Vote Yes and Invest in the NWCSD Students!

To the Editor,

On November 7th we as a community have an opportunity to invest in the students of North Wasco County School District. As a D21 board member, I have been focused on addressing the criticisms we heard about the 2018 bond measure for $235 million.

In 2018, we were not eligible for the OSCIM grant but this time we are, and we will receive $4 million when we pass this bond.

In 2018, the length of the bond was 50 years which was deemed too long. This bond is a standard 30-year term.

In 2018, unused properties were not being sold by the district. We have sold one property this year and will continue to sell other unused properties like the Columbia View Drive property.

In 2018, the district didn’t have a dedicated capital fund within its budget. The board decided to create Fund 401 within the budget. This is where we show revenues from construction excise tax, enterprise zone monies from Google facilities, the upcoming community service fee from the latest Google strategic investment program and proceeds from the sale of properties. This fund will be used on projects to address facility needs at our elementary and middle school buildings.

In 2018, we hadn’t secured other alternate funding for our facilities. We recently completed a $2.5 million investment into Kurtz Gym through a seismic rehabilitation grant. Similarly, we secured another seismic rehabilitation grant this past spring and will invest around $2.5 million at Chenowith Elementary School. Improvements will be made to the Gym and Cafeteria during the summer of 2024.

In 2018, the bond measure was intended to address all needs throughout the district in a singular bond. This bond measure only addresses the needs at the high school level. While needs still exist at the elementary and middle school buildings, we are planning to make use of the revenues within the capital projects fund to address those needs over time.

In 2023, we have addressed many of those 2018 criticisms. As a board member, parent, and community member I encourage you to Vote Yes for TDHS!

-Jose Aparicio


I fully endorse and support Matt Ellis, the current Wasco County District Attorney!


Sadly, I am voting NO