Warfighter Outfitters: Veterans Unite for Unforgettable Salmon Fishing Adventure
Autumn has made it to the gorge and with the crisp fresh air, a record-breaking fall run of chinook salmon has made its presence known. Fishermen and women from the area have descended on the Columbia River for their chance at catching a “king”. It is a sight to be seen, our picturesque backyard filled with fishing boats.
Living Well Class a Success in Sherman County
As a way to promote healthy living and possibly reduce mental health challenges like stress and depression, the Sherman County Prevention Coordinator, OSU Sherman County Extension, and Greater Oregon Behavioral Health Inc (GOBHI) recently offered a free class at the Sherman County Senior Center.
Energy Assistance for Skamania and Klickitat County Seniors in Partnership with WAGAP
Skamania and Klickitat County seniors can apply to receive assistance to pay their energy bills through local events held in an ongoing partnership with Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP), local PUDs, and the Skamania and Klickitat County Senior Services.