Grant Opportunity Opens for Early Learning and Family Engagement

The Dalles. Ore., April 12, 2024 — Organizations dedicated to serving families and children in five Columbia Gorge counties now have the opportunity to apply for grants aimed at enhancing early learning and family engagement. The Four Rivers Early Learning and Parenting Hub announced a new funding initiative targeting Hood River, Sherman, Gilliam, Wheeler, and Wasco counties, focusing on prenatal services, parent education, kindergarten readiness, and family engagement.

This regional funding opportunity, leveraging resources from the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC), Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), and the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative (OPEC), is designed to match the specific needs of each community with the appropriate funding stream. Organizations with innovative ideas to support children and families in these counties are encouraged to review and apply for the grant.

The application timeline is as follows: the request for applications was released on April 8th, an informational webinar is scheduled for April 17th, and the final deadline for applications is May 3rd by 5 PM PT. Selected applicants will be notified by June 4th, with subcontracts finalized by June 30th.

Funding will be allocated to programs that cater to families who are pregnant or have children aged 0-6. The areas of focus include prenatal services, parent education, kindergarten readiness, and family engagement, with all activities to be executed between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025. A minimum of 5% match in funding is required from applicants.

The Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting Hub, serving as one of Oregon's 16 early learning hubs, aims to align and coordinate early learning systems to be family-centered. Through collaboration across sectors, the hub strives to promote equity and systemic changes in the Columbia Gorge region, ensuring young children and their families have the necessary resources to thrive.

Potential applicants seeking more information or to apply can visit the Four Rivers Early Learning and Parenting Hub website or contact them directly. For those requiring assistance or information in Spanish, contact options are also available.

This grant opportunity is part of a broader effort to support the statewide vision outlined in the "Raise Up Oregon" early learning system plan, focusing on creating a cohesive, equitable, and effective early learning environment across the state.

For further details and application instructions, interested organizations are encouraged to reach out to the Four Rivers Early Learning and Parenting Hub or by visiting their website at

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