Photo of The Day: The Rush is On As Old Man Winter Extends an Icy Grip Upon TD
Leo Ruis, Jose Ledesma, and Aurelio Marquez, above, were putting down their footprint at The Foley in The Dalles on Tuesday, Jan. 9 as strong winds and rain pelted the area. The three work at Schuepbach Builders of Hood River, which is now into building forms to pour a new walkway at the restored Plantation-Colonial Revival at 106 E. Fourth Street.
It's so cold chunks of ice are floating down the Klickitat River
Chunks of ice and snow could be seen floating out into the Columbia River from the mouth of the Klickitat River this morning.
Semi Truck Collision with Fallen Rock on SR-14
Large fallen rocks and a semi-truck collided on Washington SR-14 occurred on Wednesday morning around 4 a.m on January 5th, 2022. The collision occurred just between Rowena Tunnel 2 and the Lyle Cherry Orchard trailhead.