TDHS Sports Notes by Billy Brost, Jan. 18, 2022
The Dalles High School Athletic Director Billy Brost brings us up to date on all things Riverhawk in this weekly Column. Find out how teams did in last week’s competition and get all the times and dates for basketball, wrestling, swimming, skiing in the week to come.
TDHS Riverhawk Sports Notes by Billy Brost - Jan. 10
With the extended downtime, lots of things have changed on our athletic calendar, as all of our teams other than skiing, were canceled, postponed and rescheduled. Let’s delve right in and get you caught up on everything Riverhawks’ athletics!
TD Riverhawk Sports Notes by Billy Brost - Sept. 27
TDHS Athletic Director Billy Brost gives us a rundown on all things Riverhawk Athletics. From Freshman to Varsity, he gives us look back on the week that was and one to come. Longtime Cross Country Coach Bob Thouvenel was recognized for his decades of mentoring at the Bridgette Nelson Invitational on Sept. 24. And TD Varsity Football plays Pendleton on Friday, Oct. 1.
TD Riverhawk Sports Notes by Billy Brost - Sept. 21
TDHS Athletic Director Billy Brost gives us a rundown on all things Riverhawk Athletics. Conference play has opened for our varsity teams, and this coming week, we have teams on the road, as well as home, including our Cross Country program hosting the Bridgette Nelson this coming Friday at Sorosis Park. Read more here.