Is this building worth another $76,000?

At first sight, it seems a no-brainer. It could be a great annex to the park and a possible future location for tourism-related functions while providing an historic billboard to Interstate 84. TD City Council is set to ponder the future of the Gitchell building, which sits next to Lewis & Clark Park off First Street. The meeting is scheduled for tonight, Oct. 10, starting at 5:30 p.m.

Walk of the Town: City-wide walking tour allows residents and visitors alike to celebrate art, history, and what makes The Dalles unique

Life is in the details. And this week’s column by Sarah Cook calls out many of those in our own backyard. It’s easy to get tunnel vision and want to just get from A to B. But Cook shows us, if you take your foot off the gas for a moment, and grab a local guide app, there is some pretty cool stuff we walk past in TD without even noticing.

Mosier Issues Warning About Fat, Oil, and Grease Levels at City Wastewater Treatment Plant

The sewage flowing into the City’s wastewater treatment plant has high levels of fats, oils and grease which is causing problems with treating the wastewater prior to discharge to the Columbia River. These problems may lead to violations of water quality standards and pollution of the river resulting in closures of local beaches. The City could be fined by the State for violations.

Montbleau, Jarabe Mexicano kick of huge week of entertainment in Gorge

Jarabe, which translates to “concoction,” highlights the eclectic mix of genres Jarebe Mexicano perform ranging from Mexican Folk, Rock & Roll, and Norteño/Tex-Mex to Latin Rock, Trío Romántico, and popular Cumbia. They hit the stage on Thursday, Oct. 6 at The Dalles Civic. They’re not just musicians but educators and ambassadors of culture and a ton of fun.