The extraordinary life of my friend Yvonne Wakefield
By Arturo Leyva
The Dalles, Ore., March 27, 2024 – I am fortunate to know very talented people in music, in sports and many fellow composers of international stature. But one of the most talented and brave people I know has to be my friend Yvonne Wakefield, a woman who from a very early age was clear about what she wanted to do with her life. Being around her reminds me that to live your dream, you have to be courageous and not fear failure and bet everything on that idea and vision that you have for your life.
Yvonne's story is full of tragic events and situations that have shaped the woman she is now.
She lost her family at a very young age and began her adventure in Oregon, a state that she knew only from articles and books. For an 18-year-old girl coming from the Midwest with no friends, and no family, she set out to buy wilderness property and build a log cabin.
They say that the universe conspires in your favor if you have the courage to live the adventure of your life, Yvonne Wakefield is living proof of this. With the inheritance her parents left for her education, she bought 80 acres. Knowing nothing about building, she cut her first tree to build a log cabin. Unfortunately, the tree fell the wrong way, crashing in Yvonne’s direction. An accident that led her to seek help. She hired a man named Jim who taught her the skills needed to rebuild the home she had lost following the deaths of her parents.
As I had mentioned previously, the universe had brought just the right person to help her carry out her projects.
Summarizing the life of Yvonne Wakefield in this article is impossible but I hope that with this small review, people will start searching on Google for more about the extraordinary and creative life of my dear friend.
Yvonne has written a 3-book series titled “Babe in the Woods,” about the adventure of creating the cabin in Oregon and the many events that project triggered in her professional and personal life.
She’s also documented the experience of being a teacher in Kuwait, in her other book, “Suitcase Filled with Nails: Lessons Learned from Teaching Art in Kuwait.”
Yvonne is also a visual artist. She maintains a gallery and studio in The Dalles, Oregon where she works, displays her art, and teaches art to young people. Yvonne’ Art Studio is open by appointment, and she welcomes you to visit. (
Despite her personal losses and creative successes though, Yvonne continues to seek out new experiences in life and enjoys activities like playing golf and swimming…but with her own unique flair.
She is one of those adventurous souls who knows no limits.
To begin 2024, she swam in the Columbia River in 38-degree temperatures, an event that I documented and suffered firsthand (LOL).
I told her then: “If you are going to go into the river this cold, I am going to go into the river and film you.”
My macho bravery was overshadowed when I saw my friend swimming for more than 4 minutes while I was only half submerged and was already ready to get out.
My friendship with Yvonne Wakefield developed because of my stepdaughter who is a young woman with special needs, an area Yvonne has a background in: her doctoral research centered on communicating through drawing. Yvonme has been working with Yazmin for the last 10 years.
Yvonne's arrival in my stepdaughter Yazmín's life has been fundamental in developing her artistic talents and founding a career in the field of the art of painting. Yazmin Villegas has had several exhibitions at the Gorge and her creative expression has been enhanced through Yvonne's tutoring.
A while ago, my novia and partner in crime Monica Romero started reading Yvonne's “Babe in The Woods” series. And Monica said it would be nice if you helped Yvonne to showcase her work on social media, so I told Yvonne “You have to create content on social networks or YouTube so that people know about your books and story.”
Since November 2023 Yvonne and I have met every Monday to record chapters of her books for her YouTube channel, Yvonne Wakefield. So far, we have recorded 12 chapters of the first book, “Babe in the Woods: Building a Life One Log at a Time.”
As a producer, I really like the process of filming Yvonne. It’s just like two friends hanging out. She always has a beer for me, and during our recording sessions, I get to listen to my friend tell her story while she sips a Scotch and soda. Working with friends has its perks and it’s a wonderful way to work.
I think too, that there are certain people, certain lives well lived that inspire and motivate us to continue with our personal projects. For me, Yvonne Wakefield is one of those people.
So if you too are looking for some inspiration in your life check out Yvonne’s Youtube Channel.
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