El Sabor del Gorge: Los Sopitos from Bendiciones Mexican Food
Arturo Leyva writes his first food Column for CCCNews. He speaks about a new food truck, what makes Mexican food authentic, and memories of sopitos in his hometown.
Series of Burglaries Rattles The Dalles, Police Probe for Links
The Dalles was hit by a wave of burglaries and one robbery during the last two days, with police investigating potential connections between these incidents, according to The Dalles Police log. The number of thefts has some local merchants worried and guarded.
Goldendale doubles up the wins in dual meet with TD, Washougal
Goldendale was coming off a win at the Eastern Washington Athletic Conference Champions held on Thursday, Jan. 24, and the team rode that momentum as they earned dual wins over The Dalles and Washougal. Mike Salsbury brings us another stunning photo essay as teams are headed toward the postseason.
Setting boundaries helps teens develop healthy relationships
February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Teen dating violence doesn’t just affect teens. It also affects parents, teachers, friends, and communities. Around 12% of adolescents report being a victim of physical violence in their dating relationships, according to WhiteHouse.gov, highlighting why it is important for youth to understand how setting boundaries early on can be a great start to a healthy relationship.
Photo Gallery: Eagle Watch 2024
The 14th annual Eagle Watch drew over 500 people the The Dalles Dam Visitor Center on Saturday, Jan. 27. Visitors swapped their favorite bird watching stories, photographed the eagles, participated in live raptor education demonstrations, hands-on learning activities, and more.
Annual Houselessness Count Highlights Strong Regional Partnerships
The annual PIT Count is a federally mandated survey of people experiencing houselessness in communities across the country. The count, which occurs in late January of every year, plays a critical role in determining the level of state and federal funding communities receive to address houselessness. It also provides key insight into the needs of those impacted by houselessness.
School Board nixes bond in May; High school still in disrepair; Inflation projected at 3.2 %
Board Member Judy Richardson told a packed crowd at the regular Board Meeting on Thursday, Jan. 25 that another bond attempt was not prudent for such an early date. Future high school build costs will continue to rise as inflation continues to push up prices on labor and materials. The consumer price index during the past four years averaged 4.8 percent and is estimated to be 3.2 percent in 2024, according to the Consumer Price Index.
TD City Council defunds Wasco DA office; ‘It’s not personal'; It's typical
The result could lead to the loss of an attorney in the prosecutor’s office, which means there would be fewer people to handle cases if Wasco County does not backfill the funding.
Bridge of The Gods Preservation Funding Sought by Port of Cascade Locks
As the Bridge of the Gods reaches its 98th year in service connecting the Oregon community of Cascade Locks with Stevenson and North Bonneville in Washington, the Port of Cascade Locks is thinking about its future. Despite its age, the bridge is in good working order and not in need of a full replacement like the Hood River Bridge and the I-5 Interstate Bridge. However, as with any aging piece of infrastructure, the bridge would benefit from a few key upgrades to improve safety and resilience and extend its usable life.
Tara Koch Settlement Hearing postponed again
Former Haven Director Tara Koch’s settlement hearing has been rescheduled for August 6, 2024 at 9 a.m. In Hood River County Court Room 2 after her prior hearing date, which was set for Jan. 12, was canceled.
Google gets another Go: Second Data Center Garners TD City approval
Google just received the green light to build the second of two data centers at 3500 River Road in the Port of The Dalles within the past two years.
W. 2nd St. sewer replacement set to begin on Feb. 12th; $2.1 million contract awarded
The project is a continuation of the utility upgrades on West 2nd and for The Port of The Dalles area in general, allowing for expanding developments that produce larger flow amounts in both sewage and storm runoff. This latest contract will continue the work started in Spring 2018.
HR Parks and Rec Proposes Land Swap with City to Build New Aquatic Center
The Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District is hoping to put a five-year levy on the ballot in May of 2024. The levy would pay to build a new aquatic center, develop Westside Park, and purchase Parkdale Park. But first, they need to secure land for a new aquatic center.
6th Street Bridge replacement: Form over Function?
Public Works Director Dave Anderson told Councilors that the Oregon Department of Transportation did an inspection and report on the structure crossing Mill Creek Near Safeway and recommended replacement.
Survivor Speaks Out to Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking
The Mid-Columbia Human Trafficking Task Force in partnership with Haven hosted their second annual human trafficking awareness walk event on January 11, 2024. During the event Karen Shultz, Victim Advocate Coordinator for the Wasco County District Attorney’s Office, and trafficking survivor, bravely stepped forward to share her story to help raise awareness of human trafficking in the gorge.
Al Hare, NFL anchor Bargeway as the gorgewide Giggin' guide hotter than Satan's house cat
Stop in Bargeway for music from Al Hare, Great Deals, Great Music, and Great Drinks, and leave the cold weather outside! Not enough? Need more? Keep reading here as we’ve got all the gigs including energetic folksters Fox and Bones in the Gorge’s most inclusive guide.
Google grant to help bring clean energy, climate resilience to Wasco County
New funding from Google will support a regional effort to build both climate and economic resilience in the Columbia River Gorge. Google is providing $150,000 to The Dalles-based nonprofit Wy’East Resource Conservation and Development Council (RC&D).
Commission calls for traffic enforcement in TD; Current staffing makes it difficult
A recommendation from traffic safety officials in The Dalles asks for a dedicated officer to enforce rules around, speeding, failure to stop, using phones while driving, failing to signal, and failure to yield to pedestrians. “Until drivers start getting tickets and are hurting in the pocketbook, it is not going to make any difference,” The Dalles Traffic Safety Commission Chair Mike Kilkenny told The Dalles City Council.
TD pulls together to warm hearts, hands and feet in winter storm
“I’m glad everyone put their differences aside and did what was right for the people; that’s what was important to me,” said Deborah Sandoz, who opened the warming shelter on Dec. 13 with the help of multiple volunteers and Dave Lutgens and Courtney Crawford.
Eagle Watch Rescheduled for Jan. 27
Looking for bald eagles and fun activities to to this weekend? Look no feather — The Dalles Dam invites the public to their 14th annual Eagle Watch event on Jan. 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.