Picture of The Day: A Perfect Day at The Dalles Skate Park
May 15th was one of those perfect days in The Dalles, with the sun shining and everyone out enjoying the weather. Naturally, the skate park was buzzing with activity. Among the skaters, Nick Rios stood out.
Life's a bowl of ollies: Skate park improvements curing
Locals are getting a sneak peek at the skate bowl being created at The Dalles Skate Park next to the Aquatic Center on Second Street.
The Dalles Skate Park Taking Shape
The Dalles Skate Park to begin filling the skate bowl for the construction project that has been going on for the past few months.
TD Skate Park getting tricked out
Cory Spencer and David Parker of Joplin, Missouri began installation of several new features at The Dalles Skate Park this morning, Thursday, Nov 5th. They include pro design rails by Willy Santos, two bench ledges, and a DIY curb spine. The work is expected to be completed today.