Advice Column: Ask Kathryn
Dear Kathryn, How do I explain smoking weed to my kids (ages 10 and 14) without turning my vices into advertisements for how great it is!?
Question of the week: What advice would you pass along?
This week's question asks what piece of advice has been given to you that you pass along to others. We got some great results. See what your friends and neighbors had to say.
New Gorge Advice Column: What Would Robin Do?
Welcome to my advice column! I am a Professional Wardrobe Stylist, Personal Shopper, Influencer and On-air Personality. So, I know a thing or two about a thing or two and I absolutely LOVE to help people find ways to make their lives easier. Wether it’s with personal style+ fashion, branding, relationships, workplace conundrums or just how to feel more confident in life..I am here! All questions from all FOLX are welcome! Seriously, no question is too ridiculous and it’s always anonymous. So, go ahead, ask. Believe me, I was born ready to answer!