall of letting ego getting in the way of logical collaborations and progress. Being centered in what you truly want out of life will also increase the longevity of your motivation to reach your goals. Positioning you for a highly productive month when Mars enters Virgo later in the month. 

Part 1 of 2 Full Moons in Aquarius

In this lunar cycle the full moon rises in Aquarius not once but twice- once in July and then again in August. Making the goals you set now a two-part series of sorts. So make sure you frame your intentions positively and in detail as you’re likely to see the results of those intentions not once but twice. 

Click to enlarge.

Astrology as a Tool for Self-Reflection

It’s important to remember that anything I write here is meant to be used as a tool of reflection and self-awareness and not as a hard prediction. The stars and planets do a lot of talking, but ultimately we each must decide our own path in life. 

Astrology is a tool that can be used to take the temperature of the world and reflect on how we might respond. 

It helps us pay attention to our physical and emotional states and opens us up to new ways of navigating our thoughts and actions. 

The Astro-literate are encouraged to read their moon sign and venus sign first. 
Don’t know your moon or venus sign? Find out here.

Astrological Themes of 2021

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Last month you navigated chaos like only you can dear Aries. And this month you’re enjoying a bit of calm. 

Find your passion at work by reminding yourself how it fits into your big picture goals.

The fire and water energy of this month is stoking your creativity.

Your heart is an eternal flame. And your creativity is like an ocean, don’t worry if you surf one wave only to crash and burn on the next. If you don’t catch the wave you’re aiming for you tend to take that failure hard. Instead of fighting the current let go. The ocean swell will carry you where you need to go. Sing in the shower. Build a sculpture out of popsicle sticks. Feed your creativity. 

This July Jupiter RX and Chiron RX are influencing you heavily and as a result you're continuing this year's journey of assessing and stepping back from the old patterns of thinking and acting. You’re moving away from energy draining activities and learning how to not overextend yourself so you can focus on healing old wounds and pushing yourself towards higher self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth. 

Nature contains medicine for you. Align with your heart's values. Reevaluate your position in your family. Don’t do drama. Be the adult you wish you knew as a child. Listen to the wisdom of children and their resilient nature. Cherish your close relationships.

Aries 2021 Overview

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Eclipse season was like a trip to another world, wild, stressful, blissful, full of new information. But now you’re back home dear Taurus, and you’re continuing this year’s journey of settling into a new sense of self.

If you’re feeling lonely maybe it’s time to stop waiting for your friends and family to call and make the first move. Take action. Make ice cream together.

When Leo season begins you’ll be ready for tough conversations. If you’ve had struggles at home it’s time to get real about it. This is your sacred space, your quiet retreat, your place of peace. And there should be space for you here to be authentic. Share your feelings. Be openly sensitive. Let your romantic partners know you’re sad or mad. Let them know when you’re happy. Use your voice. Write a letter. 

Your home and your habits are your sanctuary, they are how you recharge your social battery and your ambition.  Make sure you are making time for them. Do the dishes. Take a morning walk. Paint. If you are struggling to let go of perfectionism try activities that help you embrace the beauty in failure. Try blindfolding yourself and spin around until you’re a bit dizzy, then sit down and try drawing a picture with markers or colored pencils with your eyes still closed. Draw yourself, draw an animal or beloved pet, then draw an object that has special significance to you. Take off the blindfold. Laugh and find something to love about what you’ve created. 

Jupiter is in your career center beckoning you towards success. Make use of this time as Jupiter doesn’t return to this spot again until 2032. Level up your career. Build your reputation. Leave a legacy for the world to remember. 

Taurus 2021 Overview

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Last month your mercurial nature had you shifting from one foot to the other, dear Gemini, with big changes seeming to come from every direction. Well this month things are getting a little bit back to normal-ish for you. 

You’re returning to the theme of this year which is all about maturing, expanding your worldview and taking big calculated risks to reap big rewards. Embrace your career and earning potential. You’re making money, flowing it here and there. Make a financial plan but don’t be afraid to follow your intuition.

Be social this month, make new connections but fortify your family, and deepen your loyalty to the things that bring you joy. Be less like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower and more like an eagle who soars through the mountain clouds and above the bs with their life partners. Invest in your community and enjoy their investment in you. Double down on your ethics and humanitarianism.

Creativity is everywhere this month. Recharge your batteries by making time to do projects that speak to your heart and spirit. Make music. Write a book. Remodel your home. Restore an old car.

Gemini 2021 Overview

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Happy Birthday, Cancer!

Last month was full of eclipses and earning how to become full and then empty and then full again, dear Cancer. Whether the good eclipsed the bad or the bad eclipsed the good, karma was at work to help even your karmic scales. So whatever happened know that you’re closer to clearing your karmic baggage then ever. 

