Hood River Shelter Services Gets A New Location 

HRSS non-congregate shelter units.

Hood River Shelter Services’ Warming Shelter is getting a new location. 

A bulldozer at the new HRSS location.

HRSS will move to a new location at 1733 Oak Street for the 2021-2022 season. The move is the result of a partnership with a private landowner, the expiration of a temporary one-year agreement with Hood River Valley Christian Church, and the organization's goal to create long term solutions for addressing houselessness in the community. 

Funding for site development and staffing costs will be provided by a federal Emergency Solutions Grant awarded to Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC).

HRSS said that the new site has the potential to be a multi-year location for the program which has been in operation for over eleven years and has changed locations several times.

For many years the Warming Shelter was housed in a congregate setting at Hood River’s Riverside Community Church, and before that in rotating locations as a program of Gorge  Ecumenical Ministries (GEM). And for the 2020-21 season, Hood River Valley Christian Church stepped up to offer a temporary relocation for the organization. 

The pandemic has brought many unique challenges to sheltering the houseless during the cold months including the need for non-congregate shelter. To navigate that need HRSS purchased 13 emergency non-congregate shelter units using CARES Act funding from the City of Hood River and Hood River County. Following the purchase of the 13 units HRSS was able to be open 119 nights with an average guest count of 13 per night at their current location. 

An icicle growing on an HRSS non-congregate shelter unit illustrates just how cold winters in the gorge can be.

In addition to non-congregate shelter, HRSS provides many other services, including healthy meals from local restaurants, warm clothing, bedding, toiletries and access to laundry services, as well as visits from housing, health, and social service professionals. 

HRSS offers many important resources and services to the houseless community in addition to non-congregate shelter.

Soon HRSS will also have the ability to offer a new shower and restroom facility to their guests. MCCAC has purchased a mobile ADA-compliant shower and restroom unit which is expected to be delivered in January. This will be the second shower trailer purchased by MCCAC for houseless individuals in the gorge. The first shower trailer began operation at The Dalles Shelter in September. Guests of The Dalles shelter have said the shower trailer brought them many benefits including improved sanitation, self esteem, and opportunities for success. MCCAC’s purchase of both trailers was a direct result of local houseless community members identifying access to shower facilities as an immediate priority need. 

Kenny LaPoint, MCCACC Executive Director and Rob Mendoza, Shelter Manager and the newly installed shower trailer in The Dalles.

HRSS said it was looking forward to the installation of the new shower trailer and that in the meantime, HRSS shelter guests can access Hood River Valley Parks and Rec community showers on weekdays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The cost of a shower pass is $2.00.

“Hood River Shelter Services is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of those without shelterduring the winter,” said Sarah Kellems, Director of Hood River Shelter Services. “Thanks to strong community partnerships, we feel well positioned to support the needs of our houseless community members. The reasons for homelessness are complex and, with continued community partnerships, our goal is that more people find long-term solutions including successful placements in permanent housing.”

Cole Goodwin

Cole Goodwin is a former writer at Columbia Community Connection and a longtime resident of the Columbia River Gorge, a journalist, columnist and nature enthusiast.


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