Burn Ban goes into effect June 10 as Summer comes knocking
The purpose of the debris burn ban is to ensure the safety of Wasco County residents. Human-caused wildfires are the number one cause of wildfire starts in Oregon and this burn ban aims to reduce that statistic. We urge all residents to abide by these restrictions and educate those who may be unaware of their importance.
Water Relay Race Makes a Splash at Colonel Wright Elementary
Fifth graders at Colonel Wright Elementary enjoyed a fun-filled water race organized by retired teacher Steve Chance. Mr. Chance, who returned to the school as a substitute teacher this year. Mr. Chance volunteered to revive the event, hoping to pass the event on to his son, a current teacher at the school in the future.
$3 Million Google Payment spurs city-county joint meeting on June 5
The group will discuss how to use Strategic Investment Program money from Google through recent agreements for the two new data centers being built on former aluminum smelter property in The Port of The Dalles.
Chip Seal Projects Scheduled for The Dalles Roads: Expect Short-Term Closures
The week of June 10, 2024, City and County crews will begin work on several pavement preservation projects. These chip seal projects will require short-duration road closures between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at each location on the date the work is scheduled to take place. Detours will be in place during work hours.
Free Kids Fishing Day Promises Family Fun at Spearfish Lake
On Saturday, June 8, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Klickitat County Trout Unlimited will host a Kids Fishing Day event from 9 a.m. to noon. The event is beginner-friendly and open to the public free of charge.
Shannon's Trivia Winner: Huteson is #1, well, actually lucky No. 17
Like a June tain, the answers poured out of the ether about the location of this “odd duck” in this week’s Trivia contest. Who knew that this used to be a restaurant for high school kids back in the day? Find out who won this week’s contest and took home the $25 for Shannon’s Ice Cream.
Wasco County Releases strategy for $6 million fire defense fund
Seven fire agencies pulled together to tackle the problem of creating defensible space as wildfires are expected to be a looming threat in years to come as tinder-dry conditions likely to persist in most of Wasco County.
The Dalles High School 2024 Graduation in Photos
Photos of the Day: The Dalles High School Graduating class of 2024
I Choose You: Gorge Pokeshop Throws a Master Ball at New Location in The Dalles
The Gorge Pokecenter unveiled its much-anticipated new location at 314 E 2nd St. in a festive ribbon-cutting ceremony orchestrated by The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, May 30.
Shannon's Trivia: Where is this building located in The Dalles?
This odd duck has had a colorful and pressing past in The Dalles. But do you know where it is located? Actual address or what is it in close proximity to? - there might be a pretty good landmark nearby.
TDHS Seniors Walk the Halls at Elementaries in Prep for Saturday Graduation
Handshakes and smiles were all around as parents clicked photographs and grabbed videos. Elementary teachers were visibly proud, seeing the students they mentored reaching their goal of graduating high school.
Notice of Vacancy: Hood River City Council
Notice is hereby given of a vacancy on the Hood River City Council, position of Councilor. The term for this vacancy expires on December 31, 2026.
Heights Streetscape Plan Update: Jurisdictional Transfer of HWY 281 to City of Hood River Underway
The Hood River Urban Renewal Agency (URA) has endorsed a letter of support to transfer the jurisdictional transfer of State Highway 281, from Oak Street to Pacific Avenue, in the Heights of Hood River to the City of Hood River. The jurisdictional transfer is a necessary step for the Agency to move forward with The Heights Streetscape Plan.
Future looks bright for Dufur Seniors who will take home $160k in scholarships
Dufur students were awarded $83,000 during the evening. There is more to come from the Jerri Walker Depriest Memorial Scholarship fund which will be awarded during graduation at Henderson Field, on Saturday, June 1st.
Hood River City Council Votes to Give Future Community Leaders a Raise
The Hood River City Council approved a resolution to increase compensation for future City Councilors and Mayors to foster a more inclusive and diverse community leadership. The resolution aims to reduce financial barriers to civic participation and make service on the City Council more accessible and attractive to a diverse range of candidates.
2nd Annual Juneteenth Celebration is June 16th!
Black in the Gorge will host its second annual Juneteenth celebration at Jackson Park from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on June 16, 2024! Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States and is a day of reflection and celebration of African American freedom and achievements. The free community event will feature an afternoon filled with plenty of music, food, crafts, dancing, and fun with various activities and a community art project celebrating freedom, liberation, community spirit and the contributions of the Black community in the Columbia Gorge.
Discover the Wonders of Science at the 2024 Gorge STEM Fair!
Mark your calendars for the 2024 Gorge STEM Fair - a free, outdoor, family-friendly event focused on all things STEM in the Gorge! Everyone in the community is welcome to attend! This year’s STEM Fair will take place on Saturday, June 22, 2024, from 10 a.m. to noon.
Walking Man's Blasquez Brews a journey to Stevenson
Beginning in the cellar at Three Creeks Brewing, Blasquez’s career led to four years as Lead Brewer at Bend Brewing Co., to large-scale production during his time with Sierra Nevada Brewing. Ryan’s path ultimately returned him to the Pacific Northwest, where a stint at Double Mountain led to the opportunity to become Walking Man’s Head Brewer.
Living Well: I just dropped in... (On the benefits of support groups)
One evening, as my co-leader and I closed a group meeting for family caregivers, I reminded those in attendance that one of the major benefits of participation in any support group is the opportunity it creates to simply check in with ourselves on a regular basis— to pause, to listen to our own thoughts and feelings and experiences, and to give voice to them— when that is often the one thing there is not time for in the midst of the sometimes all-consuming experience of caregiving itself. “Oh!” said one man in attendance, “It’s like the line in that song: ‘I just dropped in the see what condition my condition was in.’”
Your Gorge Guide to Pride 2024: Speed Friending, Drag Brunch, Game Nights, Dance Parties and more!
The Columbia Gorge Pride Alliance has unveiled their “30 Days of Gay” event schedule for LGBTQIA2S Pride Month, with a variety of events from book clubs to dance parties; game nights to lego builds; trivia to drag shows, there’s something for introverts and extroverts! No matter where you are on the rainbow spectrum. There’s even a “Speed Friending” event for those who want a little help forging new connections with other LGBTQIA2S+ folx in the gorge!