All tagged mental health

Living Well: I just dropped in... (On the benefits of support groups)

One evening, as my co-leader and I closed a group meeting for family caregivers, I reminded those in attendance that one of the major benefits of participation in any support group is the opportunity it creates to simply check in with ourselves on a regular basis— to pause, to listen to our own thoughts and feelings and experiences, and to give voice to them— when that is often the one thing there is not time for in the midst of the sometimes all-consuming experience of caregiving itself. “Oh!” said one man in attendance, “It’s like the line in that song: ‘I just dropped in the see what condition my condition was in.’”

CGRC would lower incarceration rates of those with mental and behavioral health problems; improve local access to health services

LPSCC has submitted a $50,000 grant proposal to the Oregon Health Authority to pay planning costs of a Columbia Gorge Resolution Center. The Resolution Center would lower mental and behavioral health related incarcerations and improve access to mental and behavioral health services in the Wasco, Sherman, and Hood River Counties.

Pretty cold night in TD

David Sendejas, 28, Keith Bright, 28 and Chance Sendejas, 26, said it was pretty cold last night. Temperatures dropped a couple of degrees below freezing. The houseless men were resting on Pentland Street next to The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce this morning, Tuesday, Oct. 27. Dalles City Council held a workshop on Monday night bringing in voices from three different counties to discuss the current status of the houseless and those needing mental health assistance.