Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office Provides Free NRA Basic Handgun Classes

From Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office on June 27, 2023:

Klickitat County Sheriff Bob Songer has announced that the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office Posse will be holding two free NRA Basic Handgun classes for Klickitat County residents.

The first will by on July 29th, 2023 in Goldendale at the Klickitat County Sheriffs Training Center located at 7 Potts Lane, Goldendale WA.

The second class will be on August 26th, 2023 in at the Mt Adams Fish and Game Association range located at 975 NE Park Ave, White Salmon, WA.

The purposes of these classes are to acquaint citizens in the safe and legal use, operations, and care of handguns; to inform participants of the availability within Klickitat County how to access advanced training along with training facilities. Additionally, introduce participants to the availability and encourage use of the Klickitat County Firearms Training Facility in Dallesport.

This training will provide participants with the firearms resources within Klickitat County. For those seeking additional training after this Basic Firearms class you including the NRA Certification and desiring copies of the NRA training materials, may express interest on the Survey Monkey Registration for the NRA Basic Handgun Class, or with the instruction at the class. The NRA Certification cost is $20.00, to offset the cost of the NRA Training Materials. Additionally, students attempting NRA Certification must pay for applicable range fees and provide their own ammunition.

Opportunities to practice the use of handguns will be scheduled at the local firing ranges after completion of the NRA Basic Handgun classes.

To sign-up for the NRA Basic Handgun classes please complete the Survey Monkey registration, at the URL address is noted below:


Other Upcoming events:
Watch for our Community Policing Posse Scout Program for ages 10 to 18, for kids interested in a career in law enforcement. An opportunity to check out a future as a patrol deputy, or corrections deputy. http://www.klickitatcounty.org//CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=418