The Great Equalizer: General Election Returns Brisk today, Nov. 5
Andrea Klaas donated her time to accept ballots at the drop off site at the Wasco County Courthouse as this voter braved the weather on his Harley.
One Person. One Vote. It is the biggest exercise of free speech in our society.
By Tom Peterson
The Dalles, Ore., Nov. 5, 2024 — Thousands of additional ballots are expected today in Waco and Hood River counties as there are just 8 hours left for voters to turn them in this General Election Day.
Hello, World!
In Wasco County, 57 percent or 10,748 ballots had been returned as of Monday night, according to Chief Deputy County Clerk Chrissy Zaugg.
In Hood River County, a blistering 68 percent of 10,736 ballots had been returned as of Monday night, said Brian Beebe, Hood River County Director of Records.
The Dalles Lions had a brisk business this morning as dozens of vehicles rolled through the ballot drop-off site next to the Wasco County Courthouse.
Sarah Pickette gives a big thumbs up after voting this morning with her best friend.
Andrea Klaas and Dan Boldt were manning the booth as motorcycles, minivans and even a garbage truck rolled through.
Wasco County Clerk Lisa Gambee said she expected another 4,000 ballots to roll in throughout the day as she predicts turnout to be above 70 percent, similar to the last two elections.
Chuck Gomez makes a special delivery to election workers this morning at the Wasco County Courthouse. Andrea Klaas is clearly mesmerized. In the words of Homer J. Simpson, “Donuts… is there anything they can’t do?” One time I said I did not want a donut because I was full, and the response from a dear friend was “What does that have to do with it?”
79 percent of Wasco County residents voted in the general election in 2020.
The same could well be true for Hood River County as it hit an 84 percent return rate in 2020.
The county will release initial results of local elections after 8 p.m. this evening.