TD Council has $266 million in decisions to make tonight, Dec. 9
The significance of the decisions will have long-lasting effects on the direction of development in The Dalles while also providing intense capital to ensure safe drinking water for the next 75 years.
TD Council to consider removal of park district's permanent cut of room tax
Local room tax is currently relied on to pay for basic maintenance at local parks. Its loss could lead to having to cut services. The suggested change, which would require annual money requests from city council is coming at a time when local surveys show that residents put parks at a high priority, wanting more, not less.
$3 Million Google Payment spurs city-county joint meeting on June 5
The group will discuss how to use Strategic Investment Program money from Google through recent agreements for the two new data centers being built on former aluminum smelter property in The Port of The Dalles.
Expect Fireworks at TD City Council Meeting tonight, March 11
“Some identified options include: • restricting the personal use of fireworks within City limits; • prohibiting the commercial use of fireworks within City limits; and • prohibiting the sale of fireworks within City limits.”
Gorge Commission grapples with adding electrical charging stations
Commissioners also heard from Washington State Parks Commissioner Holly Williams, who said she met recently with Gorge Commission Executive Director Krystyna Wolniakowski about adding electric vehicle charging stations to parks in the gorge and made a startling discovery: "They are not expressly permitted in the 2020 Gorge Plan," she said.
TD Booster Club pumped for fall season; meeting on Aug. 28; opportunities abound
The board is seeking to elect new board members to step in for the following positions: Volunteer Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, and Project Coordinator. Click here to learn more.
TD Councilors to revisit short-term rental regs after neighbors sound off
The meeting held at City Hall drew about 25 audience members, 19 in person, and brought comments from seven different neighbors. Some were concerned The Dalles was going the way of Hood River who logged numerous complaints about short-term rentals until changes were made in their codes.
Threat to teacher closes Mosier Community School; Meeting tonight, April 10, to address safety
Mosier Community School Board to hold a meeting about school security after a teacher receives a threat and the school is shuttered for two days.
Vroom, Vroom: TD Urban Renewal putting the pedal down on new grant program
A new grant program for reutilizing older buildings in The Dalles downtown has property owners making upgrades as Urban Renewal looks to breath new life into the commercial district. Also updates on the Recreation Building, Blue Building, Tony’s Town & Country and First Street upgrades.
Strategic Plan underlies a ton of work happening at D21
North Wasco County School District had to fill 47 teaching positions over the summer - this came at a time when districts were struggling nationwide to fill positions. Oh, it also filled three vacant principal positions. This occurred at a time when it seems impossible.
TD Council approves equipment purchases, funds police computers
The Dalles City Council gave the green light on the purchase of equipment and lease of computers costing in total some $440,000 at their regular meeting on Monday, July 11.
TD Pipeline Replacement contract comes in at $3.5 million under estimate
The Dalles City Council approved a contract to replace the Dog River Pipeline, saw insurance costs jump and decided to bring an attorney on City Staff.
PowderPure has trouble hiring
PowderPures’ Will Parkki told Councilors that COVID and labor shortages had led the plant to operate at 28 percent capacity. The Company has turned over 34 employees in the last year. He also pointed out that the company currently offers $26.44 an hour and offers 401k matching, dental and health benefits.
TD Council agenda jammed tonight, April 11th; Millions in investments to be considered
Council will hear about or consider items that total more than $1.9 million tonight, April 11th, at their regular meeting. The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce’s budget, a new contract for future City Manager Mathew Klebes, and money requests from Parks and Rec. as well as Mid-Columbia Community Action Council are in the mix.
What Will TD Schools Look Like in 2027?
While facility improvements could eventually enter the conversation, the School District on Tuesday began a holistic approach to gather information and find what is needed to provide a good education to local students. And it’s waiting for input from the community to guide those decisions.
TD City Council poised to spend $950 K on Dog River Pipeline materials
The Dalles City Council is poised to approve near $1 million on purchasing materials for the long-awaited Dog River Pipeline replacement project at their regular meeting set for 5:30 p.m. on Valentine’s Day, Monday, Feb. 14.
Costs to demolish Tony's come in around $750,000 at TD Urban Renewal
TD Urban Renewal Agency Board is moving forwards with plans to demolish the Tony’s Town and Country building, and the Recreation building will get another year to finish construction. The board also discussed financial incentive programs, affordable housing, and elected new officers.
TD Council approves $10k Hiring Bonuses, $1.66 million in projects
The Dalles City Council approved $1.66 million in new projects including $400,000 for parks that will be paid for through federal dollars. Councilors also agreed to signing bonuses for officers willing to move laterally to The Dalles Police Department which is experiencing a staffing crisis. Council was also updated on Google negotiations.