Get comfortable with being held accountable to the energies you put out into the world and tip the karmic scales in your favor by righting past wrongs two-fold. Make it right, twice. This shouldn’t be too hard as people will be seeking comfort from you this month and you’ll feel well equipped to help. 

This month has a slower pace, which is perfect for chilling at home with the people you care about. Although your home life might have some ups and downs. As early in the month the Sun, Uranus, and Neptune will be working hard to bring hard truths to light in your life and might bring a family secret to light or stir up some family drama. 

Chiron wants you to process your trauma, you may be great at hiding your wounds under your hard outer shell, but sometimes the best way to heal a scar is to let it breathe. Talk about your feelings. Write them down. Talk to a therapist. Comfort old sadnesses and express your intentions to heal outloud. Finding your inspiration will help you find your place in the world this month. Get creative. Try massage oils. Make your own candles, learn to bake sourdough. 

If you’re feeling kind of low energy this month. Use the new moon to regenerate. Stay in, take it easy, take a bath, meditate, try qigong, learn pressure points, go swimming in a lake, or watch a guilty pleasure movie.  Have some low cost fun and save your money for a rainy day. Be honest with yourself and others about how much you can give to others and how much self-care you need to replenish your social and emotional batteries.

Love is in the cards for you this month, the easiest way to find out if you’re on the same level is to be honest about what you want. 

Cancer 2021 Overview

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Happy Birthday Leo!’

Last month brought both highs and lows for you dear Leo and this month you’re following your intuition to make sure you and your crew all have a good time. 

Lead by example this month, and try to lead from within instead of out in front. It might not be your favorite way to operate but don’t worry your time will come. This month is all about doing the hard work of collaboration and building community so that you can all move forward and have fun together. Build up your relationships so that they can withstand the test of time. 

Share your feelings openly with others. Let them know that you dislike cryptic texts, and flaky behavior. Let your partner know when they do something that makes you feel happy, sexy, and loved. Let other know when your sad and you’ll feel less alone when you are. Communicate courageously and let others know you expect the same honesty in return. Practice forgiving and forgetting. 

Mars has you feeling creative so make some noise, sing in the shower, play the piano, throw a dance party with your friends. Get physical and stay active to keep your energy levels up, try a new form of exercise, learn how to dance on a longboard. Try jiu-jitsu. Test your limits. Nourish your soul with walks in nature.

Leo 2021 Overview

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Your ruling planet is taking you on a trip this month, from caretaking Cancer to brazen Leo. You’ll be feeling sensitive and creative as a result. Your intuition holds the key to your purpose.  Follow the path of least resistance in your soul. Adjustments to long term goals will need to be made this month but there’s no rush to know exactly what that looks like yet.

Going to work will feel a bit like a chore this month. Find inspiration in collaboration and socializing.

Venus enters into your sign in the middle of the month, making you feel sexy and urging you to commit in matters of the heart. Try connecting spiritually with others. Spend time with friends and family, get plugged in with what’s going on in the lives of the people you love. If your single this month is a good opportunity to find lasting love.

When Jupiter gets a bit wonky in the middle of the month, try to be honest about what’s bothering you without passing blame or judgment on others. 

During the full moon do something that engages your body and your spirit. Try yoga, qigong, learn pressure points, or try a moving meditation.

Towards the end of the month you’ll be reflecting on how far you’ve come and where you want to go. Change old habits. Donate unread books. When Mars moves into your sign on the 29th your resolve doubles. You’re going to have a productive month ahead of you so take a moment to take in all you’ve accomplished so far. 

Virgo 2021 Overview

Libra (September 23 - October 22) 

Dear Libra, this month starts off with Venus, your ruling planet in Leo, making you a flirty, a bit vain, more ‘I’ focused than usual, and endlessly creative.

In short, you’re in the spotlight this month. But when Venus clashes with Saturn and Uranus early this month you’ll be reminded that it can be hard up there on the pedestal in plain view. By opening yourself up to more fame you’ll also be getting more criticism. Skeletons may come tumbling out of closets this month.

Keep your real friends close, and use the new moon to clear out anyone who’s got to go. Build up your remaining relationships to ensure better collaborations are manifesting for you. 

Your budget is a bit off this month, and your money situation is precarious despite your career's upwards trajectory. Don’t throw away all your hard work on things you don’t really even want or need. 

You’ll be wanting a bit of privacy towards the middle of the month. When Vesta, the asteroid named for the goddess of hearth and home, and the keeper of the eternal flame moves into your sign your focus will turn towards home, your heart, and cultivating harmony in your relationships. Longterm romantic relationships may seem to be a bit dull and lack ‘spark’ this month.

