Yes You Can…Learn Skills in Food Preservation

From 4-H Youth Development & SNAP-Ed

By Cindy Brown

Sherman County, OR. September 14, 2023 - OSU Sherman County Extension is offering free classes to youth and adults to learn skills in food preservation in September and October. The first class was held Saturday, September 9 at the pavilion in Grass Valley during the farmers market. Thirteen youth and adults learned about canning peaches and pears using a boiling water bath canner. Of those taking the class survey, most said they were interested in the class because “I think it would be an important skill to have now and in the future”.

Most of the class said they had no or some knowledge of the process prior to the class, and stated that after the hands-on class, they felt fairly or very knowledgeable about the process. All participants agreed that they would definitely or probably use the information presented in the class, and many already had some equipment on hand at home.

Comments from participants on what was the most beneficial part of class included:

“I’ve done some jam but this was my first time putting fruit in a jar”; “Learning how to pack and water boil”; “Seeing the process and organizational part; also seeing that I still need some of the required equipment”, and “Seeing the process eased my anxiety and increased confidence”.

Participants summarized the program as: “It was very fun and informative”, “It was an amazing experience!”, and “It was fun, age-inclusive, and educational”.

Upcoming classes are:

Saturday, September 30, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Grass Valley Pavilion, the topic is tomatoes Saturday, October 14, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Grass Valley Pavilion, the topic is apples.

For more information or to register, contact Cindy Brown at OSU Sherman County Extension, 66365 Lonerock Rd, Moro, OR 97039, or call 541-565-3230 or email