From Punk to Pop local venues will rock... music, dancing, movies and more this weekend

Entertainment abounds this month with shows on tap at Working Hands Beer, Zim’s, Bargeway, Ruins, TD Civic, Grateful Vineyard, Everybody’s Brewing, Easter Bunny, Mid-Columbia Car Club Cruise-in, Double Mountain, River City Saloon, Cider Fest, Paint Night, Rockford Grange Hall, Granada, TD Library.

Were Cherry Blossoms tough enough to endure this morning's snowstorm?

Tough Enough? Mike Omeg said neither he nor any of his workmates can remember a snow when cherry trees were in blossom in the past 50 years. Local cherry trees hit with snow during the blooming season avoided freezing temperatures. Omeg said that bodes well for this summer’s crop. But it’s a long road to June.

Riverhawk Track & Field Off & Running; Senior night, final home meet set for April 13

Taylor Morehouse clearing the bar at 14'. The Dalles High School Senior is on a tear besting his state performance a year ago by increasing to 14’ 10” of late. And there is a whole lot more where that came from. Check out what’s happening with track and field athletes before they hold their final home meet on Wednesday, April 13 at 3:30 p.m. It’s senior night.

Yakama Nation encouraged by EPA and Army Corps commitments to clean up Bradford Island Superfund Site

Swift action and an inclusive cleanup process were the two main takeaways from a meeting between the Yakama Nation and officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Army Corps of Engineers about the Bradford Island Superfund Site. At yesterday’s meeting, EPA and the Army Corps committed to finalizing a federal facilities agreement within a year, expediting cleanup actions where possible, and fully engaging the Yakama Nation in all processes.