Get or renew your Hood River County ID before December 31st

Do you live in Hood River County and need a photo identification?

Get or renew your Hood River County (HRC) Community ID card through December 31st. The program ends at the end of this year.  The card is valid for two years.  

The HRC Community ID is a local government issued identification card is issued by The Next Door.  It is for people who live in Hood River County.  You can use it to prove your identity with the county, some pharmacies, city and county of Hood River law enforcement, and more. Some local businesses even offer discounts when you present your Community ID. The card cannot be used as ID for buying alcohol, marijuana, or firearms. 

To get a HRC Community ID, you must show original documents to prove your identity and that you live in Hood River County.  The card costs $10 or $20, depending on what you can pay. 

Call 541-436-0334 today to make a COVID-cautious appointment to get your Hood River County Community ID card. 

 The Next Door is the Gorge's largest human services nonprofit group.  It began offering Community ID cards in 2018. 

The Next Door

Our Mission

Opening doors to new possibilities by strengthening children and families and improving communities.

We envision a supportive community where all children and families are safe, healthy, and valued.

Nuestra Misión
Abrir puertas a nuevas posibilidades al apoyar a niños y familias y además fortalecer comunidades.

Soñamos con una comunidad de apoyo donde todos los niños y las familias se sienten seguros, sanos y valorados.