Wasco County to Update Land Use Ordinance in 2021, 2022

From The Wasco County Planning Department:

In February 2021, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) approved the last work task from Wasco County 2040 Periodic Review, completing the Comprehensive Plan Update Process. In their staff report, DLCD found that the public outreach and engagement program of Wasco County “substantially exceeds the requirement and can be a model of best practices for other jurisdictions dedicated to maximizing citizen involvement in planning efforts.”

Based on citizen input from Wasco County 2040, the Planning Department will kick off the two-year project to update the Wasco County Land Use and Development Ordinance.

The two-year project will focus on several key updates to the Ordinance, in addition to general streamlining and mandatory revisions. The first year, 2021, will primarily consist of mandatory updates impacted by changes to state law. The staff has also worked over the last several years, and with the assistance of technical advisory groups, to update two key procedural Chapters with the main goal to streamline regulations and ensure it’s consistent with state law and current practice. 2021 will also see revisions identified during the Wasco County 2040 process, including adding agri-tourism uses to the farm zones.

Throughout April and May, staff has planned a variety of virtual events with the goal of sharing the proposed revisions and providing opportunities for public input. This includes virtual open houses, Ask the Planner events, Planning Commission work sessions, and presentations. Staff will also leverage the website and online tools like surveys, polls, and social media. Citizens can also comment via email or mail, and will soon be able to connect via a community kiosk for people to interact without a computer.

Planning staff will use public feedback collected in April and May to prepare updated drafts which will be presented to the Planning Commission beginning in August. The hearings beginning in September will likely involve a high volume of reading material; staff encourages early public participation.

The project scope and timeline, process overview, FAQ, and opportunities to ask questions or provide comments are available on the project website: https://wasco2040.com.