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Turning the Wrench, Mechanics Class Empowers TDHS Students with Career Pathway & Real World Skills

The smell of oil and metal fill the air as students clatter underneath a 1982 El Camino sitting on the lift. Students are hard at work, hoods are up and hands are busy. While it may not look like your typical classroom, it's just another day for Taylor Alsheimer in his Advanced Mechanics class. Nestled in the basement of The Dalles High School, Alsheimer’s room has the feel and function of a real repair shop.

D21 hires Tyskiewicz to fill new innovative programs role

North Wasco County School District 21 is pleased to announce the selection of Kimberly Cutting Tyskiewicz as the new Director of Educational Success and Innovative Programming with the district. Her hiring comes at a crucial time as the need for innovative programs has grown as a greater number of students are in need of well-suited educational paths that fall outside of the traditional classroom.