Larch Creek Fire Evacuation Update, July 11, 4 p.m.
Level 3 - GO NOW evacuation from Wamic & Pine Hollow. Wy'East Middle School (3000 Wy'East Rd) in Hood River is the designated shelter for people. The Hood River Fairgrounds (3020 Wy'East Rd) is still a shelter for livestock. Leave without delay. It is unsafe to stay and threatens the safety of you, your family, and emergency responders. Your life could be in great danger. Emergency services personnel may not be available to help you if you choose to stay.
Brush Fire in Hood River
A brush fire is burning just east of Stonehedge Gardens on Wine Country Ave, according to Hood River Police.
Larch Creek Fire Evacuation Levels updated July 11, 1:30 p.m.; Hwy. 197 opens
LEVEL 1 GET READY -**NEW** From the west border of Van Miller Rd and the north border to the White River. The south border of Old Wapinitia Rd., and from the intersection of Old Wapinitia Rd. to the Deschutes River at a northeast direction. The north border is Oak Spring Rd on the east side of Hwy 197. From the intersection of Kingsley Rd. and Hix Rd. due east to the intersection of Tygh Ridge Rd. and Hwy 197, southeast to where Tygh Ridge Rd. turns north, and Tygh Ridge Rd. to the south.
Hood River Thrives with $39K in Grants to Boost Community Projects
Through its annual Community Investment Grant Program, Visit Hood River announces the award of $39,278 in matching funds to seven local organizations.
Larch Creek Fire Jumps Highway 197 on grade leading into Tygh Valley
Local landowners and firefighters work through the night to stem Larch Creek Fire which has grown to some 10,000 acres. Heavy winds on Wednesday, July 10, sent embers across Highway 197, igniting areas of the canyon along the roadway just north of Tygh Valley.
Unified effort helps to stem Devil's Butte Fire thus far; Firefighters watching for flare-ups
Ranchers, Farmers, volunteer firefighters and BLM work together to build firelines around a 3,500-acre blaze near Cottonwood Canyon State Park. Their efforts are paying off as crews are now watching for flare-ups as they have appeared to have contained the blaze.
TD Council approves equipment purchases, funds police computers
The Dalles City Council gave the green light on the purchase of equipment and lease of computers costing in total some $440,000 at their regular meeting on Monday, July 11.