Columbia Gorge Resolution Center Asks for Signatures to Secure $36.1 million
The Columbia Gorge Resolution Center is asking citizens to sign a letter of support that will be presented during an upcoming legislative short session in which Wasco County and Mid-Columbia Center for Living will request $36.1 million in funding to build a 16-bed secure mental and behavioral health residential treatment facility (SRTF) and stabilization center on 10th and Walnut in The Dalles, OR.
Confronting the Housing, Food Access, and Mental Health Crisis in The Dalles
Take a look at what’s being done in The Dalles, Oregon to address homelessness by expanding access to transitional housing, food, and mental and behavioral healthcare and explore statistics that paint a picture of the spectrum of houselessness and how it informs what communities will need to be focused on in the coming years.
Wasco County Commissioners Approve Lifesaving EMS Policy Changes and Draft of $4.5 million Grant for Resolution Center
Wasco County Commissioners discussed a variety of matters at the April 19th, 2023 regular board meeting held in The Dalles, OR including a request for waivers from Dufur Ambulance Service Area, and a draft of an agreement for $4.5 million in funding from the State of Oregon Lottery to benefit the Columbia Gorge Resolution Center.
Thanks to OHA Grant Columbia Gorge Resolution Center Is Now Fully Funded
This week the Columbia Gorge Resolution Center (CGRC) received more than $9 million from the Oregon Health Authority. Thanks to grants for the OHA as well as various other grants the Resolution Center is now fully funded with the amount of funds raised coming it at around $14 million as of this morning March 27th, 2023.
Columbia Gorge Resolution Center Awarded $50,000 OHA Planning Grant
The Columbia Gorge Resolution Center (CGRC) planning group has received a $50,000 planning grant from the Oregon Health Authority on October 1st, 2021.
CGRC would lower incarceration rates of those with mental and behavioral health problems; improve local access to health services
LPSCC has submitted a $50,000 grant proposal to the Oregon Health Authority to pay planning costs of a Columbia Gorge Resolution Center. The Resolution Center would lower mental and behavioral health related incarcerations and improve access to mental and behavioral health services in the Wasco, Sherman, and Hood River Counties.