White Salmon annexes 17 acres; property owners see dual benefits
In this case, it mainly benefits residents in this newly annexed area who can expect their property taxes to go down from $9.48 per $1000 assessed valuation to $7.86 per $1000. Property owners will also reap the benefits of reduced utility costs.
Our Hidden Heroes: Episode One; Meet Volunteer Phil Johnson
Phil Johnson of White Salmon left the corporate world twenty-two years ago. For a while, he worked as a handyman, but these days he mostly builds houses for Columbia Gorge Habitat for Humanity. The volunteer said he gets as much back as he puts in.
Goldendale Football 2023: Pride, Identity and 10-2 on the season
“We made sure they understood the impact they've had, not just on the scoreboard, but on the character and work ethic of every player in that locker room … They've given their all, and their dedication has paved the way for the next generation to step up and carry the torch.”
Bargeway's Waterfront Wednesday goes Wild Turkey with Zac Grooms, Nov. 22.
Bargeway Pub & Catering welcomes a Pre-Thanks Wild Turkey Party! Music, Comedy and Film are filling the bill this week in the Gorge’s most comprehensive line up. Check it out here.
Blockbusting out: Hunger Games prequel reviewed
The prequel focuses on Coriolanus Snow (Tom Blyth), the future villainous President Snow of the original Hunger Games series, as a young man, following the events that lead to his “breaking bad.”
MCCAC and WAGAP announce winter shelters and outreach resources 2023-24
With severe weather hitting the region, the Mid-Columbia Community Action Council and its partners are ensuring our most vulnerable community members can access shelters, emergency lodging, and street outreach resources.
A Vision for the Future of the Lower White Salmon River
The Lower White Salmon Coalition, formed in 2016, is releasing its Vision Plan for the approximately five hundred acres of land owned by PacifiCorp along the lower White Salmon River representing the former project lands for the Condit Hydroelectric Project.
How do you find out what's going on in the Gorge? Share your thoughts, get free groceries
Oregon News Exploration is holding focus groups in upcoming weeks to get a better understanding how locals get their news. Read more about the group’s initial findings here and or sign up for a focus group and get $100 in groceries. Oh, that’s tasty.
Bingen making moves to get ahead of short-term rentals; law goes into effect in 2025
“A lot of cities are finding that they are overrun with STRs, and they have to establish limits because they haven’t planned accordingly, and we did not want to be in that position,” Krista Loney said. This ordinance will limit the number of STRs/vacation rentals allowed in the city to 32 units or 10 percent of the existing housing stock, whichever is less.
Native Dances bring a heartbeat to Chenowith Elementary
Giant hammering beats followed rhythmic cadence in the drum circle as Nick Reyes, Wesley Walsey and Ted Walsey brought the gym to life.
Developer aims to construct 78 units of housing in TD, addresses housing shortage
The Yakima-based developer intends to build 60 apartments, 18 townhouses and has already broken ground on the construction of a Starbucks near McDonald’s and The Dalles Bridge. The construction could address the dearth of housing in The Dalles, which has seen housing stocks at historic lows in the last several years.
Google grants $50k to student play in TD
The funds from Google will be used to train North Wasco County staff and purchase play equipment.
Dufur Frontloading Hometown Christmas on Dec. 9th
On Saturday, December 9th, join us for the annual Hometown Christmas, Dufur's classic, village Christmas celebration. This cherished tradition gets better every year, offering a full day of fun activities for all ages.
Experience the Magic of Christmas: 'A Christmas Carol' Comes to The Dalles
Serious Theater in partnership with the Oregon Community Foundation presents Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol.” Timeless and beloved by many, this classic story embodies the true meaning of Christmas – peace, love, and joy. Presented as a reader’s theater, the production “hits the boards” the weekend after Thanksgiving: Friday November 24th at 2:00 p.m.
Miraculous transformation? WaFd Bank intends to build on West 6th in TD
Michael Wannick submitted the application for the single-story bank with a drive-through and parking at 1014 W. Sixth Street, across the street from the Barbecue Restaurant earlier this month. The application is pending for comment and final decision.
WAGAP plans an interactive GivingTuesday
This year’s season of giving campaign, Two for GivingTuesday, will kick off at Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) beginning Tuesday, November 28, 2023. “We are inviting community members to stop by Stevenson, Bingen, and Goldendale Housing offices to say hello and pick up two free WAGAP shopping bags,” said Jennifer Pauletto, associate director.
LIHEAP Opening: MCCAC Ready to Keep Homes Warm for Mid-Columbia Residents
Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) is pleased to announce that we are now scheduling appointments for all household types for the December 1, 2023 opening date of our Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). With winter approaching, there will be an increased need for our most vulnerable community members to keep their homes warm and safe throughout the season.
TDHS Marching Ensemble raises baton, tests their brass at Northwest Competition
Starting in mid-August, these kids devote hundreds of hours throughout the season to perfect 5 minutes on the field. And it paid off. This year, The Dalles High School Marching Ensemble took this practice to the next level for the first time in the school’s history.
Oregon Employment Department Announces 2024 Rates for Unemployment Insurance and Paid Leave
Today, the Oregon Employment Department announced the 2024 contribution rate for Paid Leave in Oregon and the 2024 tax rate for Unemployment Insurance. The department is mailing each employer their annual notice of the new rates.
In Rain We Shine: The Dalles makes podium at State XC Championship
For the first time since 2014, the girls’ team made the podium at the State Championship, placing fourth at 141 points, just 3 points ahead of fellow Tri-Valley team Crook County.