YES House giving voice to Youth Health after pandemic’s silence
This is the Youth Empowerment Shelter or YES House, and it's making a comeback after the pandemic temporarily closed its doors. We are the only ones to have a shelter like that east of Multnomah County and East of Deschutes County all the way to the Idaho border. The YES house is our number one diversion from the juvenile justice system.” said Molly Rogers, Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facilities Director.
Schreffler & Volunteers stuff a little love into D21 Backpack Program
For a decade local volunteers have been reaching out to D21 students with offerings of food to help them during the weekend and better prepare them for school come Monday morning. It’s a well-oiled machine and one that The Dalles can point to with pride. Learn about some of the people that make it happen.
Dry Hollow Elementary's 100th day turns Car Parade
Dry Hollow Elementary staff took the 100th day of school to a new level this year with a host of crazy characters and a car parade to celebrate the effort students and parents have put into distance learning. The celebration is typically held for kindergarten, but it was expanded this year to give the whole community a chance to celebrate. See the YouTube here.