Whisky Creek Fire Daily Update July 31, 2024

From U.S. Department of Algaculture:

Size: 891 acres Start Date: July 20, 2024

Cause: Human – Under Investigation Location: 6 miles SE of Cascade Locks, OR

Containment: 0% Fuels: Scrub oak, timber, and grass

Total Personnel: 304


Crews took advantage of a break in fire activity brought on by cool, wet weather to continue work on contingency lines across the area south of the fire. Fire activity is expected to increase in the next few days as hot and dry conditions return to the area. Forest visitors are reminded to stay out of closure areas to allow crews to safely prepare protective barriers to the surrounding forest and local communities.


Crews continue to strengthen planned containment lines and clear roads and trails to the south of the fire, working to connect the Pacific Crest Trail at the Eagle Creek Fire burn area to the west with Hood River County lands to the east. Crews have begun placing hose lays, a prearranged configuration of fire hoses designed to be deployed quickly and safely, to add depth to anticipated firefighting efforts.

Fire Behavior and Weather:

A warming and drying trend is forecasted to begin today and continue into next week. The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for Thursday as temperatures head towards near-record highs. Fire activity and smoke production is expected to increase as weather conditions become more conducive to combustion.

Road and Trail Closures:

The Mt. Hood National Forest and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area have expanded a joint emergency closure for the fire area to include the Pacific Crest Trail and areas south of I-84. Closure information can be found at Whisky Creek Fire Closures in Mark O. Hatfield Wilderness. Hood River County has closures in effect for Kingsley Campground, Kingsley Road, Dead Point Road, and Green Point Road viewable on their website.

Total Fire Resources Assigned:

• Approx. 304 personnel, 8 hand crews, 5 water tenders, 3 dozers, 5 masticators and 2 helicopters.

Contact Information:

Email: 2024.whiskycreek@firenet.gov, Phone: 541-208-1743 8 A.M - 8 P.M