Local families and professionals invited to share input on early childhood programs and policies.

By Robin Denning

The Oregon Dept of Education, Early Learning Division (ELD) is conducting a community engagement initiative called Raise Up Oregon, aimed at improving support for families with children, prenatal to age five, locally here in the Mid-Columbia and across the state. As part of this effort, the ELD is hosting feedback opportunities and partnering with local community organizations to gather feedback from diverse families and professionals/providers on what is and is not working for them in accessing early learning supports and services in their community.

To ensure that families with young children in The Dalles and Sherman County have a chance to provide their feedback, Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting is inviting them to participate in a community feedback session on March 8th in Moro and The Dalles. There will be additional opportunities to participate in Gilliam and Hood River counties. These dates will be announced soon. These sessions will provide an opportunity for parents/family members and professionals/providers to share their reflections and concerns on different sections of the Plan and to help the Raise Up Oregon Planning Team to make sure that families’ priorities are heard and incorporated into this plan. 

Child Draws on paper with colored pens (Photo Credit: unsplash)

The session will be hosted by the Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting which serves the region and will be conducted in accessible language to ensure that everyone can participate. The Hub will provide food, $100 Safeway gift cards, and a facilitator to guide the session in a gentle, welcoming, and non-judgmental manner. 

If you are a parent of young children or a professional/provider who works with families with young children in The Dalles, Hood River, Sherman, Wheeler or Gilliam counties, we encourage you to participate in this important initiative. Your input will help shape the direction of Raise Up Oregon, the State’s approach to early learning and improve the support available to families with young children in our communities.

Four Rivers Family, a member of CGESD

The session in Moro will take place on March 8th, from 10 AM to 11.30 AM, at OSU Extension Office and at Columbia Gorge Community College from 5.30 PM to 7 PM, also on March 8th

For more information or to RSVP, please  visit: fourriversfamily.org/raiseupfocus  

Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting hopes to see you there!


Robin is a filmmaker and business consultant in her day-to-day work. She’s received 2 NADO economic development awards in partnership with MCEDD, and has worked across The Mid Columbia on projects that build community health, education, and economy.

With most of her time spent working with clients and the technical aspects of CCCNews, Robin only contributes her writing occasionally.


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