Bickleton/Big Horn Fire Evacuation Update, July 23, 4 p.m.: Klickitat County

As of 7/23/2024 at 12:30 PM and most current:  

Level 3 "GO NOW" for North of Alder Creek, West to Crider Valley, East to Peterson; and from East Road to Sand Ridge Rd to the East and Alder Creek south to the  Columbia River.  

Level 2 "GET SET" for Middle Rd to the West, Coleman Rd to the North, Klickitat  County Line to the East; and from Sand Ridge Rd to the Klickitat County Line. 

Level 1 "GET READY" Evacuation for North of Coleman Rd to Stegeman and Van Horn,  West to East Rd, East to Klickitat County Line.

Shannon’s Trivia Winner: Creed riding the winner’s train

There were 21 correct answers including our own Sheriff, Lane Magill. So, we took those entries to the roundhouse and pounded the names and numbers as flat as a penny left on the tracks. We put those pennies in our hobo bag of chance and boiled it in our Buddy Burner until the train pulled out, and we ran halfway down the tracks reaching for the last open car. Ian Creed was inside the door holding out a hand like a magician. In his palm was the penny, lucky number 17 - our train hoppin’ winner.      

Engineer appeals height permit for 116-apartment Basalt Commons to TD Council tonight, July 22

The Basalt Commons is a calculated risk that could anchor the east side, which is now home to a new grocery in The Farm Stand and the urban renewal board is seeking new development on the Tony’s Town & Country site. Is The Dalles on the edge of major change? We’ll see as Councilors hear an appeal on the height of the 116-apartment building with commercial space.