Expect Fireworks at TD City Council Meeting tonight, March 11

Lighting fireworks, such as these ground bloom flowers, was banned in the City of The Dalles through an emergency ordinance in 2021. Councilors voted unanimously to do so after the region entered an extreme heatwave, what scientists were calling a 1,000-year-event. Councilors will consider firework regulations tonight at their regularly scheduled meeting.

The Dalles, Ore., March 11, 2024 — The Dalles City Council meets tonight, March 11 at 5:30 p.m. and will consider fireworks regulations at their meeting.

Given recent drought and fire conditions in the past few years, some in the community have raised concerns due to the potential fire risks to public safety, property, and the environment. 

city staff is recommending consideration be given to various approaches regarding potential firework regulations, according to the staff report.

“Some identified options include: 

• restricting the personal use of fireworks within City limits; 

• prohibiting the commercial use of fireworks within City limits; 

- and • prohibiting the sale of fireworks within City limits.” 

In addition, the council will hold an executive session concerning current litigation or litigation likely to be filed. 

The meeting is set to be held on the second floor of City Hall, 313 Court Street starting at 5:30 p.m. 

It will also be live-streamed at:  


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