Sense of Place Presents: "Beyond the Scrub: New Attention on Oregon White Oaks and Why They Matter"
Mt. Adams Institute’s Sense of Place series continues with "Beyond the Scrub: New Attention on Oregon White Oaks and Why They Matter," featuring Lindsay Cornelius, East Cascades Oak Partnership Manager at the Columbia Land Trust.
Of Salmon and Basketball: A Conversation with Buck Jones
Mt. Adams Institute’s Sense of Place series is proud to present "Of Salmon and Basketball: A Conversation with Buck Jones" on Wednesday, February 12, featuring an evening spent in conversation with Buck Jones, an enrolled Cayuse member of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), a Columbia River Treaty Fisherman, and Salmon Marketing Specialist at the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC).
MAI Supports Veterans, Youth and the Community Through Connections to Nature
This November, Mt. Adams Institute (MAI), a non-profit based in Trout Lake, WA, is inviting the community to “Invest in Connection and Conservation” with their end-of-year giving campaign. Donations will support MAI’a Vetswork, Land Stewards, and Sense of Place programs which work to strengthen Veterans, youth, and our communities' connection to nature.
"The Wolf Next Door – A Community Perspective on the Return of Wolves"
Mt. Adams Institute’s Sense of Place series continues with "The Wolf Next Door: A Community Perspective on the Return of Wolves," featuring PhD student Lara Volski. The event will be held on Wednesday, December 11. Doors open at 6:00 p.m., the show runs 7-8:30 p.m., and will be live-streamed for virtual attendees.
Learn About Earthquake and Volcano Risks in the Gorge at Geology Alive Event
Sense of Place continues its 15th anniversary season with Geology Alive: Understanding Geologic Hazards in the Gorge, a presentation with geologist Dr. Richard “Dick” Iverson, Scientist Emeritus at the U.S. Geological Survey’s Cascades Volcano Observatory.
Sense of Place, 15th Anniversary Season Begins October 16th
Sense of Place is excited to announce the lineup for the 15th Annual Sense of Place Series. This season will feature a wide range of topics, from the cultural legacy of matsutake mushrooms to the history of mountain biking in Post Canyon. All events will be offered in person at the Columbia Center for the Arts in Hood River, Oregon, and via livestream.
Bingen Centennial Gameshow: A Sense of Place Pop-Up, September 14th
The Sense of Place program announces the Bingen Centennial Gameshow, an interactive event to celebrate a century of history, community spirit, and Bingen locals. Hosted by Sarah Fox of Sense of Place, the event swaps traditional festivities for a lively mix of storytelling, trivia, and friendly competition.