Connect with your spiritual side. Retreat into nature with your closest friends to recharge. 

Libra 2021 Overview

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Eclipse season brought up questions for you in your home sector dear Scorpio.

Are you setting in and settling down or moving on to bigger and better things?

If you’ve been stuck somewhere in between you’re about to get a kick in the butt to help you make a decision. And if you’ve got a long-term romantic partner they’re probably going to want a say in the direction you’re headed, after all it affects them too. Practice playing fair. If your partner seems untrusting maybe it’s time to give them more information about how you’re feeling. 

If you’re single you’re probably more focused on work than love right now but be on the lookout for a mysterious stranger who peaks your interest.

Your ruling planet is retrograde until October 8th, but you swim even the stormiest seas with a grit few others dream of. But just because something takes some figuring out doesn’t mean you shouldn’t chase your dreams. 

Whether you’re staying or going you’re going to want a support network to get you through. Get out there in the world and visit your friends. Don’t be so stubborn, just call them. Chances are they want to hear from you. Be vulnerable, if you can trust them deeply enough to cry in front of them, then why hold back the truth? 

Be creative this month, make a self-portrait, build a birdhouse, draw on your lover with chocolate syrup. Let go of broken dreams to make space for new ones to take their place.

Scorpio 2021 Overview

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Last month brought some excitement into your life, dear Sagittarius. 

Your relationships look different than they did two months ago. Whether you’ve broken up, started a new thing, or moved into a different romantic chapter of your life you’ve got a clearer idea of what you want and need. 

You love the truth, especially your own, but you’re not always the best at sharing it. If your relationships feel distant this month it may be that they’re not sure how much space you want or need. Communicate openly about how you’re feeling. 

If they tell you it’s not about you accept that and don’t take the distance personally. Everyone is sorting themselves out after last months eclipse and just because you’re ready to party doesn’t mean everyone else is. 

Your ruling planet Jupiter continues its retrograde this month moving from gently pisces into intellectual Aquarius and turning your attention from your grief to your future. Practice loving kindness instead of tough love. Dance, travel, meditate, connect with your spiritual partners, envision your legacy, and how you want to build a better world for everyone to live in.

Sagittarius 2021 Overview

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Last month flew by, dear Capricorn. But with your ruling planet in retrograde you may feel a bit stuck in figuring out where exactly you’re headed, which is a bit unusual for you.

Physical manifestations of wealth are coming and going in your life this month. The full moon brings a big pay day or a big panic for you and nothing in between. Get comfortable with thinking of your finances like an ocean, one wave comes in carrying shells and shiny coins, the next washes it back out to sea. But you still got to enjoy the view didn’t you?

Your focus is turning to reshaping your relationships this month. While everything seems to be smooth sailing a sense of vagueness is driving you a bit mad. The reality is you can talk to your friends about it for twenty days and still not know what’s happening until you talk to your partner about it. So talk to them about how you’re feeling. And give them space to talk. 

If things go poorly or there is an energetic imbalance it’ time for you to hit reset on your relationship. 

Let go of old drama, embrace new challenges.

Capricorn 2021 Overview

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Things have shifted for you hugely dear Aquarius. 

This year has been all about getting good with you and working on yourself. You’ve been coming into your power and transforming at an alarming rate. But this month your ego is looking to trip you up in your relationships. Practice noticing when you want something versus when you need something. 

Let down your guard around your friends and lovers. If you can’t feel at home here, then what’s the point? Be yourself. Get serious about it. If someone isn’t matching your energy call them on it and let them know what your standards are. 

This is a good month for climbing the ladder at work. Make alliances. Push yourself to the professional cutting edge. Take pride in what you do. Higher ups are watching and waiting for an opportunity to promote you. 

Stick to your values and find inspiration in big picture goals and humanitarnism.

Aquarius 2021 Overview

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Last month you made it through, and this month you will too dear Pisces. 

Even if you’re still struggling with some of last months fears, overall you’re in pretty good shape this month. Just keep accomplishing one thing after the other and before you know it you’ll have accomplished all you’ve set out to do. 

And luckily for you, you have a lot of help from the stars this month. Your creativity is recharged and ready to rock. Paint your car, learn how to do a backflip, make music, play the violin, shake a maraca, try a didgeridoo, turn a bucket into a drum, eat crickets. Make a mandala. Just get out of your comfort zone and have fun with it. 

Your family and friends are close by this month, but attending parties might not feel like your style right now. If you want to spend some one on one time with someone let them know. Go get smoothies together and take a walk. 

The full moon puts some magic into your life. If you’ve been neglecting your spirit you will know it then. Protect your inner sanctum. Come to terms with your subconscious desires. Embrace a period of reflection. Embrace inner healing.

Pisces 2021 Overview

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