Shannon's Triva: This week it's a monster of a question
Big Foot made quite an impression on the Northwest, especially in The Dalles where this Bigfoot Exhibition was set up. Can you tell us where it was located? Read here for a hint and email your answer to for a chance to win a $25 Shannon’s Ice Cream gift certificate.
Winner! Thouvenel chases down answers in Cat and Mauser game
Thouvenel kicked hard at the end, hitting the finish line with just one other who submitted their answers by T-Mobile. New phone, who dis? Lol.
Nothing Dull about January Here: End of the month screaming with entertainment
Take your pick. From Pink Martini to Nerve Damage. From Lord of the Rings to Saturday Night Fever. Fun facts, bad movie jokes and secret salsa are all part of the gamut this week in the Gorge’s most inclusive listing of entertainment options, including country and western. You can’t go if you don’t know. Check it all out here.
From Punk to Pop local venues will rock... music, dancing, movies and more this weekend
Entertainment abounds this month with shows on tap at Working Hands Beer, Zim’s, Bargeway, Ruins, TD Civic, Grateful Vineyard, Everybody’s Brewing, Easter Bunny, Mid-Columbia Car Club Cruise-in, Double Mountain, River City Saloon, Cider Fest, Paint Night, Rockford Grange Hall, Granada, TD Library.