Vote YES for School Bond

To the Editor,

We have a significant opportunity ahead of us as citizens of this community to demonstrate what we value now and what we will value in the future - our children and our children's children and their education. There is no greater privilege or responsibility than to give our kids every tool available to help them succeed. Teaching can happen in a variety of environments, but not always learning.

Today, our high school staff is working in a "state of the art" 1940s building while trying to teach 2023 "state of the art" concepts. So many things have changed. Diligent efforts have been made over the years to upgrade and maintain the building, including incorporating spaces not designed for teaching and trying to use and maintain the ever-changing technology that the building wasn't built for.

But time grinds on and this once "state of the art" building has worn out. Building security is now everyone's priority. That was not a major concern when the high school was originally built. If the building isn't safe and secured no amount of training can protect staff and students from harm.

There is no greater gift in life than the blessing of children and as parents, we pour into them every good gift available to us, and as parents we go to great lengths to sacrifice and to protect them. Our community has faithfully rallied together over the years to support their academics and activities. Our kids are their priority, too.

Can you put a value on a child's life? Is he worth $10? $100? A million dollars? They are priceless! No amount of sacrifice is worth enough! And, so thought the folks who built the "state of the art" 1940's high school. They were at peace as they knew they had done the best they could.

Please vote YES for the new high school. Our children are worth the very best that we can give them.
- Linda Wendt


Understand the math, vote yes TDHS


Vote YES for TDHS