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 Serena Smith - Reelect John Nelson to school board

To the Editor,

I would encourage everyone in zone #4 to vote for John Nelson who is running for reelection to the North Wasco County School board. John is not only a wonderful and kind person, he is a long-time resident and dedicated advocate for this community.

He spent much of his working career as a teacher here locally, and since retiring he has not stopped volunteering and giving everything he can to serve. He is currently the chairman of the school board and under his leadership our school district is managing to open back up, even though we don't have the best facilities for our students.

One thing I want you to know about John is that if he takes on a project, like school board, he takes the job seriously and does the work needed. As a leader, he works to make sure that all the people involved are supported and work cooperatively together. I trust him to be thoughtful and respectful and dedicated to our students, and I can think of no finer person to lead our school board.

Please vote for John Nelson, Board Director, North Wasco County School District, Zone 4.


Serena Smith

Michael Held - John Nelson for School Board

Endorsing Nathanael Stice for CGCC Board of Education

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